Marlin Lane

Said it before, I’ll say it again here. I’m amazed, damn near stunned, at the number of people who will and have reflexively dogged, criticized, run his name through the mud, piss on and just generally throw a former player under the bus, without fail or hesitation......if said former player has anything negative, anything critical to say about our now former head coach.

There’s no questioning, no critical thinking, no wondering if what the player, who committed to and then worked his ass off for 4 years , sometimes more years for Tennessee, is true......just an immediate character assassination of the player. Doesn’t matter if he’s a former great player who went on to play in the nfl and is now a respected, professional business man (Aaron Hayden) or a kid like Marlin Lane who had his troubles here, says it. I have little to no doubt that if even Peyton or Reggie White (if he was still alive) said anything bad about Jones, they’d get the same treatment.

Condredge Holloway better keep his mouth shut if he knows what’s good for him.

I get what you are saying but I do have my doubts in this instance.

Jones' personality was more than enough to run a lot of people off, don't know why he needed an enforcer.
Haha. Nothing. He works for the AD, has been around Jones for 5 years....I’m saying that if he doesn’t wanna get the same treatment from our fan base, as other ex-players have gotten for daring to say anything critical of our former head coach Butch Jones, he’s better just keep his head down and shut up.

I think if he came out and said something, people would believe him. He doesn't have character issues. The Helm story I believe, he's got a good reputation and it fits with Jones' personality. I could see Butch telling Marlin to intimidate players, but to threaten their lives? That goes from being a jerk to criminal behavior. That's a pretty big jump.
All there is in that article is allegations and opinions. Very few facts.

When allegations and opinions from multiple sources (from inside the program, or very close to it) start to pile up the way they have been against Butch, that "should" open those eyes that have remained closed.
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I think if he came out and said something, people would believe him. He doesn't have character issues. The Helm story I believe, he's got a good reputation and it fits with Jones' personality. I could see Butch telling Marlin to intimidate players, but to threaten their lives? That goes from being a jerk to criminal behavior. That's a pretty big jump.

My problem with it is that if that did indeed happen, why would you wait to bring it to light especially after your playing career was over....and do it on some crap Soundcloud podcast?
If we were looking for someone to lead the football team Sicilian mafia style it would have been more fun to hire Pacino and have him act like a coach on Saturdays. It worked on "Any Given Sunday".
Where did the death threats come in. Lane never said that and I have never ever heard that

I think he meant their futures. Look at the article. Supposedly they'd threaten scholarship penalties or things of that nature against players Jones wanted gone. I'm sure some of these allegations are exaggeration, but there are just too many people coming out of the woodwork for me to think that it's all just some big conspiracy. Former employees, reporters, former players under Jones... all seem to paint one similar picture of Jones, and it isn't pretty. Maybe the whole mafioso-esque persona some people want to portray Jones as is a bit over the top, but there is one consensus opinion among all of them: Jones is a micromanaging bully with anger issues. I really don't get why that's so hard to believe with all of the bizarre personnel issues that have happened on his watch and seemingly been swept under the rug.
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My problem with it is that if that did indeed happen, why would you wait to bring it to light especially after your playing career was over....and do it on some crap Soundcloud podcast?

I wondered the same thing and came to the conclusion the only reason would be to stay in Butch's good will and not be ostracized from the program. That's the only reason I could think of.

Or, he has some issue with Butch and is now using this as an opportunity to slander him since he's on his way out.

Only Marlin and Butch know the truth.
So now allegation are true and the person has to prove them false? Interesting.

I wonder if Lanes rape case worked that way.

I think Lane likely came out with this, b/c Antone Davis cited mistreatment from Butch as reason for his resigning. Do I know its true? No, I don't, but I'm not going to necessarily say it was false. More facts have to come out. I get that its hard to believe a guy who had such a troubled past.
You don' have the information. maybe marlin thought he was "dissed" at some point. Maybe he knows a friend that thought he was dissed... what ever.

Maybe. But your exactly right, none of us have the information. So I'm not going to say he was making this up just yet.
Seems like quite a few participating in this thread still need their eyes opened when it comes to Butch Jones.

Fans who had a blind allegiance to Butch Jones are having their eyes opened now

This is a useless article. If you are going to take up our time telling us about Butch Jones, document the incident. Get three people who were present to give their side of it. Give quotes, timeline, what happened leading up, what the aftermath was. I don't need any jackass conclusions. Just tell what happened, the reader can make up their own mind. No wonder nothing gets better. Those who report it don't have a clue.
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Where there's smoke there's fire.

I guess y'all probably think Weinstein is innocent, too, huh? I mean all those women are clearly just ganging up on him for no reason.

Who is Weinstein? Is he at UT, or just the next dipwad on the news? I don't care about the news.
When allegations and opinions from multiple sources (from inside the program, or very close to it) start to pile up the way they have been against Butch, that "should" open those eyes that have remained closed.
Im in no way saying they arent all true. However as of right now,they are merely allegations....
CBJ situation somewhat akin to Roy Moore circus.
Easy to take a dump on somebody in both circumstances and very little demand for veracity before they are condemned by haters that already hated or look to gain some "reward".
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Said it before, I’ll say it again here. I’m amazed, damn near stunned, at the number of people who will and have reflexively dogged, criticized, run his name through the mud, piss on and just generally throw a former player under the bus, without fail or hesitation......if said former player has anything negative, anything critical to say about our now former head coach.

There’s no questioning, no critical thinking, no wondering if what the player, who committed to and then worked his ass off for 4 years , sometimes more years for Tennessee, is true......just an immediate character assassination of the player. Doesn’t matter if he’s a former great player who went on to play in the nfl and is now a respected, professional business man (Aaron Hayden) or a kid like Marlin Lane who had his troubles here, says it. I have little to no doubt that if even Peyton or Reggie White (if he was still alive) said anything bad about Jones, they’d get the same treatment.

Condredge Holloway better keep his mouth shut if he knows what’s good for him.

I questioned Hayden calling TN Vanderbilt and using it as a reason for his son signing with Arky, which is also Vanderbilt now.

I made light of the "Butch called me a p****" Daniel Helm issue because it's so stupid.

I also question Lane's comments that he was used by Butch to threaten players' lives.

None of these should be seen as a defense of Butch.
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Speaking of FORMER COACH APOLOGISTS, how is that Derek Dooley Memorial Library coming? :)

Speking to you directly as the dedicated Butch apologist - remember that Dooley's final team was a lot more competitive in his third year than Butch was in his fifth year. All of Dooley's loses other then Bama were down to the wire (and against higher ranked competition), and also Dooley's final team was sure enough more fun to watch cause it at least scored a bunch of points.
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Speking to you directly as the dedicated Butch apologist - remember that Dooley's final team was a lot more competitive in his third year than Butch was in his fifth year. All of Dooley's loses other then Bama were down to the wire (and against higher ranked competition), and also Dooley's final team was sure enough more fun to watch cause it at least scored a bunch of points.

Injuries have depleted this year's team to Conference USA levels...... not a fair comparison
Injuries have depleted this year's team to Conference USA levels...... not a fair comparison

But Butch was in year five and since he supposedly recruited so well he should have had depth to deal with injuries, correct? Or maybe that would be true if his great recruiting was not offset by way to many players transferring.
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