Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Hes got one more chance Saturday imo. If he loses then I think he loses the fan base. UK was bad but UGA and AL were expected losses.

I sort of expect the offense to sputter like usual, but dagnabit I wanna see this defense put a vise grip on Arky like we haven’t seen all year.

I don’t think this team can finish strong without beating this Arky team.
Absolutely praying for your dad, you and your brother.

Hesitant to mention this because I don’t know the situation, but that sounds similar to some of the early signs my dad exhibited with what we eventually learned is dementia. His showed up in his early-to-mid sixties. There was a sudden drop in activity and an inability to recover from it. He dealt with depression at times, but it became a whole different animal once dementia emerged. He retreated from everyone. Covered his windows and didn’t want to be around folks aside from his kids and grandkids. A neurologist could help to assess. And the basic assessments they do are really low key. Praying for you.

Thank you. And I'm sorry about your dad as well. Dementia is an awful disease.

Maybe 10 years ago, my dad fell off an elevated platform at his work and broke his back. He ended up getting steroids for the first time. They completely changed his personality. Before, he was always a quiet, even-keeled person. After the accident, he started experiencing the highest of highs, then went on to the lowest of lows. I truly believe steroids caused my dad to be bipolar. My dad won't see a doctor or recognize the state he's in. He thinks taking medication shows weakness, though I've told him there can be an actual chemical imbalance in his brain. This time last year, he was doing well - golfing multiple times a week, selling vegetables from his garden at the farmer's market, doing woodwork for fun, and just staying busy. Now, he sits on his couch all day.
Prayers sent your way. Maybe reach out to your church pastor and to see if he can suggest someone who could provide in home counseling----both for your family, as well as your dad. Depression can be helped with proper medication too. Good luck.

This is a really good idea. The wife of one of the pastors at my church has struggled some with depression. They have both shared stories of their journey. It may help my dad to talk to someone who understands and who is a good communicator. Thank you.
Cant believe Jauan Jennings had such a bad showing with the 49ers that they arent bringing him back when they literally have 1 healthy wr. Is there any other explanation?

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