It’s privileged

If an accepted validation to do something is "well you did it", we are too far gone.
So you believe in gun control and large deficits? Those aren't typical GOP planks
If by gun control, you mean bump stocks, I couldn't care less. There are probably some weapons that shouldn't be allowed. I gave up on large deficits years ago because Republicans are no better than Democrats in that regard. They just have different people to give the money to.
Talk about a TROLL.
What is so fun about spending all your time in VN throwing around insults and belittling others? It's all you do and it's tiresome to read. Maybe that's just the type of person you strive to be in this world
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No different than being a contrarian just waiting for the next time they get to flip flop a conversation is hopes of a gotcha moment. Tired yet?
Yeah insulting/belittling everyone who disagrees is completely different
He's just trying to tie everything up in court until he is voted out. Then he'll pardon himself on the eve of the inauguration of all crimes and walk. I believe there will be some state charges awaiting him though.
Oh FFS pj lay off the victim card you sling just as much damn mud as the rest of us sheesh.
I'm not playing a victim I am stating fact and just find it interesting when someone does it all the time. Just speaks to the type of person he wishes to be in life. Not everyone has to be the same

I give a portion of what I get but not even close to the same quantity. I will discuss the topic at hand but anyone who offers a different viewpoint is pretty well ganged up on in here and insults are a big part of that.
I'm not playing a victim I am stating fact and just find it interesting when someone does it all the time. Just speaks to the type of person he wishes to be in life. Not everyone has to be the same

I give a portion of what I get but not even close to the same quantity. I will discuss the topic at hand but anyone who offers a different viewpoint is pretty well ganged up on in here and insults are a big part of that.


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