Nice to start seeing some National BB predictions

Corso is really not on to provide a true analysis anymore, and it's been like that for a long time. He created a name for himself and is just kind of comedic relief now. I am pretty sure I knew someone who saw him in a restaurant and he said that he doesn't pick who he thinks will win games. He does it for entertainment. So, he doesn't really do much anymore. Dickie V is kind of the same way but unfortunately, unlike Corso, he still calls games. I probably really only listen to Herbstreit anyways as all of the others aren't very good and won't be held accountable.

He doesn't add a lot and never did really, but it sucks to see him trying to fight through his stroke. It's hard for him to even form sentences at times.
Has anyone seen Blazing Saddles? Corso reminds of the Governor (Mel Brooks) in that movie.

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