Israel vs Palestinians

Would you have said the same thing if you lived in Munich in 1938?
This is the moral test of our lifetime. You can’t play around and waffle here. These people ARE the brownshirts of our day .
Decide which side you are on. There is no neutral when facing absolute Monsters.
This is how the Holocaust began. History will judge our generation for how we respond this day
you know Hitler used the same exact argument to remove his enemies? If anything you are playing along in this potential Holocaust.

He painted his racism against Jews as a life and death struggle about the fate of Germany. Their different religion, and different culture, and different wants were breaking up Germany, making it week, and they would be oh so much stronger without these different groups. He blamed them for the rise of communism in Germany, the loss in WW1, the economic struggles from afterwards. just like you are doing.

LG is right, the extremist rhetoric from both sides needs to step down a LOT.
Do you have any idea how many aid workers and innocents got accidentally bombed in Germany between 1939 and 1945? Did that make the US and Britain criminals. War is hell. Maybe Hamas should have thought of that before massacring over 1000 civilians in cold blood on October 7.
Yes, some things ARE black and white.
it absolutely did. but in this case we were also the Judge and Jury. same problem as we are seeing now with the Democrat run cities. The criminals get released by Democratic prosecutors and judges who don't hold them responsible. just because they weren't held responsible doesn't mean they didn't do the crime.

whats the quote: Isn't it funny how the good guys always win?
Start flights how? By being confrontational? Again that happens at most protests.

And yes antagonists from both sides have claimed victimhood in media tours.

Again, we've seen some rather ridiculous things being claimed by both sides.

You can also spare me the lazy "it's only Jews" doing it take.
Shocking that this post contained zero examples. I didn't say anything about "Jews" lol, people want to be victims so bad
Just like I said, it's the same Israel crew that keeps showing up to antagonize and be professional victims

Notoriety is really nuanced and on an incredible micro level. Imagine being familiar with someone because of "Israel couscous salad". Or meeting someone on a plane who says, 'have you ever heard of Israel couscous salad? That's me. I'm Israel couscous salad lady."
You really think Jews are the only group that has done things like this? I've seen Arab groups do similar things, particularly out west ("California"), many other groups as well.
I will wait for your example of the pro-Palestine protestor that went to an Israel protest just so they could fabricate a story about being "stabbed in the eye." Again, I didn't even mention "Jews" once lol
If only I had said Hamas wants more dead to show how bad Israel is....oh wait I did.

sums you up pretty well too. just ignore what is actually said, misconstrue cherry picked parts, and make nonsensical arguments no one is actually making.

@NashVol11 @EasternVol

Out of curuousity, when you liked this post, does this mean you agree that hamas wants more dead Palestinians?
@NashVol11 @EasternVol

Out of curuousity, when you liked this post, does this mean you agree that hamas wants more dead Palestinians?
It means this is 100% accurate, and you're hilariously proving it even more true with this post. Hope that helps.
sums you up pretty well too. just ignore what is actually said, misconstrue cherry picked parts, and make nonsensical arguments no one is actually making.
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If you have to go to the “you’re just mad because….” Post then you don’t have a valid argument

So……the Jews? Or did you mean the nation of Israel?
Seems like we’ve talked about this
in this case I meant the Jews. you can tell because I said the Jews.

I don't hide behind mixed phrases or layers of understanding that I expect others to know without telling them.

and yes I will stand by my statement that Jews aren't perfect. I also stand behind my statement that ISRAEL has been at war with Palestine for longer than 10/7.

I am not the one ducking the argument. I laid out my point AND pointed out your tendency to twist what was actually said into insults. If you want to be offended and are looking for ways to be offended by taking things out of context I can't and won't try to stop you. You could also do both. forward the debate, as well as call me out where I am wrong. instead you just want to call me out which circles back to twisting what is said.
I think the major issue with these type of conflicts is that people keep trying to find the "good team vs bad team" in the issue or make arguments based on that when this is really just an "us vs them" type situation.

In the USA's case, we need to consider the "us vs. them" more as it is the more common situation in politics than a clear cut good vs. evil. World War II was unique in that the Axis Powers were just irreprehensible bad. However, even going back to WW1, you really cannot consider the Central Powers to be EVIL but we fought them and had to beat them. Same is true with most our wars: Spanish-American, Mexican-American, Vietnam, etc.

Sometimes the argument is "us vs. them".

In the case of the United States, I think we lean a little more on the Israel side but really don't have that much of a dog in the fight. Of course, people know that I am not a fan of Islam and a lot of that goes to the "us vs them" situation in that my ancestors battled Islam in the Dark Ages, Crusades, Ottoman Wars, etc. Islam literally wanted to conquer all of Christian Europe at one time and made several attempts to do it. I don't remember Jews or Judaism every trying to do that.
The attempted “gotcha” shtick is extremely old and your hit rate on them is terrible. Find a better way to argue things

I wouldn’t have asked if it were a gotcha attempt. I would’ve just quoted the post and told everyone to notice who liked it. Don’t blame me for your own insecurity.

I asked because you liked a message that said something I assumed you disagreed with. If you don’t like people having to ask such questions, I’d recommend in the future only liking things if you agree with the entirety of the message.
While sitting outside of Gaza in safety this ****tard is proud to sacrifice the citizens of Gaza.
So my question for the useful idiots in here….if the Palestinian leadership doesn’t care about their people and actually want them to die, then why do you?

Both sides say this conflict is to the death, both sides will not rest until the other is eliminated. Maybe the dipshits protesting should worry about the problems here instead of **** they can’t comprehend half way around the world.

Naw, they’re probably just as blind to that too.

Because they're human. We're not all as tribal as you.
Palwatch huh? I bet they're fair and balanced. Is that translation certified?
I will wait for your example of the pro-Palestine protestor that went to an Israel protest just so they could fabricate a story about being "stabbed in the eye." Again, I didn't even mention "Jews" once lol
So now you are saying the only reason they went was to fabricate a story....... I must admit I saw that interview and the statement and my first reaction was it sound embellished considering she had no visible injury. But you've now gone and made a conspiracy theory detailing her fiendish plot frame Palestinians.

Now did this happen? I'd bet some details are true, she probably took a stick to have during chaos at a protest but certainly want stabbed. But your claim she went to start a fight.......I find that hard to believe, she's not the fighting type. What probably happened she went to a protest to counter it...... Which is her right, and the mob got out of hand and she probably got roughed up pushed around a bit on the chaos.

But do you not see the prejudice in your staunch stance on her going to a protest to instigate assault them claim victim and fabricate a lie.......... Whether intended or not it is very close to anti Jewish tropes I've seen used before.
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So now you are saying the only reason they went was to fabricate a story....... I must admit I saw that interview and the statement and my first reaction was it sound embellished considering she had no visible injury. But you've now gone and made a conspiracy theory detailing her fiendish plot frame Palestinians.

Now did this happen? I'd bet some details are true, she probably took a stick to have during chaos at a protest but certainly want stabbed. But your claim she went to start a fight.......I find that hard to believe, she's not the fighting type. What probably happened she went to a protest to counter it...... Which is her right, and the mob got out of hand and she probably got roughed up pushed around a bit on the chaos.

But do you not see the prejudice in your staunch stance on her going to a protest to instigate assault them claim victim and fabricate a lie.......... Whether intended or not it is very close to anti Jewish tropes I've seen used before.
She went to antagonize, film herself doing it and play the victim. It sounds like you agree that she was full of it. Don’t think we need all these extra paragraphs about whether it was a “fiendish plot” or a statement about Jews at large; right wing provocateurs have a habit of doing this exact thing.

Also, there’s video. So again, you can spare me your speculative spitballing about how “the mob probably got out of hand and she probably got roughed up” when we can see that it did not and she did not.
like I said you cherry pick and twist. Those were SOME of my words. You are lying through omission.

I included the whole quote above. even color coded it to point out I that I came out and said what I said; you didn't need to crop it to try and make me look bad. Provide the WHOLE quote and show the context. I am sorry its too complex of situation for you to understand but I guess that makes sense with your need to outright lie about what I said.

Let me break it down again. I have said Hamas, which I at least separate from Palestine, wins no matter what here. The people in charge of Hamas don't give two craps about the actual people of Palestine. Palestine, and its people, are a useful political football, like health care, the debt, gun crimes etc. They are useful as tools, and neither side wants to actually fix the issue, because that would deny them power. Hamas has put themselves in a position to benefit from either outcome. Hamas won't go away if all of Palestine is cleared of Arabs. or even if from all of Israel, is too. they will live on, the leaders will just move if they are even in Palestine. and if Palestine is wiped out they get to be the martyrs with the support of the Arab world who will now be pissed at Israel for killing of Arabs. On the other hand IF they were to win somehow, they would be heroes to the Arab world. Either way dead, or live Palestinians help Hamas.

no I am sure you will cherry pick and chop this up to take what I have said out of context, but luckily for me and anyone interested in the truth they will be able to go back and read what I actually said in context. Let me know when you develop the ability to hold two separate ideas in your head at the same time, and I will continue this discussion with you.
Lol. Luckily for you? Give me a break.

You 2 get so butthurt over partial quotes - like I’ve erased your original somehow.
Of course it’s still there. It’s always still there.

The full text - It didn’t go anywhere. But you sure will squawk about it.

And you sound like Austin Price from VQ trying to play both sides and cover all your bases at this point.

He might commit. But then again, he might not commit. 😂
She went to antagonize, film herself doing it and play the victim. It sounds like you agree that she was full of it. Don’t think we need all these extra paragraphs about whether it was a “fiendish plot” or a statement about Jews at large; right wing provocateurs have a habit of doing this exact thing.

Also, there’s video. So again, you can spare me your speculative spitballing about how “the mob probably got out of hand and she probably got roughed up” when we can see that it did not and she did not.
What was she doing to antagonize? I couldn't play audio but just watched the video so maybe I missed her antagonizing..... My take appears to be backed up by the video, I didn't see anything that she did that was provocative.

A few protesters waved things in her face. One was a flag that she says hit her in the eye, certainly possible based on the video but hardly stabbed.
Which is your individual right. Just do it without using US money or weapons
We arm just about everyone it seems like. As a matter of principle I back your stance but we need to stop arming everyone...... Or at least reduce our economic dependence on the MIC and start manufacturing and contributing to the world in other ways.

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