Official UT vs. Ducks Game Thread - 7:00 EDT - ESPN2

We need to rename this thread The official UT vs. Ducks/any other game you want to watch thread.

Here comes the rain. A downpour, actually.

While it is possible this could work against the Vols, I think it hurts the Ducks in that it will limit their speed. Furthermore, with the pressure of playing on the road in a hostile and insanely loud stadium the wet ball is a bit more challenging to hold onto when trying to run an up-tempo spread-option offense.
Looks like I'm watching the rest of the game at the downtown grill and brewery.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Guess we can forget about the crowd noise for the rest of the game.

I don't know, listening to the radio the fans were going crazy when the down pour started. Sounds like they are fired up and ready to help out all they can!:)
Had anyone else noticed the absence of Duck fans on the board? Fair feather fans?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
We're going to break a few big plays tonight based on what we've seen. It would help to get better Orange Zone production, but Dooley is right in playing it tight early. Keep the pressure on them.

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