Kongbo hanging up his cleats?

For all of those saying the picture is "soccer cleats" refer to the link below


Edit I have no information and am just going to wait all of this rumor stuff out. Tomorrow at noon should be a fun press conference. I am going to plan my lunch hour around it.

Good Night and Good Luck!

Anybody else hope this is the press conference that Butch calls out the names in his back pocket and throws them in a cage with Bain?
CRAZY THEORY HERE ABOUT THE CLEATS. Could they be in regards to losing another D-lineman for the year in Tuttle. Maybe just wishful thinking and since a lot of stuff is being thrown around why not this. Makes sense that he team mate is hanging up the cleats for the year.

He wouldn't have said "all good things come to an end" as well as deleting all his Tennessee related stuff. He's leaving the team, it's obvious.
Deer Lord make it stop

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I read this whole post and i get to the deer lord at the end. That might be the funniest thing I've seen in a while on here. That was awesome. Not sure why but it actual made me laugh until I cried.

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