Marlin Lane

I am as glad as anyone that Butch is gone. Why can’t we leave well enough alone. Move on people. It’s not a good look. He gone.....
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Haha...Butch deserved the axe but this sounds ludicrous. ‘Hey, Marlin, tell these guys if they don’t leave immediately you’ll murder them.’ I’m choosing you bc, well, you’ll make it believable.

An enforcer is one thing but threats of murder???
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I will say I think there is a lot of merit to Butch being an insecure,polarizing, jerk. I also think theres no merit to Butch Jones keeping Marlin from being in the NFL. Marlin just wasnt good enough.

When the NFL starts drafting RBs with 5.0 forties then Lane may have a beef of some sort.
Someone made this comment on another post and I 100% agree: when the likes of Dobbs, Barnett, Sutton, etc. come out and verify it, I'll believe it.
So far I it's just been guys who have had issues in the past and are now wanting their moment.

I tend to agree. Tough to take all in as fact when not really heard any of this off character stuff before. Main reason I tend to disregard is that every single recruit that ever signed with us commented on the family atmosphere. If that weren't true, you know some players would get others on the side and say "dude, you don't want to play here".

On one hand, played Middle School/HS football in late 70's/early 80's, and can say I was dog cussed on many occasion by coaches. But it's a different day, and some of this stuff is way over the line, if true.
Former player Byron Moore replying to Mike Griffith...

He should have beat Florida every year as bad as they were. Him not making it to Atlanta last year with the whole east down was the start of the end then
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Haha...Butch deserved the axe but this sounds ludicrous. ‘Hey, Marlin, tell these guys if they don’t leave immediately you’ll murder them.’ I’m choosing you bc, well, you’ll make it believable.

An enforcer is one thing but threats of murder???

The stories coming out now are hilarious, and sad. Some people will believe absolutely anything posted on the internet.
I tend to agree. Tough to take all in as fact when not really heard any of this off character stuff before. Main reason I tend to disregard is that every single recruit that ever signed with us commented on the family atmosphere. If that weren't true, you know some players would get others on the side and say "dude, you don't want to play here".

On one hand, played Middle School/HS football in late 70's/early 80's, and can say I was dog cussed on many occasion by coaches. But it's a different day, and some of this stuff is way over the line, if true.
And risk the tyrant BJ finding out about it. Cmon. He had these kids by the balls
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Where there's smoke there's fire.

I guess y'all probably think Weinstein is innocent, too, huh? I mean all those women are clearly just ganging up on him for no reason.
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Lane stated Butch ruined his NFL chances by saying he had bad character to scouts. Could be his way of screwing Butch’s chances of getting another gig.
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Well I can’t prove it but I have heard so many stories like this. I know for a fact he tried to run off most of Dooley’s players and if they stayed he made there life hell. He drug tested Dooley’s players every week. Still can’t prove it but I have very good sources. Multiple sources.

I’m defending Jones here. I would have wanted to run off dooleys players too. They sucked. Saban did the same things at bammer with Shulas players. He ran them off. Only difference, saban wins. I don’t care about lane, I thank butch for gettting our talent back up there. Lane should have kept his mouth shut regardless. UT fans are fickle. Unlike bama fans who only care only about winning, Tn fans have pc police that worry if we hurt feelings while we attempt to win. Just win baby. Who cares if kids got the boot bc Jones wanted them gone. They sucked as players and should not have been here.
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He must be thinking about Kiffin. He blatantly used his S&C to run off Fulmer players and destroyed the roster. The S&C was later fired for conduct issues.
Said it before, I’ll say it again here. I’m amazed, damn near stunned, at the number of people who will and have reflexively dogged, criticized, run his name through the mud, piss on and just generally throw a former player under the bus, without fail or hesitation......if said former player has anything negative, anything critical to say about our now former head coach.

There’s no questioning, no critical thinking, no wondering if what the player, who committed to and then worked his ass off for 4 years , sometimes more years for Tennessee, is true......just an immediate character assassination of the player. Doesn’t matter if he’s a former great player who went on to play in the nfl and is now a respected, professional business man (Aaron Hayden) or a kid like Marlin Lane who had his troubles here, says it. I have little to no doubt that if even Peyton or Reggie White (if he was still alive) said anything bad about Jones, they’d get the same treatment.

Condredge Holloway better keep his mouth shut if he knows what’s good for him.
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The only thing is... Why would Lane want to diminish his image?

Lane may be telling the truth. I don't know. The "threaten their lives" seems silly though. People really believe that Butch said, "Marlin, I want you to to get Joey over there to leave the team. If he doesn't get the hint, tell him you'll kill him." I mean, if that really happened, a player most likely would have gone to the police. It just seems like an embellishment. Maybe it is truthful, in which case Butch needs to be investigated and possibly have charges brought up against him.
What happened to Condredge?

Haha. Nothing. He works for the AD, has been around Jones for 5 years....I’m saying that if he doesn’t wanna get the same treatment from our fan base, as other ex-players have gotten for daring to say anything critical of our former head coach Butch Jones, he’s better just keep his head down and shut up.

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