Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Anyone else on here in or close to the path of totality? We'll be at 98% totality here in OKC. Pretty nice being this close to totality since it doesn't happen often. I'm glad I can share this totality event with my brothers and sisters on VN.
We were in 100% path. It was mostly clear … until right at totality. We got about two 5 sec glimpses of totality.
We were in 100% path. It was mostly clear … until right at totality. We got about two 5 sec glimpses of totality.

This was our experience ~10 years ago. Total eclipse with only the corona visible. Pulled my kids outta school a couple hours early and watched it in the front yard. It was pretty cool. This time charlotte only had an 80% occlusion so we just ignored it...having already seen one before and whatnot.
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Even though I am going to more games with my GF now, I still don't care about baseball too much. but reading stuff like this ticks me off. Dodgers absolutely ruined what should have been a great moment for some fans.

husband and wife fans, wife catches Ohtani's first home run as a Dodger. Estimated value if authenticated, 100k. if they sold, would have been a really cool sentimental piece to keep too.

Security escorts the two from their seats, down underneath the stands, and separate the husband and wife. Won't let them go until they agree to give up the ball. saying they were not going to authenticate the ball if she didn't give up, making it worthless. ended up giving her some other small things in a "trade". but the trade had to be done right then, and while the two were separated from each other, and alone in a stressful situation.

word got out and Dodgers look like crap. they started making up a bunch of crap, like Ohtani came to negotiate with them, which was clearly a lie as this was during the game. then had to retract that statement, and changed it to he will meet with them later, and they are giving them some other things. much better than the initial trade, but nothing close to replacing the homerun ball you caught.
Got three kids heading into college now. I have absolutely no idea how they are going to afford a home unless I help. Any other parents on here of college age kids wondering how the hell they are gonna make it? My kids wanna stay local and houses start at 400k here now. My parents bought their house here for 64k in 1985. Now valued at 484k.
Got three kids heading into college now. I have absolutely no idea how they are going to afford a home unless I help. Any other parents on here of college age kids wondering how the hell they are gonna make it? My kids wanna stay local and houses start at 400k here now. My parents bought their house here for 64k in 1985. Now valued at 484k.

It's just not viable right now. Prices are bad enough, but my primary issue is inventory. I'm not gonna settle if it's a 300-400k purchase.
It's just not viable right now. Prices are bad enough, but my primary issue is inventory. I'm not gonna settle if it's a 300-400k purchase.
Yeah. Hold out. We were able to get something we really wanted right at 2 years ago. But I had almost given up. We went 40k over on a 500k home. I thought we were crazy but this was a home we really wanted. I just knew our offer was competitive. Realtor calls and said the winning offer was 570k! We weren’t even close! I was pretty much done at that point.

About a month later we found our home and we like it so much more than anything else we bid on.
It's just not viable right now. Prices are bad enough, but my primary issue is inventory. I'm not gonna settle if it's a 300-400k purchase.

Just an observation from the outside looking in. I think it has a lot to do with the stock market; the need for places to invest retirement income; and the utter failure of leadership in the business world. We're seeing the complete abdication of building quality products that people want to buy and stewardship at the corporate level ... replaced by any means possible to manipulate stock prices for quick gambling games (see GE and Boeing) - and great paydays for the corporate level execs and boards. We've become a country dedicated to bubbles. Real estate has always been considered a no loss proposition (except in times when the market has irrationally bubbled due to external forces like government schemes); now it seems like houses that would have gone from homeowner to homeowner have been hijacked by extremely well backed investment firms that can outbid prospective homeowners - they get a relatively safe investment that they can lease for outrageous prices. No idea how to resolve that in a free market, but somebody better get a handle on it quick.

Short interview with Coach...listen to the segment about Nico etc from after this interview. Very interesting stuff that isnt coming out of camp in fingers thread. Love it when he says we have 4 WR this season that could start anywhere this year vs only Squirrel last year and Bru before he was hurt....this guy played ball also btw. Unlike the vast majority of reporters
Just an observation from the outside looking in. I think it has a lot to do with the stock market; the need for places to invest retirement income; and the utter failure of leadership in the business world. We're seeing the complete abdication of building quality products that people want to buy and stewardship at the corporate level ... replaced by any means possible to manipulate stock prices for quick gambling games (see GE and Boeing) - and great paydays for the corporate level execs and boards. We've become a country dedicated to bubbles. Real estate has always been considered a no loss proposition (except in times when the market has irrationally bubbled due to external forces like government schemes); now it seems like houses that would have gone from homeowner to homeowner have been hijacked by extremely well backed investment firms that can outbid prospective homeowners - they get a relatively safe investment that they can lease for outrageous prices. No idea how to resolve that in a free market, but somebody better get a handle on it quick.

Insightful! Thanks for the reply.
Just an observation from the outside looking in. I think it has a lot to do with the stock market; the need for places to invest retirement income; and the utter failure of leadership in the business world. We're seeing the complete abdication of building quality products that people want to buy and stewardship at the corporate level ... replaced by any means possible to manipulate stock prices for quick gambling games (see GE and Boeing) - and great paydays for the corporate level execs and boards. We've become a country dedicated to bubbles. Real estate has always been considered a no loss proposition (except in times when the market has irrationally bubbled due to external forces like government schemes); now it seems like houses that would have gone from homeowner to homeowner have been hijacked by extremely well backed investment firms that can outbid prospective homeowners - they get a relatively safe investment that they can lease for outrageous prices. No idea how to resolve that in a free market, but somebody better get a handle on it quick.
imo a lot of it has to do with the product that has been built.

no one is building real starter homes that are affordable. the ones that exist are being torn down and replaced with a cookie cutter house that is 3500sqft and costs 600k+.

one of the things pushing people away from building starter homes is the upfront costs and challenges are insane, and with a smaller/cheaper house you aren't going to get the same return on the investment for more work. not to get political in here but the small home market is being squeezed from every angle.

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