Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I really don’t see it that way. I think the best teams get the best breaks Bc they make them happen. In every sport. Bama, Clemson, Ohio state. Patriots for so long. Chiefs now. Jordan bulls. Lebrons teams. When you are elite things just go your way and you get the benefit of the doubt.
I agree with you to a certain extent, once they get to a certain point though its hard to call things against them. Its been that way since the beginning of sports though.
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It's time we stop even looking at what Florida and Alabama and Georgia are doing. It's irrelevant right now.

We need to be looking at Vanderbilt, Kentucky, Missouri, and South Carolina. THOSE are the teams we have to be beating first.

This is the sad truth. We all want the 90’s UT dominance back but really what we need is the 90’s incompetence at Bama, Georgia, Clemson, and LSU back. Those teams were average in the 90’s and we feasted on recruiting in their areas.

I feel we are setup to be a strong #3 in the east in 3 years. Which is better than what we have been in the last 15 years, but until those 4 I mentioned above screw up a hire and come back to our level the 90’s dominance isn’t coming back.
NFL guys having interest in our DC opening kind of gives me pause. Reason being, some guys may come here hoping for just a paycheck and “relax” till our assumed bowl ban is over. I just don’t want another lazy ass coach.

Guess the same could be said for college guys as well
This is the sad truth. We all want the 90’s UT dominance back but really what we need is the 90’s incompetence at Bama, Georgia, Clemson, and LSU back. Those teams were average in the 90’s and we feasted on recruiting in their areas.

I feel we are setup to be a strong #3 in the east in 3 years. Which is better than what we have been in the last 15 years, but until those 4 I mentioned above screw up a hire and come back to our level the 90’s dominance isn’t coming back.

This is why no one should ever root for the "SEC" in bowl games or the playoff. TN needs these teams to stumble to get back on solid footing.
Some notes:

For the time being I’m not comparing our recruiting to elite teams in our conference. I don’t think our immediate objective can be to become elite. I think the first step is to become a consistently competent football team, on both sides of the ball, and in special teams. In other words I think we need to shoot for being solid.

I went and looked at the five classes Matt Campbell has recruited to Iowa State. Of course he has a good record for developing his recruits and has had some success against superiorly talented teams and what may be considered elite programs. No he doesn’t play our schedule but I figure if he can field a team that can compete for the B12 title that’s got to be pretty good. The JUCO OT we just signed was recruited to ISU by Campbell so I’m good. So skip the stars and rankings done by commercial outfits – I want to know if one of the coaches I like thinks enough of the guy to offer a scholarship.

To all those who are still griping about the hire or some other aspect of where we’re at or where we may be headed, once you’ve made your point you don’t really need to harp on it. I mean almost everyone in this thread had a negative reaction to hiring Butch Jones but jumped on board once the deal was done. The same with Pruitt. The initial leak of Heupel to be our coach wasn’t widely received with acclaim. Quite the contrary. But in this thread everyone pretty much gets on board for at least 2 or 3 years once the press conference is over. All the negativity is put on the shelf for the time being in the hopes it won’t have to be brought back in the future. So far we’ve always brought it back in due course. So if you’re still stuck in complaining mode, your timing is off. Consider parking it on the shelf until such a time as you might find a host of like-minded folks.

One of the things I do when we hire a new coach is I go find the press conferences they give after a loss. I did this with Pruitt in particular because I wanted to know how he handled getting beat by Butch Jones. He was lost. I’ve looked at I guess 3 or 4 of JH’s pressers from losses to teams they may have been expected to beat. It sort of gives you an idea of what to expect going forward. Character is defined more in adversity than anything else. Neither Butch nor Jeremy had it. People will judge JH on their own.

I think this could possibly sort of work or not. We’re going to find out one way or the other and, whichever way we think this may end up right now, only time will tell. In this thread we don’t need DW to tell us to be positive after a hire is made. It’s what comes natural for most who post here. It doesn’t always last but that’s something we can worry about down the road.

Here’s something I can share. I was maybe one of the last to jump on the fire Butch train and I didn’t really think we were going to fire Jeremy. I could get boiling mad at both of them at times and wish we were in different hands but I don’t think I have ever led the pack in advocating for a replacement. I actually thought there was a possibility that Jeremy might have been able to bounce back in 2021 but I really didn’t know anything about all the behind the scenes stuff. Now I don’t see how he could have stayed. Anyway, I figure sometime in the next 2 or 3 years whether it’s the sentiment today or not we’ll be a bit less forgiving of any shortcomings we may perceive in our program and its leadership. Today is not that day. jmo.
NFL guys having interest in our DC opening kind of gives me pause. Reason being, some guys may come here hoping for just a paycheck and “relax” till our assumed bowl ban is over. I just don’t want another lazy ass coach.

Guess the same could be said for college guys as well
I feel like going from college to the NFL is the direction you take if you're looking to just kick it or run out the clock. Not the other way around. My blind optimism has me hoping there's some NFL guys who really think JH is a smart dude and want to come and work with him now that he has a big boy program.
NFL guys having interest in our DC opening kind of gives me pause. Reason being, some guys may come here hoping for just a paycheck and “relax” till our assumed bowl ban is over. I just don’t want another lazy ass coach.

Guess the same could be said for college guys as well

What a strange leap of logic. Is it possible a lazy coach wants to come be DC at UT from the NFL. Sure, I guess. But to assume that is the most likely logic behind an NFL coach wanting to come to UT is strange and almost certainly very unlikely.
What a strange leap of logic. Is it possible a lazy coach wants to come be DC at UT from the NFL. Sure, I guess. But to assume that is the most likely logic behind an NFL coach wanting to come to UT is strange and almost certainly very unlikely.

With everything happening with UT? I’d come here and chill for a paycheck.
NFL guys having interest in our DC opening kind of gives me pause. Reason being, some guys may come here hoping for just a paycheck and “relax” till our assumed bowl ban is over. I just don’t want another lazy ass coach.

Guess the same could be said for college guys as well
NFL defensive assistant is going to be less work than college defensive coordinator.

In college, you have two jobs instead of only one. Well. Unless your name is Jim Chaney.
Keith Etheredge is a POS honestly, after hearing that interview. Who says they are going to prevent their kids from going to a SEC D1 school?

High School coaches shouldn't prevent any of their players from going anywhere they want to.
Some high school coaches are way too involved in the recruiting process. Guide and advise the kid when he/she wants it, but otherwise stay out of it. It’s not about the coach.

I say this as a 22-year high school teacher who has been around the process.
With everything happening with UT? I’d come here and chill for a paycheck.
There are plenty of people in the world happy to chill for a big paycheck, but I doubt that applies to any NFL assistants who have worked their way into a position to be considered for this job. Those guys are still on their way up and looking for an opportunity to prove themselves. Money can sway them to take a job (or not) but they're not likely to crap on their career just for a few years of good pay.
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