Recruiting Football Talk VII

The fact that Saban, who made over 100 million dollars and owns 3 multimillion dollars home including 2 that he paid over 10 mil$ complain about players getting paid is laughable

Im sure Saban and his wife were people that genuinely cared about the athletes but the hypocrisy is insane especially considering they paid guys under the table
I am too lazy to scroll back to read through, so forgive me if this topic has been discussed today.

Vandy to be pushed out of the SEC and A&M may leave because of their hatred of the Longhorns?

Y'all could have prayed for a little less pain too. (Sarcasm)

Worst pain I've ever had in my life right now. 3 vials of percocet and some fentanyl and I'm at a 6 on the pain scale now. Feels worse than the initial break. Feels like they ripped my teeth out, broke my nose, horrible headache and my neck stiff as a board.

Apparently my nose was in worse shape than anticipated. I had dozens of fractures and bone shards floating around.
Wow, sorry to hear that. Really hope you get some relief soon.
Prayers requested folks. Leaving shortly to get a septoplasty to correct my deviated septum. Not looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to better sleep and fewer sinus infections.

Prayers for my wife who's going to have to run the house and take care of my sorry butt while I'm laid up. Bless her.
Just had this done 3 months ago (the day after my vasectomy). It really wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. Ask to get the splits out ASAP. I was relatively back to normal after about a week. The doctor took the splits out about 2 days after the procedure.
I am too lazy to scroll back to read through, so forgive me if this topic has been discussed today.

Vandy to be pushed out of the SEC and A&M may leave because of their hatred of the Longhorns?

Vandy should be gone. At this point they’re nothing more than a parasite and an embarrassment. Being founders and an automatic win for the rest of the conference is not enough reasoning to keep them. Put the dozens on fans out of their misery.
What sucks is kids today read this and think Grant is a punk but truthfully he is just being a leader and trying to make the team better

Kinda being too loud in the league for a role player in my opinion..he was never like that in college so like?..what changed 🤔 I’ll never know unless Boston did that to him.
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