Official UT vs. Ducks Game Thread - 7:00 EDT - ESPN2

Our Sophomores and Freshmen held their own for about 40 minutes against some of the best Juniors and Seniors in the nation. Oregon proved to be as explosive a team as advertised and beat us solidly. But, in the end, I'm looking forward to the future and am excited to see how our Vols grow into a competitive team.

This. There's a lot to be hopeful about. That Oregon offense is just ridiculous. I wouldn't be surprised if Darren Thomas develops a little and we see them in the a big time BCS bowl or even the NC. Theyll have a better case than Boise even with one loss. about this. Tonight during the first half I had Vol football emotions that have not been felt in many years. My pulse raced, I had hope, and was on the edge of my seat. Man that was a great 30 mins.
I just got home from the madness that is a college football saturday in the south. this describes first half well. Great damn VOL emotions, man the blood was pumpin'.
thats probably the phrase in k-town, "wrap the f up"!!!! and f'n quit takin poole outta the game. it's lets gain 17 on a poole run, then put oku in for a couple of -2's and -1's!!
Wish all the negavols would just go root for Kentucky or something......Go Vols! Let's suck it up and know we have only lost one game this season and it was a top ten team that we ran over in the first half, then this young team gave up.......:)

Amen but I've said this for years to them, they don't listen. they would rather stay here and complain about the days of old. We could hav been blown out all game but jnstead we at least held them for a half. Our depth and lack of exp. at QB and other spots is what killed us tonight. Oregon plays like a fast, well disciplined, exp. Ball team. We rnt there yet
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