Israel vs Palestinians

Your entire argument seems to deny them agency and treat them as victims. If you know people are trying to murder you, they’ve openly declared their intent to destroy all Hamas members, and then you go home to your family every night…

Are you not putting your family in danger? By staying, is your wife not putting herself in danger?
no my entire argument is that you made an apples and hand grenade comparison.

we are all responsible for our choices, the distinction I make is that I also include Jews in that "all", unlike you.

I have no problem with Hamas being responsible for their dead wives if the IDF is also responsible for their dead wives.

I want a consistent, unbiased, standard equally applied to both sides. thats been the vast majority of my beef in this thread. I don't care which side it is, I have called out Palestinian side on it too; there are just far more pro-Israelis here to call out.

A clip that perfectly captures Leftist in America in 2024.

Y’all have lost your minds!!

It is all the same crew. If it is immoral, unpatriotic, antisemetic, perverted, or despicable, the exact same people are standing ready to promote it.
It is indeed the spirit of Antichrist
They’re not scared of the people. They are scared of their votes.
No, they are scared of the people. The soft and week minded people running colleges and also the Democrat party today live on the praise of their supposed “virtue”. Any confrontation with the people whose support they crave will paralyze them into an absolute catatonic fetal position.
They have never lived in the real world and are constitutionally unequiped to deal with debate or pushback, especially from their own carefully trained apostles in the student body.
I have already pointed out that I think 33k isn't every death. so I think its a reasonable statement.

and his statement doesn't say that all of the deaths were innocents, just that he thinks there are 33k innocent deaths. he doesn't comment on the possibility of, nor number of dead Hamas in that statement.

if you wanted an example of people lumping Palestinians and Hamas together, here you go. you took a standalone statement on the number of innocent dead and just assume it precludes any dead Hamas because you see them as the same.
You said -

where did anyone say it was 0? thats a straw man argument.

So I provided the statement from Huff (which has also been made by others).

LOL. An authoritarian state with the blood of 33k dead innocents

33k is the current # being thrown out by the Gaza (Hamas) Health Ministry for the death toll - and they admittedly don’t distinguish between civilians and combatants.

So if you’re saying “33k innocents” - you’re saying ‘0’ terrorist combatants have been taken out.

Happy to be of assistance.
Hamas wants to have both sides. more civilian deaths just shows how bad Israel is, while also making themselves look better with fewer deaths. but also fewer civilian deaths would mean they are actually protecting their people. so its a mixed bag of possible biases from them.
This paragraph is something else. Though it pretty much sums you up in this thread.

If you honestly think Hamas wants to limit civilian Palestinian deaths - you’re more confused than I thought.

Dead Palestinians in the streets are Hamas’ most powerful weapon. The absolute life blood of their campaign. They are dead to rights without it.
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You said -

So I provided the statement from Huff (which has also been made by others).

33k is the current # being thrown out by the Gaza (Hamas) Health Ministry for the death toll - and they admittedly don’t distinguish between civilians and combatants.

So if you’re saying “33k innocents” - you’re saying ‘0’ terrorist combatants have been taken out.

Happy to be of assistance.
No it isn't. You are jumping to conclusions. did huff quote Hamas? and if Huff was quoting Hamas, they include 6k dead Hamas in there, so Huff's statement of 33k dead innocents wouldn't even be consistent with the data you THINK he is quoting. which is two good reasons to think he wasn't quoting Hamas.

I have also said Hamas is lying, and I think its more than 33k dead. that last part was even quoted by you.

Israel also claimed a 2:1 civilian to Hamas kill ratio. it was in the article I posted earlier. so if they have 12k dead Hamas, that is 36k dead total.

so me assuming more than 33k deaths is backed up.
This paragraph is something else. Though it pretty much sums you up in this thread.

If you honestly think Hamas wants to limit civilian Palestinian deaths - you’re more confused than I thought.

Dead Palestinians in the streets are Hamas’ most powerful weapon. The absolute life blood of their campaign. They are dead to rights without it.
If only I had said Hamas wants more dead to show how bad Israel is....oh wait I did.

sums you up pretty well too. just ignore what is actually said, misconstrue cherry picked parts, and make nonsensical arguments no one is actually making.
This paragraph is something else. Though it pretty much sums you up in this thread.

If you honestly think Hamas wants to limit civilian Palestinian deaths - you’re more confused than I thought.

Dead Palestinians in the streets are Hamas’ most powerful weapon. The absolute life blood of their campaign. They are dead to rights without it.
You and I are often at odds, OK, always at odds, but you're right about the Hama's weaponizing dead Palestine people. Shame to see suckers in America falling for the ruse.

As for the other post by Vol Inc., having a drag queen address kids at all-AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH! If parents have the guts, pull your kids out of the school. Band together to form a private local school. Hire teachers who know he/she entities aren't women, and have no business twisting the minds of children. Practically brainwashing them to be multi-gender who end up being confused what a he, she, or it is supposed to be. If Republicans were what they used to be and not MAGA-gots, I'd vote Republican.
No it isn't. You are jumping to conclusions. did huff quote Hamas? and if Huff was quoting Hamas, they include 6k dead Hamas in there, so Huff's statement of 33k dead innocents wouldn't even be consistent with the data you THINK he is quoting. which is two good reasons to think he wasn't quoting Hamas.

I have also said Hamas is lying, and I think its more than 33k dead. that last part was even quoted by you.

Israel also claimed a 2:1 civilian to Hamas kill ratio. it was in the article I posted earlier. so if they have 12k dead Hamas, that is 36k dead total.

so me assuming more than 33k deaths is backed up.
You’re making this more complicated than it is.

“33k” is the total number being tossed about by every major news source reporting on this as “The Death Toll in Gaza”.

The # comes from the Gaza Health Ministry.
They don’t distinguish. That is All deaths.

So if you use that number being reported everywhere and tag “innocents” on the back - it’s pretty self explanatory.
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If only I had said Hamas wants more dead to show how bad Israel is....oh wait I did.

sums you up pretty well too. just ignore what is actually said, misconstrue cherry picked parts, and make nonsensical arguments no one is actually making.
Maybe if you gave up the silly charade in here (that no one is buying) you could keep from falling over dizzy.

These are your words -

but also fewer civilian deaths would mean they are actually protecting their people. so its a mixed bag of possible biases from them.

Yea, you threw a lot of crap out there trying to cover all bases, and I guess keep up the illusion in your own mind.

Hamas wants dead Palestinians in the streets.
Hamas needs dead Palestinians in the streets.

The notion that Hamas is protecting their people, that Hamas wants to limit civilian casualties. It’s laughable.
You and I are often at odds, OK, always at odds, but you're right about the Hama's weaponizing dead Palestine people. Shame to see suckers in America falling for the ruse.

As for the other post by Vol Inc., having a drag queen address kids at all-AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH! If parents have the guts, pull your kids out of the school. Band together to form a private local school. Hire teachers who know he/she entities aren't women, and have no business twisting the minds of children. Practically brainwashing them to be multi-gender who end up being confused what a he, she, or it is supposed to be. If Republicans were what they used to be and not MAGA-gots, I'd vote Republican.
Seeing that Hamas benefits from dead Palestinians is about as slow-pitch softball as it gets.

But yea, some struggle with it.
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No, they are scared of the people. The soft and week minded people running colleges and also the Democrat party today live on the praise of their supposed “virtue”. Any confrontation with the people whose support they crave will paralyze them into an absolute catatonic fetal position.
They have never lived in the real world and are constitutionally unequiped to deal with debate or pushback, especially from their own carefully trained apostles in the student body.
You clearly have never spent time working in Higher Education.

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