Memphis Fans=Idiots



Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
All the memphis fans here in memphis are saying that rose's shot was a 3 and not a 2. they are saying that that is what cost them the game. his foot clearly was inside the line. but they are too stupid to realize that. they wont admit that they choked or anything. its all being put on the refs and that shot.
I think the free 15 footers cost them more than that shot
It doesn't matter now but had they not gone to a prolonged timeout, that play probably would have stayed as initially called, but since the announcers were demanding a review,..............(I'm not saying they were bias, but come on).
Being outrebounded and having no way to stop theinside game of Kansas and missing clutch free throws had a helluva lot more to do with that loss than that 3 point shot.
also credit kansas's defense on the perimeter...they simply didn't allow Rose or CDR to get to the rim like they're used to.

credit Memphis because despite all that they still found themselves with a lead and a chance to win after getting absolutely dominated inside....

but the last two minutes...every mistake Memphis could make, they did, and KS capitalized on each one. I'm glad for Self and KS, but i admit, i did feel bad for Memphis...they had it won, and blew it.
It doesn't matter now but had they not gone to a prolonged timeout, that play probably would have stayed as initially called, but since the announcers were demanding a review,..............(I'm not saying they were bias, but come on).
It is obviously the announcers fault that Rose's foot was 12 inches inside the arc.:crazy:
It is obviously the announcers fault that Rose's foot was 12 inches inside the arc.:crazy:
It was a very obvious call. When I saw the first replay, I looked at my wife and said, "That was a two point shot."
Why let little things like rules and facts get in the way of an emotional arguement.
All the memphis fans here in memphis are saying that rose's shot was a 3 and not a 2. they are saying that that is what cost them the game. his foot clearly was inside the line. but they are too stupid to realize that. they wont admit that they choked or anything. its all being put on the refs and that shot.

People that start new sentences without using capital letters are pretty damn stupid IMO.

The only thing people are talking about is that Cal is pissed that the call was overturned but apparently it is in the rules that a call can be reviewed and overturned at the next stop of play. There is also a slight possibility that his left foot, which was in front of the line, left the ground before a smidget before his right foot, which was behind the line, therefore making it a 3-pt attempt.
People that judge other people's grammar on a message board are pretty damn petty.
People that start new sentences without using capital letters are pretty damn stupid IMO.

The only thing people are talking about is that Cal is pissed that the call was overturned but apparently it is in the rules that a call can be reviewed and overturned at the next stop of play. There is also a slight possibility that his left foot, which was in front of the line, left the ground before a smidget before his right foot, which was behind the line, therefore making it a 3-pt attempt.

Interesting how I have not seen this discussed anywhere but Memphis. Everyone else seems to be discussing things like missed free throws, poor inbound pass on the steal, and a failure to foul on the final play of regulation.
I have heard no one here complaining about that shot. I did hear Coach Cal mention the play in his postgame interview. He was asked about it and he said, "I haven't seen the replay, but I understand the refs made the right call." He didn't seem upset at all. He was more bothered by the late turnovers, Dorsey's final foul (which he did not blame on the refs), and the free throws toward the end. He specifically mentioned that he had the guys he wanted to shoot foul shots (CDR and Derrick Rose) taking the shots, but it ultimately didn't matter.
the announcer were biased in wanting the right call. How pathetic would it be if KU lost on such a horrible call? No one with any common sense can or should complain about changing that call to a 2.
All the memphis fans here in memphis are saying that rose's shot was a 3 and not a 2. they are saying that that is what cost them the game. his foot clearly was inside the line. but they are too stupid to realize that. they wont admit that they choked or anything. its all being put on the refs and that shot.

You have the idoit thing in reverse order wylie , I have no idea what all tiger fans , you are listening to , but it was clearly a 2 !! We lost because of missed free throws and poor inside play !! Kansas won because they performed better at the end of the game ... period !! Kansas was the better team when it counted , NO EXCUSES , and i'm very proud of the TIGERS .

It's better to be conference champs , regional champs ,and 1st runner up to the national champions than it is to ba at home watching ! Dont you think ???

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