Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Quick request if you get a chance. I've been dealing with some weird physical symptoms over the past couple of years that have started to get worse recently. I went to a neurologist a couple weeks ago and am awaiting some test results. I'll also be going through more tests in early June.

I'm a believer in the power of prayer and was hoping my Tennessee family might be willing to send up a couple of prayers for me.

Thanks and sorry for derailing the thread.
Prayers sent
Back at the ER. Fever and swelling over her right eye for our little girl. The swelling had initially went down but has come back. About to do scans. Would still gladly appreciate prayers. Thank you guys.
She has to go back to the OR again. They have to clean out infection and are gonna do a spinal tap to make sure it’s not in the brain. Staff infection most likely. Gonna be here another week. They’re glad they caught it early. Just need prayers.
I been thinking to myself all day..They said $35,000 threee or four times even after I said it, No way...they meant $3,500.
Since I did not physically see it, I will make sure next time I see brand. Crazy what is out there.

View attachment 458718
Gotta love a description of bourbon that says it “is very nice.” Very nice? I once paid about $12 for a drink that was very nice. I’m going to need a bit more for my remaining “$59,987
Wrong engineer this time.. @Brillovol is the one that’s gonna be sheet-faced by the first pitch. But I’m gonna try to catch up 🥃… just got home from our 7/8 little league game. We dropped one we shouldn’t have and I need a minute, I’m a tad rednek mad.
You got tossed by the ump, didn't you?
Game starting so late is ridiculous
I watched the first four innings and then took off my glasses and laid down on the couch, with the intent to listen until I fell asleep. I ended watching the last five innings without my glasses and not trying to sleep because I didn't want to get up and get them, LOL..
Gotta love a description of bourbon that says it “is very nice.” Very nice? I once paid about $12 for a drink that was very nice. I’m going to need a bit more for my remaining “$59,987
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