Israel vs Palestinians

Nobody will care how many liars are on the side of murderers if they aren't bothered by the murder in the first place. Lying is nothing in comparison.
That applies equally to both sides here. Plenty of people on the side of murderers and those who aren't bothered by murder in those demonstrations as well. Let's not pretend one side holds the moral high ground here.

I mean many of them even go so far as to excuse the actions on Oct7th.
Nobody will care how many liars are on the side of murderers if they aren't bothered by the murder in the first place. Lying is nothing in comparison.

Yes, because if a similar video were found of the other side, you’d obviously change your position…right?
Lol. Only one side has murderers, folks.

The best part of this is he seems to be implying if the roles were reversed, such a video would change his opinion. Which is hilarious.

Someone who agrees with me on something lied? That’s it! I’m switching sides!
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Not at all, his statement is very valid.
Your poor attempt at twisting the argument is expected though.
Uhhh, I just asked a question.
Because what you’re saying doesn’t flow.
So here’s another question or 2,

So you’re saying that huff isn’t calling one side murderers but not the other. He wasn’t clear who he was talking about but considering his post history is it not reasonable to assume he meant Israel?
Or are you saying that huff means that both sides are murderers and therefore we should not be surprised that they’re all lying and should not trust anything either side says?
Please elaborate on how 85sugars statement about Huffs post is “ridiculous” in relation to huffs post.
The DEI training and proper pronoun usage is starting to pay dividends ...

WTF does that have to do with DEI? You all act like Military blunders just started when Biden was in office.

Also, who had the bright idea to build this pier in the first place? Why not just bring in aid over land and dare the Israelis to stop you?
WTF does that have to do with DEI? You all act like Military blunders just started when Biden was in office.

Also, who had the bright idea to build this pier in the first place? Why not just bring in aid over land and dare the Israelis to stop you?
"Everything I don't like is woke CRT DEI and pronouns"

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