Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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We luckily got screwed by Amazon's recurring purchase option. That is how we get all our paper towels and toilet paper. Well, when we started having too much backstock, the 'cancel recurring shipment' option didn't take for many months. So now we just have boxes and boxes and boxes of paper stacked up.

I just knew it would come in handy one day.
I went through my friends house one time touching all those little buttons, i had no idea i was ordering things for their house LOL
What test do doctors run to determine dementia, my wife is having memory problems and they can't seem to find the problem. Just had a spinal tap done yesterday.

Sorry - I meant the questionnaire was a screener for COVID-19.

I’ve learned there are a lot of conditions that cause cognitive impairment.

For Dementia, there are some pretty basic tests they do. Since dad has been diagnosed, the neurologist also does a battery of different tests with him each visit to monitor progression. Touch your nose, touch my finger, how many fingers am I holding up, do this action with your hands, push your knee up against my hand, push your other knee, etc.

This is a very helpful site.

Clinical Stages of Alzheimer’s
NBA let magic play with aids but gonna cancel because they’re scared of the flu.

LOL. Someone mentioned this in another thread. HIV can only be transferred by exchanges of bodily fluid. Not by just contact. Plus, Magic retired immediately and only played in the All Star game and Olympics.
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This is totally a "if a tree falls in the woods..." thing and I heard nothing.
Barnes going to come to Fulmer soon and say I have made the tournament x amount of years in a row.

Fulmer counters with c’mon Rick you weren’t making it in 2020.

Prove it
Sorry - I meant the questionnaire was a screener for COVID-19.

I’ve learned there are a lot of conditions that cause cognitive impairment.

For Dementia, there are some pretty basic tests they do. Since dad has been diagnosed, the neurologist also does a battery of different tests with him each visit to monitor progression. Touch your nose, touch my finger, how many fingers am I holding up, do this action with your hands, push your knee up against my hand, push your other knee, etc.

This is a very helpful site.

Clinical Stages of Alzheimer’s

Two other tests:
Drawing a clock
Counting backwards from 100 to 0 by 7’s.
We luckily got screwed by Amazon's recurring purchase option. That is how we get all our paper towels and toilet paper. Well, when we started having too much backstock, the 'cancel recurring shipment' option didn't take for many months. So now we just have boxes and boxes and boxes of paper stacked up.

I just knew it would come in handy one day.
Walmart sold out of toilet paper. Dude Wipes and similar butt wipes are full on the side counters. They clean better and take up less space. Much more efficient.

I’m sure @Bassmaster_Vol can attest
I am a medical transit driver. I picked the guy up at the nursing home he resides in, and drove him to Good Samaritan hospital in Lexington for his regular bi-monthly wound care treatment...which is one of the busiest facilities in the state.

When I dropped him back off at the nursing home...they just rolled him on in. All they are doing at that facility is checking the staffs temp when they show up for work. Nobody else is allowed in right now...

From what a admin there at the home told me today when I expressed my concern, was that they have no test to like I said, all I can do is pray there was nothing floating around at Good Sam.
Yep. I had it backwards, I thought you were dropping at the hospital. But yep, no tests yet. Quest and Labcorp can test, but for whatever reason the health department hasn’t given the green light.
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Yep. I had it backwards, I thought you were dropping at the hospital. But yep, no tests yet. Quest and Labcorp can test, but for whatever reason the health department hasn’t given the green light.
I figured..I also worded that really weird. I have a weird kind of dyslexic manifestation..usually my posts when I first type them resemble a Yoda quote. I have to triple check my longer posts, and still do not get them right sometimes.
I went to college at the wrong time. I would have done anything to get out of geology labs at UT. Being color blind and having to identify rocks and such was terrible.
Lmao. Only class i'm concerned about is my OCHEM II lab. I've heard either it gets pushed to next semester or we write reports. We're already over halfway done I don't want to push it back.

But yeah I'm 26 and at no real risk. I'm thinking about making a trip down to my parent's rental house down in FL and just chilling for the rest of the semester. haha 11hr drive why the hell not
I figured..I also worded that really weird. I have a weird kind of dyslexic manifestation..usually my posts when I first type them resemble a Yoda quote. I have to triple check my longer posts, and still do not get them right sometimes.
Lol ditto. But seriously, stay safe out there man. Maybe consider wearing disposable gloves if you come in contact with a lot of people.
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I figured..I also worded that really weird. I have a weird kind of dyslexic manifestation..usually my posts when I first type them resemble a Yoda quote. I have to triple check my longer posts, and still do not get them right sometimes.
So like TerryPedigo only you were born with both thumbs and index fingers?
Lmao. Only class i'm concerned about is my OCHEM II lab. I've heard either it gets pushed to next semester or we write reports. We're already over halfway done I don't want to push it back.

But yeah I'm 26 and at no real risk. I'm thinking about making a trip down to my parent's rental house down in FL and just chilling for the rest of the semester. haha 11hr drive why the hell not
You are livin the life my friend. College years were great times, at least undergrad.

Grad school, while working full-time, made me appreciate the enjoyment of undergrad that much more, though I had it pretty easy as an undergrad too. Chose an easy major and made my living with online poker during those years. So much fun back then.

Enjoy while you can. Before you know it you'll be like all these old silverhairs on here talking about their 40th coming up, back aches, and young whipersnappers not wearing the appropriate long-sleeve shirts and khakis to the gym.
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