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Holy false equivalency, Batman!

You're saying they have a Covid radar on screen? Or just stupid opinion piece models that have been admitted BS in hindsight?

Clay Travis is looking at deaths today (which he says are low--I have not personally checked his stats). Today's deaths are the result of the cases that existed after the initial drop, when the number of confirmed cases were low outside of the original hotspots. We know there is a massive surge of cases in Florida, Texas, Arizona and elsewhere. Those who have recently caught the disease won't become death candidates (if at all) until 14-28 days down the road. So it's an apples and oranges comparison. He's complaining about the pessimistic coverage of the uptick in cases by pointing to the fact that current deaths--which were likely the result of infections that started 21-28--are low. Thus my analogy is apt. People are complaining about a coming hurricane and his counterargument is that it's BS because today is sunny.
Clay Travis is looking at deaths today (which he says are low--I have not personally checked his stats). Today's deaths are the result of the cases that existed after the initial drop, when the number of confirmed cases were low outside of the original hotspots. We know there is a massive surge of cases in Florida, Texas, Arizona and elsewhere. Those who have recently caught the disease won't become death candidates (if at all) until 14-28 days down the road. So it's an apples and oranges comparison. He's complaining about the pessimistic coverage of the uptick in cases by pointing to the fact that current deaths--which were likely the result of infections that started 21-28--are low. Thus my analogy is apt. People are complaining about a coming hurricane and his counterargument is that it's BS because today is sunny.
Clay Travis is looking at deaths today (which he says are low--I have not personally checked his stats). Today's deaths are the result of the cases that existed after the initial drop, when the number of confirmed cases were low outside of the original hotspots. We know there is a massive surge of cases in Florida, Texas, Arizona and elsewhere. Those who have recently caught the disease won't become death candidates (if at all) until 14-28 days down the road. So it's an apples and oranges comparison. He's complaining about the pessimistic coverage of the uptick in cases by pointing to the fact that current deaths--which were likely the result of infections that started 21-28--are low. Thus my analogy is apt. People are complaining about a coming hurricane and his counterargument is that it's BS because today is sunny.
The vast majority of current cases are younger people. The history of this disease tell us what will happen next.
The vast majority of current cases are younger people. The history of this disease tell us what will happen next.

I now the demographics are favorable in Florida currently. I have not heard about Texas and Arizona. Are they also heavily skewing towards the young?

Also, even if the spread is among the young, the young do not exist in hermetically sealed bubbles. This will feed up the chain.
Clay Travis is looking at deaths today (which he says are low--I have not personally checked his stats). Today's deaths are the result of the cases that existed after the initial drop, when the number of confirmed cases were low outside of the original hotspots. We know there is a massive surge of cases in Florida, Texas, Arizona and elsewhere. Those who have recently caught the disease won't become death candidates (if at all) until 14-28 days down the road. So it's an apples and oranges comparison. He's complaining about the pessimistic coverage of the uptick in cases by pointing to the fact that current deaths--which were likely the result of infections that started 21-28--are low. Thus my analogy is apt. People are complaining about a coming hurricane and his counterargument is that it's BS because today is sunny.
The lag is now 14-28 days? Interesting. I wonder why. :rolleyes:
Clay Travis is looking at deaths today (which he says are low--I have not personally checked his stats). Today's deaths are the result of the cases that existed after the initial drop, when the number of confirmed cases were low outside of the original hotspots. We know there is a massive surge of cases in Florida, Texas, Arizona and elsewhere. Those who have recently caught the disease won't become death candidates (if at all) until 14-28 days down the road. So it's an apples and oranges comparison. He's complaining about the pessimistic coverage of the uptick in cases by pointing to the fact that current deaths--which were likely the result of infections that started 21-28--are low. Thus my analogy is apt. People are complaining about a coming hurricane and his counterargument is that it's BS because today is sunny.
Your analogy is crap, and you know it. Current death rates are down. You countered that narrative by comparing it to weather radar, which is an empirical representation, as compared to the "likelies" and rectal predictions above.
They never tested any of my cohorts or me. Several of my friends commented about that.
They have always been pretty good about testing us but just within the last four weeks went to doing it weekly..... I am just so thankful that the new tests don’t feel like it is jabbing your brain.
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How exactly does the economy work if everyone gets $2k per person per month? If you work at Amazon and you and your wife get $4k to stay home why would you go in? Why would anyone work at grocery stores, retail, restaurants, etc? How does an apartment complex stay afloat if no one is paying rent? The landlord that is no longer receiving rent but still owes property taxes? I’m sure there are easy answers to these questions that I’m simply missing.

No, no, I don't think any of us are missing just how dopey this Twitter statement is. Saying it's shortsighted is being kind to the Kentucky lawyer who wrote it.
They have always been pretty good about testing us but just within the last four weeks went to doing it weekly..... I am just so thankful that the new tests don’t feel like it is jabbing your brain.
We don't talk about stabbing the brain pan in our house...lilreb cringes visibly 😳
We don't talk about stabbing the brain pan in our house...lilreb cringes visibly 😳
I didn’t realize they had changed the test when they announced doing it weekly..... I was not looking forward to that..... had a headache for two days after the first one
I agree.... that was torture

I have this b!tch session with her all the time . I b!tch and she laughs . My assertion is that my spit contains the virus or it doesn’t . If it does I can spit in a vile or on their little q-tip , and they can test the sample . If it doesn’t and they can’t test it , then why are we wearing masks ?
I got tested yesterday, it isn’t nearly that long. The one I took was a regular size q-tip and they only went barely past the nostril.

see I wouldn’t mind that . But if I had to endure the first ones and the brain pan scraping, I’d be pissed we are doing it with the shorties now .
I was exposed last week. Went and got tested yesterday, should find out in a couple of days. I’m pretty sure I should come back positive given the circumstances of the exposure. I will be surprised if I don’t test positive. I feel fine and have no symptoms.

At least where I live in N Alabama Huntsville area it was hard to find a test. First few places I called were out of tests, finally found a walk in clinic where I could get one. None had rapid tests that I called. The nurse that gave me the test said they are seeing a ton of positive cases right now and almost all are asymptomatic or mild symptoms. She hasn’t been a part of a single hospitalization patient yet.

That’s my anecdote FWIW. Asymptomatic is most common and tests are not easy to find.
Curious as to why you got tested. We were exposed 15 days ago (found out about 12 days ago) and our trusted Doc told us not to get tested unless we have symptoms (which we have not had).

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