Nintendo Switch and Switch Lite Chatter

And considering how poorly the Wii U has sold, that would relatively be everybody!

I can understand it at launch when a company is trying to establish a game library. They're only talking about 4 Wii U games being ported, one of them being Zelda which isn't even out yet.

Yeah but if you're thinking about it in that light, they're trying to get people to buy games on a system that they already didn't buy on the last system, because they didn't buy that system.

Just seems a bit odd to mark that up as a kind of draw to sell the system when it obviously didn't work the first time.
Yeah but if you're thinking about it in that light, they're trying to get people to buy games on a system that they already didn't buy on the last system, because they didn't buy that system.

Just seems a bit odd to mark that up as a kind of draw to sell the system when it obviously didn't work the first time.

Yes but the attachment rate of those games among Wii U owners were great.

1st party games aren't the reason why people didn't buy the Wii U. There were a lot of factors that played into it such as...

1.) Product confusion: Many people didn't even understand that Wii U was a new console. They thought the game tablet was an accessory to the Wii.

2.) Ill-timed launch and Underpowered hardware: Wii U launched only 1 year prior to current gen hardware and it was only slightly more capable than the PS3/360. Yet it was more expensive due to the controller.

3.) No 3rd party support: 3rd parties didn't want to touch this hardware because they were moving on to PS4/Xbox One and because of the power difference and porting difficulty, it wasn't worth their time.

4.) Awful marketing: Nintendo never did a good job of communicating the Wii U brand to the public.

5.) Terrible Network infrastructure/no importance put on online gaming community.

6.) Clunky, non-intuitive UI.

I mean, overall the Wii U was just a terribly conceived product. Nintendo's IP's, while very good, just weren't enough to convince most gamers to invest.
I think the 3rd party support issues are pretty deeply entrenched, because they've been an issue all they way back to the N64 days when Nintendo lost a chunk because they decided to go carts instead of CDs.

The Wii and Wii U the underpowered specs certainly were a problem, but the GameCube was actually more powerful than the PS2 and not very much under the Xbox. But the 3rd party support for it was terrible.
Grew up on nes and genesis and would love no Nintendo to make a move again to the top.

They blew the Atari off the map and xbox needs to go down.
Grew up on nes and genesis and would love no Nintendo to make a move again to the top.

They blew the Atari off the map and xbox needs to go down.

You just rang the dinner bell at fat camp. :)

Seriously though, I think there's plenty of room for all 3 consoles. Last gen the Wii sold over 100 million units and the X360 and PS3 sold 80 million + each. I see no reason why the market can't sustain 3 consoles. Nintendo just REALLY got it wrong with the Wii U. Hopefully the NX will be a more than proper atonement.
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Grew up on nes and genesis and would love no Nintendo to make a move again to the top.

They blew the Atari off the map and xbox needs to go down.

I'd wager that Nintendo having little competition (until they screwed over Sony and had to take on the PlayStation), was the reason why they've got themselves in this position. You could see the downward trend when the N64 released using cartridges. If not for their handhelds and the Wii anomaly, they'd likely be doing what Atari did - publishing software. If anything, Sony and Microsoft may have saved them, as console makers, by pushing them to this point.
I'd wager that Nintendo having little competition (until they screwed over Sony and had to take on the PlayStation), was the reason why they've got themselves in this position. You could see the downward trend when the N64 released using cartridges. If not for their handhelds and the Wii anomaly, they'd likely be doing what Atari did - publishing software. If anything, Sony and Microsoft may have saved them, as console makers, by pushing them to this point.

They blew Atari "off the map" when Atari was at 8 on a standing 10 count. The video game industry was all but dead and Nintendo swooped in and rebooted it. So you're right, it's because they came in when there was little competition, if at that point you can even call Atari competition.

Make no mistake they deserve all the praise they get, because the NES and Super NES were both amazing systems, but saying they beat up an almost dead Atari isn't saying much.
Nintendo had their quarterly financial meeting yesterday and they had a few things to say regarding the NX...

1.) The NX will launch in March, 2017.

2.) Zelda NX/Wii U will launch simultaneously in March 2017 as well.

3.) NX will not be at E3 this year in order to "focus on Zelda."

So, no NX at E3 this year and it's not coming until March '17. "Sigh" how very "Nintendo" of them!
Seems pretty silly to not have anything to show at this e3 since they will supposedly release it before the next e3. I can't remember a major console or handheld releasing without having their reveal or at least tons of hype at e3 prior to the release.

I knew Zelda would end up a dual release.
One of the biggest criticisms of the Wii U was the lack of marketing.....and Nintendo responds with this strategy.

At some point you have to call it like it is: Nintendo is a stubborn company that still thinks they can throw their weight around like it's 1991.
One of the biggest criticisms of the Wii U was the lack of marketing.....and Nintendo responds with this strategy.

At some point you have to call it like it is: Nintendo is a stubborn company that still thinks they can throw their weight around like it's 1991.

Its like they don't want it to sell. At least market the hell out of it, and if it fails then at least you tried.
Its like they don't want it to sell. At least market the hell out of it, and if it fails then at least you tried.

I simply cannot wrap my head around how Nintendo is opting NOT to show NX at the year's largest gaming trade show and yet plans to launch it less than a year later! You'd think Nintendo would want to be all in on hype and early pre order promotion. Saying "in order to focus on Zelda" is dumb. Sony and MS have conferences that last 2+ hours! You're telling me Nintendo couldn't show both and both get ample amounts of coverage? Give me a damn break! If Zelda for Wii U were coming out THIS year it would make more sense to me considering they would want to sell as many Wii U copies along with Wii U/Zelda bundles as possible. However that's not the case. Both Wii U and NX versions are launching simultaneously in March '17. So Nintendo is opting not to unveil NX, which won't be out until March '17 in order to promote a game that's coming to that very console and the Wii U....and likewise it won't be out until March '17. There's absolutely no logic in that at all.

Some have suggested that Nintendo may opt to unveil the NX at one of their own digital "Nintendo Directs." However the problem with the Directs is only hardcore Nintendo fans pay attention to those. Nintendo is essentially "preaching to the choir" with those Directs and unfortunately that number is shrinking. They're like little town hall meetings, which is great for those who live in that town, but the rest of the world doesn't know or care about them. Sure, I supposed the information is reported on after the fact but you don't generate hype/excitement that way. By the time people read about something after the fact it just becomes "news."

At this point I think 1 of 2 things will happen. Either A.) Nintendo is completely trolling everyone and are in fact going to show NX at E3, despite what they're saying (not likely) or B.) The NX will probably end up launching in fall 2017 with a lot to be unveiled at E3 2017 (most likely).

IF in fact everything plays out the way Nintendo is saying, I have to say Nintendo just doesn't get it. It's like they've conducted business with such a "bunker" mentality for so long they are completely out of touch with how this industry works anymore and they still think they're big enough and influential enough to shape it the way they want. Man they are in for a rude awakening if that's the case!
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I simply cannot wrap my head around how Nintendo is opting NOT to show NX at the year's largest gaming trade show and yet plans to launch it less than a year later! You'd think Nintendo would want to be all in on hype and early pre order promotion. Saying "in order to focus on Zelda" is dumb. Sony and MS have conferences that last 2+ hours! You're telling me Nintendo couldn't show both and both get ample amounts of coverage? Give me a damn break! If Zelda for Wii U were coming out THIS year it would make more sense to me considering they would want to sell as many Wii U copies along with Wii U/Zelda bundles as possible. However that's not the case. Both Wii U and NX versions are launching simultaneously in March '17. So Nintendo is opting not to unveil NX, which won't be out until March '17 in order to promote a game that's coming to that very console and the Wii U....and likewise it won't be out until March '17. There's absolutely no logic in that at all.

Some have suggested that Nintendo may opt to unveil the NX at one of their own digital "Nintendo Directs." However the problem with the Directs is only hardcore Nintendo fans pay attention to those. Nintendo is essentially "preaching to the choir" with those Directs and unfortunately that number is shrinking. They're like little town hall meetings, which is great for those who live in that town, but the rest of the world doesn't know or care about them. Sure, I supposed the information is reported on after the fact but you don't generate hype/excitement that way. By the time people read about something after the fact it just becomes "news."

At this point I think 1 of 2 things will happen. Either A.) Nintendo is completely trolling everyone and are in fact going to show NX at E3, despite what they're saying (not likely) or B.) The NX will probably end up launching in fall 2017 with a lot to be unveiled at E3 2017 (most likely).

IF in fact everything plays out the way Nintendo is saying, I have to say Nintendo just doesn't get it. It's like they've conducted business with such a "bunker" mentality for so long they are completely out of touch with how this industry works anymore and they still think they're big enough and influential enough to shape it the way they want. Man they are in for a rude awakening if that's the case!

However the problem with the Directs is only hardcore Nintendo fans pay attention to those.

This. Only hardcore Nintendo fans will watch. Hell, I watch E3 at work every year lol.
If they stick with this strategy, it will be the worst console launch strategy since the Sega Saturn.
If they stick with this strategy, it will be the worst console launch strategy since the Sega Saturn.

Actually I could see the NX being Nintendo's "Dreamcast" in the sense that I could see Nintendo finally putting out the console everybody wants. It will be powerful, it will have a great controller, it will have great launch games that look and play awesome, it will have a lot of support early on, hardcore Nintendo fans will love it.....and it will all be too little too late and it won't sell well. Part of me thinks Nintendo had their shot to woo back a lot of hardcore gamers with the Wii U and blew it. They neglected them with the Wii and chose to attract casuals. Then instead of getting back to their roots, they continued to confuse and frustrate hardcore gamers with the Wii U. Financially Nintendo could withstand 10 more console failures but the question is will they? What WOULD Nintendo's next move be if the NX is a failed product? Do they become a 3rd party publisher/developer? Do they try again with yet ANOTHER console? Do they focus solely on Mobile?
Actually I could see the NX being Nintendo's "Dreamcast" in the sense that I could see Nintendo finally putting out the console everybody wants. It will be powerful, it will have a great controller, it will have great launch games that look and play awesome, it will have a lot of support early on, hardcore Nintendo fans will love it.....and it will all be too little too late and it won't sell well. Part of me thinks Nintendo had their shot to woo back a lot of hardcore gamers with the Wii U and blew it. They neglected them with the Wii and chose to attract casuals. Then instead of getting back to their roots, they continued to confuse and frustrate hardcore gamers with the Wii U. Financially Nintendo could withstand 10 more console failures but the question is will they? What WOULD Nintendo's next move be if the NX is a failed product? Do they become a 3rd party publisher/developer? Do they try again with yet ANOTHER console? Do they focus solely on Mobile?

I loved the Dreamcast
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I loved the Dreamcast

So did I! I still say to this day the Dreamcast had the best launch line up in console history. When I bought mine on launch day I walked out with...

Sonic Adventure
Soul Calibur
Mortal Kombat Gold
Power Stone
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Hydro Thunder

Never before and never since have I bought that many launch games with a new console and I thought every one of those games were amazing.
Also, "concentrate on Zelda"? You mean the game that was supposed to come out in 2015, and will end up almost 2 years delayed?

With Zelda being delayed, that means that I can remember Nintendo will have 2 major releases on the Wii U this year: Star Fox Zero and Paper Mario: Color Splash and PM doesn't even have a date yet. So not even Nintendo is supporting the Wii U.
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Also, "concentrate on Zelda"? You mean the game that was supposed to come out in 2015, and will end up almost 2 years delayed?

With Zelda being delayed, that means that I can remember Nintendo will have 2 major releases on the Wii U this year: Star Fox Zero and Paper Mario: Color Splash and PM doesn't even have a date yet. So not even Nintendo is supporting the Wii U.

Would you even consider that a "major" release? I guess in Nintendo's eyes it is but I literally know of no one who gives a **** about that game.
Would you even consider that a "major" release? I guess in Nintendo's eyes it is but I literally know of no one who gives a **** about that game.

I'd call it major for Nintendo release. It's one of their long running franchises, but honestly in reality both PM and SF are more niche titles than major. Plus it's not helping that SFZ is getting pretty meh reviews.

Nintendo insider has confirmed that NX price, features, launch line up, etc will be revealed later this year.

Evidently they're opting to have their own event rather than doing it at E3. I still think it's a mistake to not have something NX related at E3, but at least that makes more sense than letting 2016 completely come and go without saying anything. I wish they would've clarified that 2 days ago.

Nintendo Will Reveal NX Price, Launch Lineup And Specs This Year, Claims Nikkei - Nintendo Life
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