
In the beginning I think you're right. The first 2-3 years of the current generation, the 360 was home to some great exclusives such as Gears of War, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, etc. However somewhere along the line it shifted IMO. Probably right around the time MS introduced the Kinect. It's like once that peripheral was brought out, MS went completely into cruise control in terms of offering any abundance of quality exclusives and instead seemed to rely almost solely on 3rd party multi-console titles and focusing more on apps and non-gaming related services. Around that same time, Sony was really ramping up their in-house exclusive library, started making improvements to their PSN network, and finally with PS Plus started offering a great value to gamers with all the free games. Is it any wonder that the PS3 surpassed the 360 in global sales, despite the 1 year head start and better sticker price that MS had in the beginning?

I'll 100% disagree with you here. Quarterly sales from the time the kinect was released til now completely discredit your opinion here. Unless we arent using sales figures as a component in determining the best console.
I'll 100% disagree with you here. Quarterly sales from the time the kinect was released til now completely discredit your opinion here. Unless we arent using sales figures as a component in determining the best console.

Quartely sales of what? Systems sold? Games sold? What area of sales are you talking about? In terms of total global units sold, the PS3 HAS surpassed the 360.

Having said that, It's no secret that attach rates are higher on 360 than it is on PS3. I'm not disputing that at all. But I think it could definitely be argued that PS3 offers a much broader library of exclusives in both quality and variety. 360 basically has 3 AAA exclusive franchises; Halo, Forza, and Gears of War. The remainder of what's so popular on 360 are multiconsole titles like Madden, Call of Duty, GTA, and Battlefield. PS3 had Metal Gear 4, God of War, Little Big Planet, Killzone, Infamous, Gran Turismo, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, The Last of Us, Journey, Wipeout HD, Twisted Metal, Ratchet and Clank, etc.

Live is really the 360's biggest selling point, not it's game library and admittedly, it's a powerful selling point. Players buy 360's because they're friends have 360's and they can play competitively against each other through Live. For me, the console's network service was not my biggest concern when picking a system. It was which one offers the best and biggest variety of exclusive games. IMO that system was easily PS3 and it really has been the case since the original Playstation. Then again, I'm primarily a single player kind of gamer so online multiplayer wasn't that important to me.
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Quartely sales of what? Systems sold? Games sold? What area of sales are you talking about? In terms of total global units sold, the PS3 HAS surpassed the 360.

Having said that, It's no secret that attach rates are higher on 360 than it is on PS3. I'm not disputing that at all. But I think it could definitely be argued that PS3 offers a much broader library of exclusives in both quality and variety. 360 basically has 3 AAA exclusive franchises; Halo, Forza, and Gears of War. The remainder of what's so popular on 360 are multiconsole titles like Madden, Call of Duty, GTA, and Battlefield. PS3 had Metal Gear 4, God of War, Little Big Planet, Killzone, Infamous, Gran Turismo, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, The Last of Us, Journey, Wipeout HD, Twisted Metal, Ratchet and Clank, etc.

Live is really the 360's biggest selling point, not it's game library and admittedly, it's a powerful selling point. Players buy 360's because they're friends have 360's and they can play competitively against each other through Live. For me, the console's network service was not my biggest concern when picking a system. It was which one offers the best and biggest variety of games. IMO that system was easily PS3. Then again, I'm primarily a single player kind of gamer so online multiplayer wasn't that important to me.

Worldwide console sales, yes, the PS3 has slightly surpassed the 360.........was really talking about console sales in the US. You take out Japan sales figures which the 360 is barely even in the conversation while Nintendo and Sony dominate, the 360 is the better seller by a large margin.
Worldwide console sales, yes, the PS3 has slightly surpassed the 360.........was really talking about console sales in the US. You take out Japan sales figures which the 360 is barely even in the conversation while Nintendo and Sony dominate, the 360 is the better seller by a large margin.

Oh yeah, totally! I don't argue wth that at all. The 360 was and still is the defacto system of choice in the US. However it is a global market. If Sony gains even just a 50% share of the market in North America with PS4, they will dominate globally because MS has no shot in the Asian market and the Wii U is practically on death's door.
Here was my situation with the two systems.

I had a PS3 from a little after release up until now and just got the Xbox 360 from a friend before MW3 came out. After using the two I think that the 360 was a better system. Live was better in my opinion, with party chat and a more interactive experience. I never had any random 9807391081 error - Cant sign in - with the Xbox that I had with the PS3 time and time again. I think the Xbox controller is lightyears better than the Sixaxis and Dualshock 3. I cant stand the PS3 controllers.

From the exclusive content, I agree on the point that Xbox had the upper hand, then tides turned. In the early years of my PS3 days, I watched my friends play countless games that looked fun, only to look them up and reveal their 360 exclusiveness. However, these days, with Naughty Dog's Uncharted installments and The Last Of Us, alongside games like LBP and God of War ( and others) I do believe the PS3 gave its loyal fans what they deserved.
Here was my situation with the two systems.

I had a PS3 from a little after release up until now and just got the Xbox 360 from a friend before MW3 came out. After using the two I think that the 360 was a better system. Live was better in my opinion, with party chat and a more interactive experience. I never had any random 9807391081 error - Cant sign in - with the Xbox that I had with the PS3 time and time again. I think the Xbox controller is lightyears better than the Sixaxis and Dualshock 3. I cant stand the PS3 controllers.

From the exclusive content, I agree on the point that Xbox had the upper hand, then tides turned. In the early years of my PS3 days, I watched my friends play countless games that looked fun, only to look them up and reveal their 360 exclusiveness. However, these days, with Naughty Dog's Uncharted installments and The Last Of Us, alongside games like LBP and God of War ( and others) I do believe the PS3 gave its loyal fans what they deserved.

Plus a lot of those AAA exclusives eventually made their way to PS3. What MS should have done was invest in aquiring some of these developers for themselves rather than paying for so much timed exclusivity and money hats on timed exclusive content. Bioware is a perfect example! Mass Effect absolutely was a AAA franchsie that the 360 had all to themselves. Why didn't MS purchase Bioware instead of EA? MS probably could have had them, 2K Games (Bioshock), and Bethesda (Elder Scrolls). If they had secured 100% exclusivity from those 3 developers alone, hell even I would have bought a 360. As it stands they couldn't even hold onto Bungie, creators of MS' most important IP by a mile! I dont care what it would have taken, you don't lose a developer like that! MS loaded their system up with great core franchises on the front end of the system's life cycle and then just sort of petered out on the back half of it's cycle. Nowadays they're letting multiconsole titles Call of Duty, Madden, Battlefield, etc do all the heavy lifting for them while allowing Live to continue to be it's biggest selling point.

It looks to me like the same thing is happening this generation. The early games for The Xbox One look great. But how long do these exclusives last? MS currently has exclusivity for Titanfall, but I think the worst kept secret in the industry is that it's also coming to PS4 eventually. Ryse: Son of Rome is made by Crytek. No reason not to expect that one on PS4 at some point.
Plus a lot of those AAA exclusives eventually made their way to PS3. What MS should have done was invest in aquiring some of these developers for themselves rather than paying for so much timed exclusivity and money hats on timed exclusive content. Bioware is a perfect example! Mass Effect absolutely was a AAA franchsie that the 360 had all to themselves. Why didn't MS purchase Bioware instead of EA? MS probably could have had them, 2K Games (Bioshock), and Bethesda (Elder Scrolls). If they had secured 100% exclusivity from those 3 developers alone, hell even I would have bought a 360. As it stands they couldn't even hold onto Bungie, creators of MS' most important IP by a mile! I dont care what it would have taken, you don't lose a developer like that! MS loaded their system up with great core franchises on the front end of the system's life cycle and then just sort of petered out on the back half of it's cycle. Nowadays they're letting multiconsole titles Call of Duty, Madden, Battlefield, etc do all the heavy lifting for them while allowing Live to continue to be it's biggest selling point.

It looks to me like the same thing is happening this generation. The early games for The Xbox One look great. But how long do these exclusives last? MS currently has exclusivity for Titanfall, but I think the worst kept secret in the industry is that it's also coming to PS4 eventually. Ryse: Son of Rome is made by Crytek. No reason not to expect that one on PS4 at some point.
Imo dead rising 3 is xbox one best exclusive..almost made me want a xbox one....then they had there e3 conference :-D
Imo dead rising 3 is xbox one best exclusive..almost made me want a xbox one....then they had there e3 conference :-D

It does look good I have to admit. However I'm sort of over the whole zombie thing though. Ryse: Son of Rome is a much more interesting looking game IMO.
I really hope the PS4 is quieter than the original fatboy PS3. Sounds like a damn airplane taxi out for take-off while watching a movie.
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I was wondering if they were better.

They are way better. Like you I had an original fatty. The first couple of years it did fine but after that the noise got so unbearable I ended up giving that one to my bro-in-law and getting slim. Those are great! You'd never know it was turned on if not for the indicator light.
I really hope the PS4 is quieter than the original fatboy PS3. Sounds like a damn airplane taxi out for take-off while watching a movie.

my fatty is still going strong....gotta turn the volume on the home theater up when running it to drown out the jet engine under the cover.
According to Redditor dzle, the developers of Galak-Z confirmed last weekend at PAX Prime in Seattle that all PlayStation 4 controllers will work on computers simply by plugging them in via the micro-usb connector without any finagling. It is also reported that the touchpad will also be able to be mapped like the touchpad on your everyday laptop. If this all comes to be true, the PlayStation 4 may just become the next generation controller you have to have for PC gaming.

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