Recruiting Football Talk VII


You can hate the NCAA and believe they are obsolete while still recognizing they aren't defunct yet. They still have the power to level punishment on actual rule breakers. They attempted to overreach and apply rules retroactively that would break anti-trust laws. That's why we won. That doesn't mean they suddenly have absolutely no power whatsoever.
If they have no jurisdiction over NIL and paying money to players then the only thing they really police is contact during dead periods. That and they can sanction post season tournaments (except FBS football) and that is about it. The ruling defanged the NCAA of its major power.
I still think it's funny how EVERYONE associated in any way to bama was thinking they were gonna scorch us... It's like they expected it...They (including Bias Bilas) were shocked we stepped up and whipped their butts... is it arrogance spilling over from football? Don't get it... We are the #4 team in the country and they thought we were just gonna come in and roll over?
I think the game being in T-town fueled their confidence.
If they have no jurisdiction over NIL and paying money to players then the only thing they really police is contact during dead periods. That and they can sanction post season tournaments (except FBS football) and that is about it. The ruling defanged the NCAA of its major power.
Just contact them, claiming that you're discussing NIL. Court injunction prohibits enforcement of ANY NIL rules.
Wade cracked me up…. He would sign all the top notch guys that would never make it to campus…. I had front row seats for the 5 win season.
It was maddening. And I just knew he would be a huge upgrade from Devoe…even if Louisville didn’t let Allan out of his NIL. They did and he wasn’t. 😔
Have y'all ever read into the history of the Nashvols and the crazy field they played on: Sulphur Dell.

The ballpark's best-known features were its short distance to the right field wall (262 ft (80 m)) and its significant terrace or sloping outfield: a steep incline that ran along the entire outfield wall, most dramatically in right and center fields.
Yep, started posting here when I was 11, 😂. 23 is too young. Majority of people under about 28-30 are still idiots and they don't even know it. . . most of them think they're geniuses.

I should've went with 33, old enough to believe I'm not an idiot, but young enough to still be one. . . reality is I'm old enough & just barely smart enough now to know how dumb I really am and that there isn't a lot that can be done about it, 😂.
I still think it's funny how EVERYONE associated in any way to bama was thinking they were gonna scorch us... It's like they expected it...They (including Bias Bilas) were shocked we stepped up and whipped their butts... is it arrogance spilling over from football? Don't get it... We are the #4 team in the country and they thought we were just gonna come in and roll over?
You’re making this too hard. They’re Bammers — they don’t even know how to spell logic.
Yep, started posting here when I was 11, 😂. 23 is too young. Majority of people under about 28-30 are still idiots and they don't even know it. . . most of them think they're geniuses.

I should've went with 33, old enough to believe I'm not an idiot, but young enough to still be one. . . reality is I'm old enough & just barely smart enough now to know how dumb I really am and that there isn't a lot that can be done about it, 😂.
Your 23? You like a lot of my posts, makes me feel like I’m still pretty cool then. 😎

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