Neyland I (Formerly known as Gruden Thread)

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My fav fundamental Christian musician, of whom I heard rumors that he was a VOL fan but maybe not.

David Eugene Edwards
16 Horsepower

I am not a traditional Christian, per se, but I attempt to embrace the Christian concepts of humility, service and non-egoistic interaction, however this guy is so easy to appreciate that he could convert me.

Appalachian, Celtic, Alt Country influences abound in his work however a good portion is revealing the dark side of living. You know, the part we like to ignore, :) . Check him out.

Black Soul Choir
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Sooooo we were told that unless it came from Currie himself it wasn't true, that being said....

Gruden to the Hill!

Really Soon!

Dilly Dilly!
In the aftermath of a VOL's CFB gathering we use to joke about "ain't had so much fun since we shaved Granddaddy's back!!"....that chit isn't as funny as it used to be.

Mother Nature has a cruel sense of humor.
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I want to apologize to everyone on this forum, especially Lexi, for what happened Saturday night. It's no excuse, but I went through almost a fifth of jager and enough red bull to give an elephant a coronary. I made some extremely stupid assumptions about an obviously strong and confident woman. I doubt she needs any advice from any man, especially one with my track record. I shouldn't even have initiated the conversation to begin with. Once I did, the more I talked the deeper I sank. I was not "creeping" as some have said. Ape hit it on the head. Someone from my past. My past is similar to Apes past... present? We were all damaged in some way. I have really enjoyed the time I have spent on this forum. I have contributed very little and garnished the same respect. I say a lot of stupid stuff and occasionally might get a giggle. I don't think I will survive the stupidity from Saturday. I hope you, Lexi, will accept my apology. It is sincere.

Speaking from much experience, drunken posting is a bad decision.
Best advice I can give you is to learn from it and try not to make the same mistake again.
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Speaking from much experience, drunken posting is a bad decision.
Best advice I can give you is to learn from it and try not to make the same mistake again.

Guilty here, as well. I hate cringing the next day when I go back through my posts...:thud:

But most of the time it's just Behr and I arguing so it's not too big of a deal. :p
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