Old white man shoots pregnant black woman intruder (he's going to jail)

Why not entertain his hypothetical situation? Whats it gonna hurt? You're on a sports messageboard not on a witness stand. Quit being sanctimonious.

Because he's using it as justification for the guy's actions, and principles and a moral code doesn't work like that.
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If you hold yourself to a higher moral code, and I assume most everyone in this thread does compared to the criminals, then you can't simply degrade things down to "Well they wouldn't show him mercy so it's ok he blew them away".

my moral code states that i dont rob, murder, steal,rape,and believe fully in being an honest, productive citizen but if u come in my house and mess with my family, i will put you down for good.
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No I'm not. I'm saying two things:

1.) Don't judge a man until you've walked in his shoes.
2.) Don't expect someone you've abused/violated to show you mercy when you've shown them none.

And don't expect the law to show that guy mercy either if he chooses to take the law into his own hands.
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How would a jury of his peers (WWII generation and 2nd Amendment home owners) come down on this when it's time to come up with a verdict?
C'mon man... just play along for funsies. Don't be so sanctimonious and uptight.

So the hypothetical situation was what if he had been pleading for his life? I don't see the change exactly, had they killed him as he begged for mercy they are still in the wrong and should face the consequences. Just the same has him following someone off property and killing them as they are fleeing. I mean I don't exactly feel bad about it but doesn't make what he did ok. And if you're in fear of your life I don't get why you would continue to chase the person you're in fear off.
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Let's play one more hypothetical... what if someone that thinks like me is in the jury? I'm not saying the whole jury... just one person.

Well you're going in an entirely different direction now. Conviction is quite a different story than just being charged. Plus it would depend on what he was charged.

I don't think he should be charged with murder, but some charge of manslaughter.

As far as jurors, yeah I have no doubt there would be one or two that think he's a-ok.
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So the hypothetical situation was what if he had been pleading for his life? I don't see the change exactly, had they killed him as he begged for mercy they are still in the wrong and should face the consequences. Just the same has him following someone off property and killing them as they are fleeing. I mean I don't exactly feel bad about it but doesn't make what he did ok. And if you're in fear of your life I don't get why you would continue to chase the person you're in fear off.

Pretty much this.
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Well you're going in an entirely different direction now. Conviction is quite a different story than just being charged. Plus it would depend on what he was charged.

I don't think he should be charged with murder, but some charge of manslaughter.

As far as jurors, yeah I have no doubt there would be one or two that think he's a-ok.

What degree of manslaughter?
And don't expect the law to show that guy mercy either if he chooses to take the law into his own hands.

It's California. I fully expect the state to hammer this old man while letting all the real criminals out the back door of the jail because it's not their fault they're the way they are, it's society's fault. While at the the same time the dead criminal's family makes a lot of bank and become stars of some reality show.
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Yep, nothing like shooting someone who is fleeing, and then, after you have shot them once and they are on the ground pleading for their life, shooting them again, just to make sure you kill them.

Yep. The old man went out of his way to do all this.
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i have no sympathy for criminals.....im glad he did it and if they come in my house and attack my family....i will do the same.
Let's say that, hypothetically, he called the police and had her arrested instead.

Would the death penalty be an appropriate punishment for what she did?
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Let's say that, hypothetically, he called the police and had her arrested instead.

Would the death penalty be an appropriate punishment for what she did?

No but I bet the appropriate penalty wouldn't be happening & she'd be doing the same s*** again.
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