Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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If Pruitt hires an OL or DL coach... well, then that means something. Hiring Steele in an off-field/analyst position doesn’t mean a thing.

The are discussing with Steele a Defensive Assistant position. The position with be with the LBs after contracts expire at the end of the month. It will also include either an Asst. HC title or Defensive Coordinator title depending on what happens to Ansley.
Stepping in here - dude - yes, they do have to like the hire. Or at least be on board with it. Truth - a lot of these posters use their hard-earned cash to buy an overpriced football ticket and overpriced hot dog or Petros. They may be able to only afford to see one game a year but make it an event when they do. This team/franchise depends on their/our support. If it doesn’t care, why should they? Bury it and become a basketball school. You sound like a snob and you don’t want to be sitting in an empty stadium listening to fake crowd noise do you?
UT could trot out Ernest T. Bass as head football coach and folks would be on fire for the guy come fall.
We haven't considered one option... Pruitt isn't hiring Steele, Fulmer is. Ole Fulmer gonna trot out there as head coach next year. He sees Mack Brown and says, "I can do that too." Tee is on staff, Jay is on staff, Chaney, a man right up Phil's alley, is on staff, Chavis is right down the road to come in and coach Line backers. Steele will be Fulmer's DC. It's all coming together! The band's getting back together!

Good grief Bass you have gone full QAnon
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We haven't considered one option... Pruitt isn't hiring Steele, Fulmer is. Ole Fulmer gonna trot out there as head coach next year. He sees Mack Brown and says, "I can do that too." Tee is on staff, Jay is on staff, Chaney, a man right up Phil's alley, is on staff, Chavis is right down the road to come in and coach Line backers. Steele will be Fulmer's DC. It's all coming together! The band's getting back together!
Would work
We haven't considered one option... Pruitt isn't hiring Steele, Fulmer is. Ole Fulmer gonna trot out there as head coach next year. He sees Mack Brown and says, "I can do that too." Tee is on staff, Jay is on staff, Chaney, a man right up Phil's alley, is on staff, Chavis is right down the road to come in and coach Line backers. Steele will be Fulmer's DC. It's all coming together! The band's getting back together!
Yep, this will be their greatest hit. Big Phil on lead vocals with newly pierced ears.
UT could trot out Ernest T. Bass as head football coach and folks would be on fire for the guy come fall.
Where we have our seats, attendance has been getting sparser and sparser. Lots of room to spread out. And we even tried to give away our tickets to a couple of games 2 seasons ago and couldn’t find takers. We sit under cover on the 45. If you don’t think enthusiasm is already waning, you’re crazy. Have you seen the student section? Don’t count this year - look back 2 seasons.
#1 Steele comes on in an "off the field" role. Pruitt is retained, fired next year, and Steele takes over as HC.

#2 Steele comes on in "off the field" role, Pruitt is fired later this week. Tennessee conducts a search. No one wants the job and Steele is promoted to HC.

#3 Steele comes on in "off the field" role, and is promoted to DC for some other HC not named Pruitt. Likely Marrone or someone worse like Chadwell.

It will be one of the above scenarios, with one of the first two being the most likely and my money is on #1.
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