Lady Vols Softball Team Game Thread week 6

Abby Lockman has had 119 chances, 0 errors, one passed ball, she's thrown out three of four base stealers for a 75% success rate, and her fielding percentage is 1.000.

In 1/3 less chances Scarlet McSwain has two errors, four passed balls, has thrown out one of eight base stealers for a .125% success rate, and her fielding percentage is .979.

Abby Lockman is the team's number one catcher.

For comparison in 2016 Lexi Overstreet had 407 chances, had six errors, 15 passed balls, threw out 9 of 36 base stealers for a 25% success rate, and her fielding percentage was .985.

If Lockman's hitting comes around just a little bit, we'll be set at that position for the next two years. Really good defensively. Sounds like the ankle is still an issue based on last night.
Not really catchers must be good defensively first....can not have wild pitches, passed balls, and base runners stealing on you all day

I am not sure we know if lockman is good defensively yet. Has not caught enough to make a determination. We may know more when she finishes the year but not now. I did not play catchers on my HS teams that could not hit. At this point she only swings for the fences and not doing that well so far. If she can hit 330 to 350 for the year that should help this team. We do not have enough offensive weapons for the catcher to not be able to hit whether it be Lockman or McSwain. Everyone has their opinion and that is Just mine. I do think as DP stated if she can hit and do so consistently then until Shipman gets here she will cover it.
I am not sure we know if lockman is good defensively yet. Has not caught enough to make a determination. We may know more when she finishes the year but not now. I did not play catchers on my HS teams that could not hit. At this point she only swings for the fences and not doing that well so far. If she can hit 330 to 350 for the year that should help this team. We do not have enough offensive weapons for the catcher to not be able to hit whether it be Lockman or McSwain. Everyone has their opinion and that is Just mine. I do think as DP stated if she can hit and do so consistently then until Shipman gets here she will cover it.

So what's your option? There are three regular catchers that I know of - Lockman, McSwain, and Weimer. (There is usually a 4th for bullpen/practice but they never get in a game at catcher).

Lockman is outhitting and outcatching the other two. (Indeed Weimer hasn't even caught in a game).
I think I'd put Lockman in the 8th spot and leave her there. She has hit better there than any other place in the lineup. She was highly regarded thought she would be a .350 hitter this year with about 10 homers but she hasn't produced. Neither had McSwain except yesterday so we'll see who starts today expect both might play.
Lockman does have an excellent OBP so she is definitely getting on base and in most games were scoring enough runs to win fans just like to score double digits every game.
So what's your option? There are three regular catchers that I know of - Lockman, McSwain, and Weimer. (There is usually a 4th for bullpen/practice but they never get in a game at catcher).

Lockman is outhitting and outcatching the other two. (Indeed Weimer hasn't even caught in a game).

The only option is to DH for the catcher position however we do not have enough quality hitters to do that this year. Aldrette bailed on us after her boyfriend left for Cal and her best friend did the unthinkable and it left a big void at that position. No one wants Lockman to succeed more than I but she has got to prove she can hit with out striking out so much. Maybe it will happen but not yet. McSwain has stuck around and worked when most would have quit but she is only a decent backup and does not hit much either. I know Lockman is injured now so it may allow her to play every day when well. The coaches know who is the best in their system so I am not going to question why Weimer is not given a shot any more than why Morrison don't get more innings. JMHO
Tennessee breaking it open now two more runs in five to one still bottom of the second still hitting.
I thought we'd break out on this pitcher she came in with a 7.89 era giving up 109 hits in 61 innings pitched.
Come on Tennessee blow them out run them out of town run them out of the state run them back to North Carolina!
Seggern out of her slump today she will hit the ball a ton the next three or four games if she follows her usual pattern.
Seggern with a solo home run. 7-1. There really is no reason Tennessee shouldn't beat this bunch by 258,000 to nothing. And I'm being conservative. Stomp those Kitty's!
Gregg out two more runs 8 to 1 Lady Vols. Pinch runner got picked off hurt what could have been a bigger inning.
I guess this NC State coach is making her pitcher pitch out of this and she is having great difficulty getting that third out.
She got out of it with only 8 runs scoring left the bases loaded. I think almost everyone has played today for the Lady Vols.

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