Need a new tailgate home

Don't own any tailgating gear and it always seemed cool but was invited by this older guy once when I went solo to a game. Never again. The dude spent every bit of 20 minutes talking about hot dogs, but he called them wieners every time. He went over how awesome they are in design, taste, history, and durability. Then proceeded to open the grill to check on the chicken wings. To this day, I don't know WTH was going on.

The design, history, and durability of hot dogs...reckon he was a food science prof? And after the wiener lecture...chicken wings! That's a strange one indeed.
Don't own any tailgating gear and it always seemed cool but was invited by this older guy once when I went solo to a game. Never again. The dude spent every bit of 20 minutes talking about hot dogs, but he called them wieners every time. He went over how awesome they are in design, taste, history, and durability. Then proceeded to open the grill to check on the chicken wings. To this day, I don't know WTH was going on.
I don't think ol'buddy was talking about hotdogs...
Not anymore unless you buy a pass off of someone. They require a season pass this season from Church now that's sold out.
Did anyone on here get a pass to the Methodist Church? What were your thoughts on how it went overall? I noticed the lot stayed mostly empty early. Just wondering how the first one went being that it changed to reserved
Did anyone on here get a pass to the Methodist Church? What were your thoughts on how it went overall? I noticed the lot stayed mostly empty early. Just wondering how the first one went being that it changed to reserved
The church has a non-reserved lot beside the others going down the hill towards the river. It's gravel and STEEP, not very good for a tailgate. They wanted $40 and I kept looking.

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