It’s privileged

"Everyone", nope, just the SPECIAL ones.
Is this really the type of person you want to be in life? I'm not sure it matches who you profess to be but I guess the anonymous internet allows your true self to shine
Oh the irony
I don't profess to be something I'm not. For example, if I called out Obama for using executive privilege I would also call it Trump for the same. Many in this thread are doing the opposite and they know it
The most transparent complete fraud and con man in history.

Remember fast and furious you partisan hack. Obama used EP.

This is why I do hate you.

Some say they like you on here but I hate people like you with blinders on.

Where was your outrage when Obama was running guns and then used EP when he got caught.

You are such a hack.
He's just trying to tie everything up in court until he is voted out. Then he'll pardon himself on the eve of the inauguration of all crimes and walk. I believe there will be some state charges awaiting him though.
Of course you do.
I don't profess to be something I'm not. For example, if I called out Obama for using executive privilege I would also call it Trump for the same. Many in this thread are doing the opposite and they know it

Pray tell what I am professing to be that I am not oh great one?
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So let’s compare.....

It’s ok with LG that Obama used EP to stop a review of his gun running covert mission where the guns ended up actually being used to kill us citizens. That’s totally fine and dandy.

Trump using EP to end a charade and witch hunt that started with the Obama regime spying on Trumps campaign and knowing about Russian involvement and doing nothing about it except trying to stick trump in it somehow.....well that’s just totally wrong and by God how dare Trump do such a thing.

This is crap and you know it.
No one is saying the spending is great. No one at all.
plenty are saying it's not a big deal and very are overly concerned about it (at least on here). The support of Trump by those claiming to be fiscal conservatives is baffling
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Obama lost a billion dollars and fudged the numbers to avoid taxes as sport? Who knew.
And the IRS, people trained to find those kinds of things, found nothing. What makes you think a bunch of people who have no expertise at all in the field were going to find something? There are loopholes in tax laws. It's not illegal to use them. If you're that deadest on impeachment, find something truly worthy of it. So far there's been nothing legitimate.
plenty are saying it's not a big deal and very are overly concerned about it (at least on here). The support of Trump by those claiming to be fiscal conservatives is baffling
There hasnt been fiscal conservatism in my entire life. Its campaign promise pillow talk.

I remember my econ 101 Professor at UT saying, and I am paraphrasing since this is like 22 years ago, "National debt? It means nothing".

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