Official Jon Gruden Thread XVI

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That is a concern of mine as well.

Is the publicized rejection enough to sway a perhaps once-committed Gruden. He may not want to be seen with an ugly fat chick.

There are lots of reasons to take a job or not. It doesn't hinge on how the job looks to everyone else.
My fellow Grudenites,

I have had faith that it's Gruden for several weeks now. My dad, however, thinks I am crazy, as do the majority of folks I talk to on a daily basis (outside of this thread). Well, this morning my dad has started to change course a little bit. I think he's starting to see the light. Just wondering if anybody else here is experiencing this ... people who several days ago said no way and now saying well maybe it is Gruden. Of course, we know IT WILL BE GRUDEN.

The school would be the school where my husband is a coach. I will not say what school but my name spells that out. The AD would be the AD at the high school where my husband teaches. It wouldn't be right for me to just say...
S. f'n D.

Absolutely. Then the question would be: What are you implying?
The school would be the school where my husband is a coach. I will not say what school but my name spells that out. The AD would be the AD at the high school where my husband teaches. It wouldn't be right for me to just say...
S. f'n D.

So just to clarify, you're saying that Grider's resignation/retirement has nothing to do with Jon Gruden or UT?

Funny! Funny! Funny!
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The school would be the school where my husband is a coach. I will not say what school but my name spells that out. The AD would be the AD at the high school where my husband teaches. It wouldn't be right for me to just say...
S. f'n D.

What is the point to the story? So Grider spoke to an AD somewhere, maybe they are friends and catching up?
Could it be that Gruden is waiting on us to fire Hart, since Gruden was not Hart's first choice, and he doesn't want to work for Hart if he feels that way. Hart would have had to fail for UT to have grounds to fire him. Remember, Gruden didn't want to work for Hamilton either.
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That is a concern of mine as well.

Is the publicized rejection enough to sway a perhaps once-committed Gruden. He may not want to be seen with an ugly fat chick.

I have a few thoughts on that:

1. The attention span of the average human is about 2 minutes. If he takes the job now, almost no one will remember 90% of the details by the first kick off next fall.

2. The number of folks who track and keep up with this stuff to the level of detail that the people of VN and other BO junkies do is very few. For a great many, they'll just hear we hired JG and say "oh, is he the guy on MNF?"

3. It could go the other way. If he is really an egomaniac, then the worse off the program looks when he takes it over, the better he looks when he turns it around.
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Don't kid yourself... All of these coaches talk to each other and the word on Tennessee is out.

Due to Cheek and Martin squeezing the pool of recruitable athletes that can get admitted, coaches are starting to see the difficulty in succeeding at Tennessee and saying NO THANKS!

We are completely dysfunctional right now with a huge divide between athletics and academics.
The school would be the school where my husband is a coach. I will not say what school but my name spells that out. The AD would be the AD at the high school where my husband teaches. It wouldn't be right for me to just say...
S. f'n D.

Do you have any idea why Grider would be talking to the school's AD?
No worries about the media. They are starting to realize they have been played. At the end of this process they will look like the foolish ones as usual and UT will look brilliant!

Two weeks ago if Gruden was hired for say $5 million on an 8 year deal people would have screamed. Why? Because the media would have said we could have paid less and gotten a proven coach. Well we have now gone through what appears to be a legit search and have come up with nothing. As a matter of fact there have been numbers floated by unnamed sources that we even offered Charlie Strong close to $4 million and he turned us down for less money. Oh my! What are we going to do now? Are we going to get stuck with another second tier coach? Or are we going to spend the money and get a great one?

You can now consider yourself conditioned for the Grudenprice. Gruden will be our next coach and it will feel like a bargain at $5 million a year. Don't think too many outside of the diehard Grudenites would have said that two weeks ago.

I floated this theory early this week, because this made sense to me too. Are you basing it on info you have or just speculation. Mine was purely speculation.
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