Jones's Injury Issue Craziness

What is with Jones and injuries and the media? The guy has got a bit wacky on this stuff. He starts his presser today talking about the media (and others?) not respecting his players and his program by reporting (or speculating) on injuries. He says there has been inaccurate information and suggests that it is upsetting families. This is all nonsense. The man needs to grow up.

First, I don't think the mainstream media reports inaccurate information about injuries. The team apparently is not releasing much--if any--info about injuries, and the press doesn't make stuff up. I think Jones is confusing the mainstream media with the internet and fan boards like this one. They are two different things.

Jones seems to be missing a fundamental fact, and that is that if you don't release any information about injuries, there is going to be speculation about injuries on the internet. If he thinks he going to eliminate internet talk or speculation, then he's naive and .....well, I won't say what else he is in the interest of being polite. If, on the other hand, you release select information about injuries, then there is no speculation. People know, or have some sense of an injury situation, and that is that. If you do not want to release information because of hippa or your own philosophy, or whatever, fine--but KNOW that word will get out, or rumors will get out. There is no stopping the internet genie--and Jones need to stop acting like he just fell off the back of a turnip truck.

Here is another thing Jones is missing. This is a BIG state football program, with intense fans--hundreds of thousands of intense fans. That is why there are 102,000 fans in Neyland for every home game. Does this guy REALLY think that avid fans are not going to be curious about injuries? What planet has he been on for the last 50 years? Every fan base of every sport is curious about injuries, and has been since sports were invented, as they affect the performance of the team. The press and and fans ALWAYS talk about injuries--it is part of the sports deal--and has ZERO to do with not respecting the players or their families. I've no idea where Jones gets off thinking that a discussion about a conventional injury situation represents a lack of respect for players. I'm sure the Kamara situation is partly or mostly what this is about. When did the Kamara speculation hit this board--today? That's, what, 2.5 days after the game? That's a long time. If any injury info about a player needs to be relayed to family members, I'm not sure why that can't be done within hours--meaning Kamara's family could have, and should have, got word of some kind long before speculation hit this board.

This is Jones on his sanctimonious high horse--again. It's absolutely dopey. I repeat, if Jones doesn't want to release injury issue, FINE. But then he should expect speculation. If he thinks he's going to keep all injury info in a vault--AND keep fans on the internet from asking about, talking about, and speculating about injuries, he is DELUSIONAL.

And here's what crazy: He opened the presser today by announcing the KMac had torn or injured his pectoral muscle and was out for the season. Ok. So he released injury info about one player--and then said he wasn't going to release any more. Huh? If I player is dinged up and it's not clear what injury he might have, FINE: Say John Doe may have a leg injury and is being evaluated. Or whatever. Why is that so difficult? People don't need to know everything, but they do like to know /something/--and, mind you, I'm talking about conventional athletic injuries, not unconventional issues of a more personal nature.

I, for one, am tired of him trying to lecture the media (and fans) about respecting his players. That's nonsense.

How did you get 10 likes?
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Mixing politics into my sports is like taking my wife with me for a round of golf. Sure I enjoy both but the level of fun is significantly decreased when the two get together.
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OP on my long-time IGNORE. Spews bilge. :ermm:

I think I am going to have to put the OP on ignore too. All his posts are the same - bashing every coach at UT.

I find the fact that he was upset enough about the lack of information on player injuries (which we are not entitled to) to write a literal book of a rant a little strange.
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I appreciate him trying to protect his players. He may not always do it in a way you agree with, but no one can deny that he has the best interest of his players as his number one priority. That's the kind of coach that appeals to parents of players.

Good point. Jones mentioned that he was on the phone for hours today with players families clearing things up. I wonder what that was about?
Good point. Jones mentioned that he was on the phone for hours today with players families clearing things up. I wonder what that was about?

Probably responding to the lists created by the media indicating who is out and what is wrong with them. Just open up any thread here about a player being injured and look at the drastic swing of what may or may not be the outlook. Now you are the coach and are speaking with a family member who has seen this and are trying to separate fact from fiction for them and reassure them about their son.
What is with Jones and injuries and the media? The guy has got a bit wacky on this stuff. He starts his presser today talking about the media (and others?) not respecting his players and his program by reporting (or speculating) on injuries. He says there has been inaccurate information and suggests that it is upsetting families. This is all nonsense. The man needs to grow up.

First, I don't think the mainstream media reports inaccurate information about injuries. The team apparently is not releasing much--if any--info about injuries, and the press doesn't make stuff up. I think Jones is confusing the mainstream media with the internet and fan boards like this one. They are two different things.

Jones seems to be missing a fundamental fact, and that is that if you don't release any information about injuries, there is going to be speculation about injuries on the internet. If he thinks he going to eliminate internet talk or speculation, then he's naive and .....well, I won't say what else he is in the interest of being polite. If, on the other hand, you release select information about injuries, then there is no speculation. People know, or have some sense of an injury situation, and that is that. If you do not want to release information because of hippa or your own philosophy, or whatever, fine--but KNOW that word will get out, or rumors will get out. There is no stopping the internet genie--and Jones need to stop acting like he just fell off the back of a turnip truck.

Here is another thing Jones is missing. This is a BIG state football program, with intense fans--hundreds of thousands of intense fans. That is why there are 102,000 fans in Neyland for every home game. Does this guy REALLY think that avid fans are not going to be curious about injuries? What planet has he been on for the last 50 years? Every fan base of every sport is curious about injuries, and has been since sports were invented, as they affect the performance of the team. The press and and fans ALWAYS talk about injuries--it is part of the sports deal--and has ZERO to do with not respecting the players or their families. I've no idea where Jones gets off thinking that a discussion about a conventional injury situation represents a lack of respect for players. I'm sure the Kamara situation is partly or mostly what this is about. When did the Kamara speculation hit this board--today? That's, what, 2.5 days after the game? That's a long time. If any injury info about a player needs to be relayed to family members, I'm not sure why that can't be done within hours--meaning Kamara's family could have, and should have, got word of some kind long before speculation hit this board.

This is Jones on his sanctimonious high horse--again. It's absolutely dopey. I repeat, if Jones doesn't want to release injury issue, FINE. But then he should expect speculation. If he thinks he's going to keep all injury info in a vault--AND keep fans on the internet from asking about, talking about, and speculating about injuries, he is DELUSIONAL.

And here's what crazy: He opened the presser today by announcing the KMac had torn or injured his pectoral muscle and was out for the season. Ok. So he released injury info about one player--and then said he wasn't going to release any more. Huh? If I player is dinged up and it's not clear what injury he might have, FINE: Say John Doe may have a leg injury and is being evaluated. Or whatever. Why is that so difficult? People don't need to know everything, but they do like to know /something/--and, mind you, I'm talking about conventional athletic injuries, not unconventional issues of a more personal nature.

I, for one, am tired of him trying to lecture the media (and fans) about respecting his players. That's nonsense.
Armchair, I think you're argument is with the HIPA Law and not with the coaching staff.
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how do you handle an ass whole who thinks he is better then the coaches?...

you bench him..dumb down enough?

Again.....No one said or thinks they are better than the coaching staff. It's just an opinion. And I said that without name calling too.
What is with Jones and injuries and the media? The guy has got a bit wacky on this stuff. He starts his presser today talking about the media (and others?) not respecting his players and his program by reporting (or speculating) on injuries. He says there has been inaccurate information and suggests that it is upsetting families. This is all nonsense. The man needs to grow up.

First, I don't think the mainstream media reports inaccurate information about injuries. The team apparently is not releasing much--if any--info about injuries, and the press doesn't make stuff up. I think Jones is confusing the mainstream media with the internet and fan boards like this one. They are two different things.

Jones seems to be missing a fundamental fact, and that is that if you don't release any information about injuries, there is going to be speculation about injuries on the internet. If he thinks he going to eliminate internet talk or speculation, then he's naive and .....well, I won't say what else he is in the interest of being polite. If, on the other hand, you release select information about injuries, then there is no speculation. People know, or have some sense of an injury situation, and that is that. If you do not want to release information because of hippa or your own philosophy, or whatever, fine--but KNOW that word will get out, or rumors will get out. There is no stopping the internet genie--and Jones need to stop acting like he just fell off the back of a turnip truck.

Here is another thing Jones is missing. This is a BIG state football program, with intense fans--hundreds of thousands of intense fans. That is why there are 102,000 fans in Neyland for every home game. Does this guy REALLY think that avid fans are not going to be curious about injuries? What planet has he been on for the last 50 years? Every fan base of every sport is curious about injuries, and has been since sports were invented, as they affect the performance of the team. The press and and fans ALWAYS talk about injuries--it is part of the sports deal--and has ZERO to do with not respecting the players or their families. I've no idea where Jones gets off thinking that a discussion about a conventional injury situation represents a lack of respect for players. I'm sure the Kamara situation is partly or mostly what this is about. When did the Kamara speculation hit this board--today? That's, what, 2.5 days after the game? That's a long time. If any injury info about a player needs to be relayed to family members, I'm not sure why that can't be done within hours--meaning Kamara's family could have, and should have, got word of some kind long before speculation hit this board.

This is Jones on his sanctimonious high horse--again. It's absolutely dopey. I repeat, if Jones doesn't want to release injury issue, FINE. But then he should expect speculation. If he thinks he's going to keep all injury info in a vault--AND keep fans on the internet from asking about, talking about, and speculating about injuries, he is DELUSIONAL.

And here's what crazy: He opened the presser today by announcing the KMac had torn or injured his pectoral muscle and was out for the season. Ok. So he released injury info about one player--and then said he wasn't going to release any more. Huh? If I player is dinged up and it's not clear what injury he might have, FINE: Say John Doe may have a leg injury and is being evaluated. Or whatever. Why is that so difficult? People don't need to know everything, but they do like to know /something/--and, mind you, I'm talking about conventional athletic injuries, not unconventional issues of a more personal nature.

I, for one, am tired of him trying to lecture the media (and fans) about respecting his players. That's nonsense.

Thanks for the most laughable post that I have read this week.
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I think the Dormady rumor was part of his frustration. If someone is having surgery and out for the year no since in trying to keep a secret. We have more idiot fans than most.

You guys are way off base. The LAW prohibits the coaches and anyone else in the media of publishing the health conditions. If the player or the parents of a player decide to report the status of an injury, then discussions about said injury can be reported. Otherwise, quit criticizing the coaches for obeying the HIPAA LAW.
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lost me when you exposed yourself as being a liberal , the only way the witch wins is if she and her scum followers buy it or steal it.

Have you never heard of the HIPAA law?? I guess some people speak before than know very much about the subject.
Here is the deal. He says he was on the phone with parents all morning shooting down rumors about injuries. I'll call it now that's a lie. If a kid is hurt he has probably already spoken with his parents about the injury. Second he keeps saying these are kids. No, they are adults. At 18 you can go to college, join the military, go into the work force what ever you decide to do no one can stop you. He says respect the players, well coach respect us, the fans who shell out big money for tickets every week to come watch you play. The fans who spend there hard earned money on UT gear and hotels and what not to come watch and cheer for the team we love. Some of us generally are concerned with the players health not just the score on Saturday. For guys like Sutton and JRM we hate it for them not only cause they could really help the team but they sacrificed millions to come back and play. You don't want media or people starting rumors about injuries than sack up stop being petty with your huge ego and tell us what's going on. That's the only way these rumors stop. It's his fault not the media not ours his.
Would you please shut the hell up. Coming on this board acting like you know anything about coaching a D1 school, please give it a rest!

Wish I could like this one more than once! :thumbsup:

Why is the injury status of our players anyone's business??????? Didn't CBJ say that Jalen Hurd ask that he not elaborate on his injuries? Didn't JRM say yesterday that he didn't want to talk about his injury? Why can people not accept that? And why let your next opponent know about those injuries so that they can make adjustments to their game??? SMDH!!!

Vol til I fall!!!
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Here is the deal. He says he was on the phone with parents all morning shooting down rumors about injuries. I'll call it now that's a lie. If a kid is hurt he has probably already spoken with his parents about the injury. Second he keeps saying these are kids. No, they are adults. At 18 you can go to college, join the military, go into the work force what ever you decide to do no one can stop you. He says respect the players, well coach respect us, the fans who shell out big money for tickets every week to come watch you play. The fans who spend there hard earned money on UT gear and hotels and what not to come watch and cheer for the team we love. Some of us generally are concerned with the players health not just the score on Saturday. For guys like Sutton and JRM we hate it for them not only cause they could really help the team but they sacrificed millions to come back and play. You don't want media or people starting rumors about injuries than sack up stop being petty with your huge ego and tell us what's going on. That's the only way these rumors stop. It's his fault not the media not ours his.

Yea ok
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It's pretty obvious that Jones wants to keep player injuries as vague as possible for a competitive advantage. Why not force teams to waste time preparing for different personnel match ups?

Even so, why the hell do you feel so entitled to this information? You're not the one busting your butt out there on the field. It would be nice to know, sure. But it's not worth demanding anything.
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Here is the deal. He says he was on the phone with parents all morning shooting down rumors about injuries. I'll call it now that's a lie. If a kid is hurt he has probably already spoken with his parents about the injury. Second he keeps saying these are kids. No, they are adults. At 18 you can go to college, join the military, go into the work force what ever you decide to do no one can stop you. He says respect the players, well coach respect us, the fans who shell out big money for tickets every week to come watch you play. The fans who spend there hard earned money on UT gear and hotels and what not to come watch and cheer for the team we love. Some of us generally are concerned with the players health not just the score on Saturday. For guys like Sutton and JRM we hate it for them not only cause they could really help the team but they sacrificed millions to come back and play. You don't want media or people starting rumors about injuries than sack up stop being petty with your huge ego and tell us what's going on. That's the only way these rumors stop. It's his fault not the media not ours his.

People with apparent low IQs seldom understand the facts or the laws.
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Have you never heard of the HIPAA law?? I guess some people speak before than know very much about the subject.

EXACTLY! If players don't want their injuries disclosed, they cant be disclosed.

The rumor about Obrien being discovered by a blood test at the hospital was laughable. hell, that hospital couldn't give the results to his parents without his consent. The drug test was performed in all probability before the a&m game and results received after.
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What is with Jones and injuries and the media? The guy has got a bit wacky on this stuff. He starts his presser today talking about the media (and others?) not respecting his players and his program by reporting (or speculating) on injuries. He says there has been inaccurate information and suggests that it is upsetting families. This is all nonsense. The man needs to grow up.

First, I don't think the mainstream media reports inaccurate information about injuries. The team apparently is not releasing much--if any--info about injuries, and the press doesn't make stuff up. I think Jones is confusing the mainstream media with the internet and fan boards like this one. They are two different things.

Jones seems to be missing a fundamental fact, and that is that if you don't release any information about injuries, there is going to be speculation about injuries on the internet. If he thinks he going to eliminate internet talk or speculation, then he's naive and .....well, I won't say what else he is in the interest of being polite. If, on the other hand, you release select information about injuries, then there is no speculation. People know, or have some sense of an injury situation, and that is that. If you do not want to release information because of hippa or your own philosophy, or whatever, fine--but KNOW that word will get out, or rumors will get out. There is no stopping the internet genie--and Jones need to stop acting like he just fell off the back of a turnip truck.

Here is another thing Jones is missing. This is a BIG state football program, with intense fans--hundreds of thousands of intense fans. That is why there are 102,000 fans in Neyland for every home game. Does this guy REALLY think that avid fans are not going to be curious about injuries? What planet has he been on for the last 50 years? Every fan base of every sport is curious about injuries, and has been since sports were invented, as they affect the performance of the team. The press and and fans ALWAYS talk about injuries--it is part of the sports deal--and has ZERO to do with not respecting the players or their families. I've no idea where Jones gets off thinking that a discussion about a conventional injury situation represents a lack of respect for players. I'm sure the Kamara situation is partly or mostly what this is about. When did the Kamara speculation hit this board--today? That's, what, 2.5 days after the game? That's a long time. If any injury info about a player needs to be relayed to family members, I'm not sure why that can't be done within hours--meaning Kamara's family could have, and should have, got word of some kind long before speculation hit this board.

This is Jones on his sanctimonious high horse--again. It's absolutely dopey. I repeat, if Jones doesn't want to release injury issue, FINE. But then he should expect speculation. If he thinks he's going to keep all injury info in a vault--AND keep fans on the internet from asking about, talking about, and speculating about injuries, he is DELUSIONAL.

And here's what crazy: He opened the presser today by announcing the KMac had torn or injured his pectoral muscle and was out for the season. Ok. So he released injury info about one player--and then said he wasn't going to release any more. Huh? If I player is dinged up and it's not clear what injury he might have, FINE: Say John Doe may have a leg injury and is being evaluated. Or whatever. Why is that so difficult? People don't need to know everything, but they do like to know /something/--and, mind you, I'm talking about conventional athletic injuries, not unconventional issues of a more personal nature.

I, for one, am tired of him trying to lecture the media (and fans) about respecting his players. That's nonsense.

Once again, where is the "down" arrow.
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I agree on the down arrow and when you get over 100 on a OP you should not be allowed to start a thread again.
I am a physician. There is such a thing as patient confidentiality. The applies to college football players just as much as it applies to any other patient. If his players don't want their injuries advertised to the world, whatever their reasons, then we as fans should respect their decision. That is what Butch Jones is doing. Coaches & players owe us nothing, we support the 11 that are on the field... no matter which 11 it is. We don't need to know who is starting, who is playing, or who is hurt in order to do our part.

Thanks, a sane post. I wonder along these line, i.e., confidentiality, fans need or right to know, what if a coach just says player will be out for 1, 2 games what ever, and let that be it. Doesn't this address both issues?
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