Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I24 which is how I get from the Boro to work has been empty lately in the mornings, I am growing to appreciate the liberal media pushing the hysteria on the people.
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No one is blaming Trump for the virus, don't be silly. And he is not the one manufacturing or distributing the tests.

I think what has the non-Trump slurper world frustrated with him is the constant lying and minimization. Just yesterday, as Dr. Fauci was testifying to Congress that the testing problems have been a failure and unacceptable, Trump was telling reporters that the testing was going fine and bragging about it.

Its as much about his personality and the CONSTANT LYING as it is about specific action or inaction. Now, you may pass off his lying and braggadociousness as just sort of who he is. But it has real consequences when you are the president and you have slurpers who struggle to separate fact from fiction.

As I said elsewhere, this morning Fox was touting the "summer will kill it, so don't worry" theory. The numskull Doocy was claiming that, and I quote, "humidity is the key." What a freaking moron.

You should say heat and humidity may reduce it, or make it dormant, but we don't know. So for the time being do the things the professionals, who know what the F they are talking about, tell you to do. Every news outlet in the country should run a banner 24/7 that says,

"No matter what else you do, do not listen to Trump. And if you hear him speak, assume he is lying. Because he is."

Please name the politician that this does not apply too?
I24 which is how I get from the Boro to work has been empty lately in the mornings, I am growing to appreciate the liberal media pushing the hysteria on the people.
Well Atlanta traffic still sucks! Had to bring my wife for a Dr's appointment this morning. Several cases down here, schools closed, but still apocalyptic traffic!
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