Jones's Injury Issue Craziness

People with apparent low IQs seldom understand the facts or the laws.

Ya I'm not a lawyer nor did I go to school for criminal justice, so I suppose I do no understand the laws, but help me understand the facts my man. Is there any reason to bring up IQs in this conversation. My opinion may differ from yours and that's fine. I respect your opinion on the matter so please share, but to actually question my IQ is asinine. Your on the same message board as I'am so please share your opinion, and you won't get a childish response back.
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People with apparent low IQs seldom understand the facts or the laws.

I understand physician/patient and confidentiality agreements, and if the players don't want there information shared I understand that, but if the players do not care I don't understand coach Jones letting the fan base know that so and so has a concussion or a knee sprain. That's what's frustrating. It never really bothered me before, maybe I'm getting a little tired of all the coach talk.
I understand physician/patient and confidentiality agreements, and if the players don't want there information shared I understand that, but if the players do not care I don't understand coach Jones letting the fan base know that so and so has a concussion or a knee sprain. That's what's frustrating. It never really bothered me before, maybe I'm getting a little tired of all the coach talk.

Why would you want to give the opposition any information like that so that can target that specific area on a player? Honestly a little common sense would go a long way on this board....
Why would you want to give the opposition any information like that so that can target that specific area on a player? Honestly a little common sense would go a long way on this board....

I get that but weather someone is hurt or not that particular body part is going to get hit whether it's intentional or not. I mean when they said Hurd had a lower body injury, guess what he was going to get hit in the lower body.
I agree on the down arrow and when you get over 100 on a OP you should not be allowed to start a thread again.

Threads that get more than 100 posts have something going for them or they wouldn't get the responses.

Please don't bring up Hipaa again. I SAID if Jones or players do not wish to disclose information, that is FINE. But don't then complain about internet speculation. I'm sure Jones was concerned about speculation concerning Kamara's injury. You can't do anything about it. I have been in the media for my entire career--not UT--and I don't like it when Jones or other coaches try to push the media around and lecture everybody about respecting the players. The media is perfectly responsible and doesn't need any more lectures from Jones--and he's not going to stop internet speculation. If a kid gets injured, have somebody notify the parents, tell them what you know, and everything is cool. I guess because the board is populated with southerners, they like authoritarian coaches--that's why the South, poor people, likes trump. Ha. What can I say.
Threads that get more than 100 posts have something going for them or they wouldn't get the responses.

Please don't bring up Hipaa again. I SAID if Jones or players do not wish to disclose information, that is FINE. But don't then complain about internet speculation. I'm sure Jones was concerned about speculation concerning Kamara's injury. You can't do anything about it. I have been in the media for my entire career--not UT--and I don't like it when Jones or other coaches try to push the media around and lecture everybody about respecting the players. The media is perfectly responsible and doesn't need any more lectures from Jones--and he's not going to stop internet speculation. If a kid gets injured, have somebody notify the parents, tell them what you know, and everything is cool. I guess because the board is populated with southerners, they like authoritarian coaches--that's why the South, poor people, likes trump. Ha. What can I say.

I'm from the south and I hate Trump.... we screwed either way really.
We need threads like this. How else are so many people going to post snarky one-liners in order to troll for likes.

They have to get their like counts up so as to seem important and credible.
What is with Jones and injuries and the media? The guy has got a bit wacky on this stuff. He starts his presser today talking about the media (and others?) not respecting his players and his program by reporting (or speculating) on injuries. He says there has been inaccurate information and suggests that it is upsetting families. This is all nonsense. The man needs to grow up.

First, I don't think the mainstream media reports inaccurate information about injuries. The team apparently is not releasing much--if any--info about injuries, and the press doesn't make stuff up. I think Jones is confusing the mainstream media with the internet and fan boards like this one. They are two different things.

Jones seems to be missing a fundamental fact, and that is that if you don't release any information about injuries, there is going to be speculation about injuries on the internet. If he thinks he going to eliminate internet talk or speculation, then he's naive and .....well, I won't say what else he is in the interest of being polite. If, on the other hand, you release select information about injuries, then there is no speculation. People know, or have some sense of an injury situation, and that is that. If you do not want to release information because of hippa or your own philosophy, or whatever, fine--but KNOW that word will get out, or rumors will get out. There is no stopping the internet genie--and Jones need to stop acting like he just fell off the back of a turnip truck.

Here is another thing Jones is missing. This is a BIG state football program, with intense fans--hundreds of thousands of intense fans. That is why there are 102,000 fans in Neyland for every home game. Does this guy REALLY think that avid fans are not going to be curious about injuries? What planet has he been on for the last 50 years? Every fan base of every sport is curious about injuries, and has been since sports were invented, as they affect the performance of the team. The press and and fans ALWAYS talk about injuries--it is part of the sports deal--and has ZERO to do with not respecting the players or their families. I've no idea where Jones gets off thinking that a discussion about a conventional injury situation represents a lack of respect for players. I'm sure the Kamara situation is partly or mostly what this is about. When did the Kamara speculation hit this board--today? That's, what, 2.5 days after the game? That's a long time. If any injury info about a player needs to be relayed to family members, I'm not sure why that can't be done within hours--meaning Kamara's family could have, and should have, got word of some kind long before speculation hit this board.

This is Jones on his sanctimonious high horse--again. It's absolutely dopey. I repeat, if Jones doesn't want to release injury issue, FINE. But then he should expect speculation. If he thinks he's going to keep all injury info in a vault--AND keep fans on the internet from asking about, talking about, and speculating about injuries, he is DELUSIONAL.

And here's what crazy: He opened the presser today by announcing the KMac had torn or injured his pectoral muscle and was out for the season. Ok. So he released injury info about one player--and then said he wasn't going to release any more. Huh? If I player is dinged up and it's not clear what injury he might have, FINE: Say John Doe may have a leg injury and is being evaluated. Or whatever. Why is that so difficult? People don't need to know everything, but they do like to know /something/--and, mind you, I'm talking about conventional athletic injuries, not unconventional issues of a more personal nature.

I, for one, am tired of him trying to lecture the media (and fans) about respecting his players. That's nonsense.

CBJ is vetting himself for a presidential run in 2020. :)
Here is the deal. He says he was on the phone with parents all morning shooting down rumors about injuries. I'll call it now that's a lie. If a kid is hurt he has probably already spoken with his parents about the injury.
Let me help you. I'm sure when a "kid" gets hurt he does call his parents. Then on Monday morning lets say Bleacher report tweets the "kid" is out for the year after the parents were told just a sprain. You don't think Coach Jones phone doesn't blow up at that point? He even said Kamara called him saying what was being reported was news to him.

He says respect the players, well coach respect us, the fans who shell out big money for tickets every week to come watch you play.
Coach Jones doesn't owe you a damn thing. You don't like it don't buy tickets. These kids injuries are none of your buisness. You want to know whos out, the depth chart will be released the week of the next game and your lucky your getting that.
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Good news I am hearing is that Butch expects the entire offensive line to be healthy and ready to go against USCjr. I think we come out pissed against them, and we run them out of there home stadium. I see a 38-13 win against them.
Let me help you. I'm sure when a "kid" gets hurt he does call his parents. Then on Monday morning lets say Bleacher report tweets the "kid" is out for the year after the parents were told just a sprain. You don't think Coach Jones phone doesn't blow up at that point? He even said Kamara called him saying what was being reported was news to him.

Coach Jones doesn't owe you a damn thing. You don't like it don't buy tickets. These kids injuries are none of your buisness. You want to know whos out, the depth chart will be released the week of the next game and your lucky your getting that.
Calm down cowboy... I understand what you are saying, but would bleacher report have to tweet stuff out like that if we were told what's happening. Just my opinion but it seems to me that if we were told what was going on than bleacher report wouldn't have to tweet out false stories and lies.
Calm down cowboy... I understand what you are saying, but would bleacher report have to tweet stuff out like that if we were told what's happening. Just my opinion but it seems to me that if we were told what was going on than bleacher report wouldn't have to tweet out false stories and lies.

Bleacher report is tweeting stuff like that because in 2016 and it's all about being first to report something whether it's right or wrong.

To take it a step farther by listening to Butchs presser he said "please respect these kids privacy. Also said one day you will have kids and will understand."

That tells me from what he said it was someone young that jumped to conclusions and reported what turned out to be not true.
Bleacher report is tweeting stuff like that because in 2016 and it's all about being first to report something whether it's right or wrong.

To take it a step farther by listening to Butchs presser he said "please respect these kids privacy. Also said one day you will have kids and will understand."

That tells me from what he said it was someone young that jumped to conclusions and reported what turned out to be not true.

Ya I can see that someone that. Someone trying to make a name for themselves in the industry. I see all your points man I really do. Not trying to start an argument. Just trying to have a strong conversation on the board.
Ya I can see that someone that. Someone trying to make a name for themselves in the industry. I see all your points man I really do. Not trying to start an argument. Just trying to have a strong conversation on the board.

Not arguing either. :hi:

Strong conversation is good, armchair and his OP is a total cluster.
Hey look, another thread about fans knowing more about being a HC at the University of Tennessee than Butch. Enough already with this crap.

Almost every one of your posts bashes fans for not supporting Butch the way you think he should be supported. Chill, man. It's a public forum. People don't agree, and that's their right.
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Thanks, a sane post. I wonder along these line, i.e., confidentiality, fans need or right to know, what if a coach just says player will be out for 1, 2 games what ever, and let that be it. Doesn't this address both issues?

From a confidentiality stand point, they're fine disclosing length of time a player will be out w/o disclosing the nature of the injury... but the best answer is simply a player is week to week.

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