Its not over!!


We were much better on offense with Hooker. Vandy is trash. Vanderbilt gave us the ball 13 (a lot!) times and we only scored on 7 of them (that'd be pretty pedestrian for Hooker). And Hooker's absence did not positively impact the defense. That was just Vandy being incapable of completing forward passes.
Ask Florida and Kentucky. Besides you are soooo right we should have been like a well oiled machine with Milton’s first start and that great weather they were playing in. Blue font (too old to figure out how to do the color change)
Better team than what? One with hooker playing? Hoping that’s not what you meant because if so that might be one of the worst takes I’ve ever heard. This offense just isn’t very efficient with Milton at the help. Early in the game I think we’d only scored on like 2 of the first 6 drives. And that’s against one worst teams we played all year.
And the weather was really great too huh????
We can beat Ball.St. Bowling Green, Tenn-Martin Vandy, Mizzou and maybe Kentucky with Milton as the QB. Do you honestly think we would’ve beat Pitt, Florida, LSU and Bama with Milton instead of Hooker? Honestly now. I hope we got Nico ready to roll next fall or Jackson wins the job cause I know what I’m getting with Joe at this point the coaches can’t change them at this point in his career he is what he is not a very QB. You can’t hide your QB’s weakness in this league either not against the really good teams anyway. This fanbase will not tolerate falling back to 6-6 or 7-5 next season and I’m telling you now that’s what will happen with Joe as the QB.
Don’t bet but if I did I would take your money.
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It was Vandy.
They also chose to play a guy who should be a WR @ QB. Like every other team we've beaten, they even chose to try and grind it out on the ground and slow the game. Bama(Q2,3,4) & USC gave everyone the pattern to beat us. Vandy refused to play the throwing QB and try. Dumb.
Yes he did so well when they brought him in…..
your coward side and yellow streak,.. is blaring the pale sun light
Apparently you have not seen the latest polls, the ones where the genius sports writers put Alabuba ahead of us. I really don't understand your reply though, I'm just a realist that wants to enjoy what we have done and look forward to what is to come and not dwell on what ifs and coulda beens, but you do you.
I think Joe is just a little too wound up before games. Since he’s over 21, he should take a couple of belts of Jack Daniels before each game. He could even get an NIL deal out if it and go from being called Overthrow Joe to
Lynchburg Lemonade Joe.
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We were much better on offense with Hooker. Vandy is trash. Vanderbilt gave us the ball 13 (a lot!) times and we only scored on 7 of them (that'd be pretty pedestrian for Hooker). And Hooker's absence did not positively impact the defense. That was just Vandy being incapable of completing forward passes.
You do realize that Vanderbilt beat Florida by more points than we did, and they only lost to South Carolina by 11…..
Losing to SC and breaking all time records in the process cannot be forgotten.
We deserve nothing.
maybe the Bucksnort Bowl.

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Milton is not the reason we were popping 80 yard runs
With the threat of Him being able to throw it 70 yds on a rope?! Yeah, he in part, was the reason for the 50yd runs. You can't stack a box and single cover Tennessee's receivers. This game could have been 70-0 easy if Joe had been more accurate.

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