President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

The Biden/Pelosi/Schumer administration will try very hard to Remove President Andy Jackson from the twenty dollar bill, and replace it with this woman's face:


I'll take mine in two $10s; thank you.
What about Biden only raising taxes on those making 400k or more? I just found this little nugget hidden in his "tax the rich" plan that will absolutely hit the middle class hard.

What A Biden Win Means For Tax Policy

Here’s where a step-up in basis comes in handy for inheritance. In accounting, basis is the starting point for calculating capital gains taxes. Think of basis as the asset’s purchase price: You owe taxes on capital gains above the basis. Assets that are inherited have their basis reset—stepped up, as it were—to the present fair market value of the asset when you receive it.

Consider a hypothetical example: Deborah spent $10,000 on a portfolio of stocks a long, long time ago, and the shares are worth $1,000,000 when Deborah passes away. Had Deborah sold the shares before her death, she would have owed long-term capital gains taxes on $990,000—Deborah’s basis? $10,000.

But Deborah didn’t sell the stock; she willed it to her daughter, Stephanie. If Stephanie sells the stock when she receives it, the step-up in basis means the IRS would treat her investment as if Stephanie had just bought the stock for $1,000,000. And Stephanie’s basis for calculating investment growth? $1,000,000. She would owe zero capital gains taxes on the sale.

Even if she waited, and let the shares appreciate a bit, say to $1,100,000, her basis would remain $1,000,000. Pretty sweet, right?
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Biden Admin Deletes ‘1776 Commission’ from White House Website Immediately After Inauguration


The 1776 Commission was removed from the White House website about an hour after President Joe Biden was sworn into office on Wednesday afternoon.

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The 1776 Commission had released its final report on Monday, fulfilling Trump’s request to reaffirm the importance of America’s founding principles in the daily life and education of its citizens.

An archive of the White House website from Monday shows the importance former President Trump placed in restoring the “understanding of the greatness of the American founding.”

Biden Admin Deletes ‘1776 Commission' from WH Website Immediately After Inauguration
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Biden’s Defense Pick Lloyd Austin Supports Overturning Trump’s Military Transgender Policy


President Joe Biden’s defense secretary Lloyd Austin said he supported overturning the Trump administration’s policy on transgender troops serving in the military during his confirmation hearing on Tuesday.

Biden's Defense Pick Supports Overturning Trump Transgender Policy
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Get a better nose for it then. It was a racist statement.

If you imply that we live in a world that caters to black culture, and then say it in a way that it's inherently bad, it's racist.
So you just need to put the em-PHA-sis on the proper sy-LLA-ble and then it’s all good?
that’s your opinion but it still doesn’t change the fact thatyou a woke racist a$$holes. Like I said before I can’t stand a$$holes and they come In all colors
Actually, I think they’re all pink. Well, I guess brown is an option. I see your point about the colors.
I agree the content of a person's character is more important than the color of their skin. Glad to see your thoughts on it. Thank you.

White males can only be shamed if they feel ashamed. If we have nothing to feel shame about, then we cannot be shamed. Let us all be careful to not give over our own. emotional control to the media.

Lastly, there is no group of "the blacks". Black people are not a more-melanin monolith.
Tell that to Biden. According to him they’re all the same, unlike the Latin community. Can you imagine if Trump said that?
Biden says stupid things. He's a gaffe machine. His ramblings don't diminish my opinion.
Who are you and what have you done with McDad? Seriously, you’re unusually serious tonight. I hope all is ok with you McDad. I always enjoy your ability to be lighthearted and your sense of humor no matter the topic.
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This is too weak for you Lawrence......not everything in this world is about race and slavery..... I was referring to capitalism

Exactly, capitalism fueled by free labor as a result of....slavery.

It’s the truth. Those slaves could have been polka dotted and plaid aliens and my statement is no less true.
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