Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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The media is too toxic for Tennessee football....i hope DW puts them out of work
Knoxville has the WORST local media, period. It will be a good thing if radio silence purges a bunch of those A holes.

Right now everyone is freaking about Jancek and that’s a complete con job likely leaked by Jancek to get him a position spot (wouldn’t be a bad hire) or interest at another school. The only confirmed word on anything we’ve heard is Monday by CJH. The rest is churn and the hand wringing is all in your heads.

Edit: Monday announcement leads to coach on Sunday opinion. We will see Monday, but that’s where I’m leaning for now.
Knoxville has the WORST local media, period. It will be a good thing if radio silence purges a bunch of those A holes.

Right now everyone is freaking about Jancek and that’s a complete con job likely leaked by Jancek to get him a position spot (wouldn’t be a bad hire) or interest at another school. The only confirmed word on anything we’ve heard is Monday by CJH. The rest is churn and the hand wringing is all in your heads.
Knox media is wolfish. Small market covering one program.
No, I bet he doesn’t. Put yourself in his shoes, it’d be awkward as hell to be there after his best bud got pulled out of the closet before his eyes.

Money talks and heals hurt feelings... Add another $800,000 of FU Money to his paycheck and watch him laser focused and kill it on D..............
Almost all SEC school is in a small market, but none of them (too my knowledge) are as bad as ours. Never seen local media try to cut the throat of the beast that feeds them like here.
how much experience/time have you spent relative to experiencing TN media?
I think the best thing we can do at this point is try to stay out of headlines... And just show some level of competency from leadership (president to HC), and "look" different on the field, regardless of the result.

And by that I mean... Showing some offense, some fun and some belief (players and fans) ... And it can't look artificial or manufactured.

If we can get there, we'll give ourselves a chance in games and in recruiting, because that will mean leadership is getting buy-in... Real buy in..

Less talk. More walk.
Why should we care what the media says about us? Coaches and players we want to come to our university obviously do. DW was referencing Tweets so you're safe I guess. Although the fans are victims of a bad athletic department, bad hires and problem boosters, they use us to get what they want.....Phil out, this coach in, this coach out, repeat..... My point stands. We have a new AD that is working to fix the incompetence we're all sick of. We have a choice of making his job more difficult or making it easier. Yelling and screaming about what coaches we want is not going to do anything but make the best coaches not want to come. But it's a free world at the moment.
No. We pay our hard-earned money to watch this team suck year after year after year, then all of a sudden we're a "toxic" fan base? No. I agree, the incompetence needs to be fixed. But dont lump the one great part of this football program in with the rest of the crap of the last 15 years. Do we have idiot fans? Sure. But most of us just want to see a winner. Focus on changing that rather than us, Mr. White.

By the way, I think we are on the same side. But it burns me up when someone tries to paint this fanbase negatively when we keep coming back to watch our team every saturday.
So we need an Admiral Schofield and Grant Williams of football.

Yes. They made everybody else better around them, although I would argue Bone was also integral to success with Admiral and Grant. The point you made remains the truth.

Key players need to buy in totally and do everything they can personally to improve. It started with CJH's leadership counsel. Those guys have to totally sell out to the program. As Bass posted about Barnes, that's how it has to go to be successful long term. I posted something similar in the basketball forum back when they hired Barnes. They ridiculed me since I was not a regular and in with the group thought leaders. Sure enough after the first two years of development the program took off. Now 5* players are taking the program serious. CJH needs to go about it the same way. Develop and get the program competitive again. Build the foundation. Then it will take off and recruit itself. It will be even easier to recruit to UT in football than in basketball where they do not even have a FF in the entire history.
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