Recruiting Football Talk VII

On the Andy Katz tweet,

UNC and Bama are on the selection committee. How would I be surprised if UNC got the fourth 1 seed and Bama got sent to the West in our place, so to speak?

We've already seen the shift from "the conference tourneys don't count" when we won the tourney to "this year we're changing the rules because Tennessee is presumptive 1 seed, so the conference tourneys will determine the 1 seed."

Just keep playing hard, and let the chips fall where they may. GBO!
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We need to quit worrying about the seeding….
and why is anyone shocked if UNC or Arizona got it over Tennessee. We literally are trying to kill the NCAA lol. Some don’t like that.
Also why is everyone surprised a blue blood might get a 1 seed over us. We’re a football/women’s bball school historically.
I am too lazy to scroll back to read through, so forgive me if this topic has been discussed today.

Vandy to be pushed out of the SEC and A&M may leave because of their hatred of the Longhorns?

This is a lazy take by this dude. Josh Pate just did a realignment segment last week where he took Vandy out of the SEC and made them an Independent with Notre Dame and BYU. Also moved A&M out to the SWC.

Idk if this guy is saying its happening or if he's just speculating a realignment scenario
I want us to be a 1 seed really bad, but I also want the easiest path to the final 4 more, If that means being a 2 seed in UCONNs bracket then so be it. I will say, if they were to give the final 1 seed to anyone but us, it should be unc because they have H2H against us
Just had this done 3 months ago (the day after my vasectomy). It really wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. Ask to get the splits out ASAP. I was relatively back to normal after about a week. The doctor took the splits out about 2 days after the procedure.
I have been told to take the splints out myself today. Said I could come in but it wasnt necessary. Also, the doc is 1.5hrs and an $18 (each way) 17-mile bridge toll.

I'll go back next Tuesday for an inspection and clean-up.
This is a lazy take by this dude. Josh Pate just did a realignment segment last week where he took Vandy out of the SEC and made them an Independent with Notre Dame and BYU. Also moved A&M out to the SWC.

Idk if this guy is saying its happening or if he's just speculating a realignment scenario
I like Josh Pate's "realignment" scenario, though I know it won't happen. Mega-conferences are here to stay, I fear. :cool:


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What sucks is kids today read this and think Grant is a punk but truthfully he is just being a leader and trying to make the team better
What he did to Luka in practice was a good thing. Team leader wasn't holding the expectation/standard in practice. You want to see someone bold and brave enough to call him out.

Who wouldn't want Vescovi or Gainey or Mashack to call out Knecht if he's sleep walking through practice?

The flip of the coin is when Grant did that to Jimmy Butler in the playoffs and Butler took over the game and series. You've got to know when and where is appropriate.
Nick Saban is a pathetic clown. May we continue to carpet bomb the AA and its supporters into smithereens. Literally moaning and groaning about student athletes making money for putting their minds, bodies and futures on the line so that clowns like him and the execs of his employer can make tens of millions of dollars from a sport that the fans and TV advertisers actually fund. What a tool. Typical Bammer - has no idea how stupid and trash he sounds. Fire up those Chargers, Nicky. Oh wait, You quit when the players wanted real money now.
Happy Wednesday

MARCH 2024 March 13, 2024: You are still in a season of spiritual harvest from the seeds you have sown. Make a mental note of what your harvest looks like at this time, and make the necessary adjustments in what you did to be where you are today. Do not give up. Do the best you can to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. Galatians 6:8-10 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith
March 13, 1781

German-born English astronomer William Herschel discovered Uranus. He discovered Uranus while surveying stars in the night sky using a telescope that he had built himself. Herschel noticed that one of these "stars" seemed different, and after observing it many more times, noticed that it orbited the Sun.


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