To my dismay Cruz came out on top for me but Gary Johnson (my vote in 2012) was a close second. 90% with Libertarian; Right-wing Libertarian was my position on the map.

I will not vote for Cruz if he is the nominee. His character/leadership style are so bad they trump my agreement with him on some issues. Plus I disagree strongly with his immigration policies and "carpet bombing" ISIS.

That's my view on Cruz.

I feel the exact opposite about Kasich - I disagree with quite a few of his policies, but I think the country would be in capable hands (comparatively speaking) under his watch.
If you look at Trump's fiscal policy, he's not that much different from Democrats. Just like Democrats often, he will also enrich the wealthy while not really doing anything for the poor. We will at least have our big government programs though, which keeps Democratic voters appeased, I suppose.

Honestly, the biggest single groups of voters Trump should appeal to are labor Democrats, Southern/Midwestern Democrats (big on conservative social values, somewhat parochial, but like government helping out economically), and social values Republicans who aren't as nearly as scrupulous about fiscal policy as they are about what I would call loud "In Your Face American Triumphalism," where just the mere illusion of being better than everyone else is all that really matters.

You have totally missed Trumps campaign. He is smart enough to have latched onto the angry middle American that has been betrayed by the Republicans and Democrats. I have absolutely no idea what his true policy ideas are.

I hope you understand that Presidents are elected by the 20% of voters that identify themselves as independent. The 40% that will vote Republican no matter what is matched by the 40% that will vote Democrat which leaves the 20% that are independent to decide the near future of the country. That didn't work in 2008 or 2012 because of the people that had never voted before came out to elect a black man without knowing, or caring, what his policies were. Won't happen again.
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Gary Johnson is always the sane choice, with regards to the various social issues, which means he doesn't have a chance in the general.
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To my dismay Cruz came out on top for me but Gary Johnson (my vote in 2012) was a close second. 90% with Libertarian; Right-wing Libertarian was my position on the map.

I will not vote for Cruz if he is the nominee. His character/leadership style are so bad they trump my agreement with him on some issues. Plus I disagree strongly with his immigration policies and "carpet bombing" ISIS.

If Cruz was really concerned with Muslim extremesist or stopping terrorism, he would be advocating for carpet bombing Saudi. Not Syria.

But he's just pandering to the war mongers in the GOP base
This site was broadly right in pairing me with Trump on foreign policy.

Trump has interesting foreign policy ideas regarding the Middle East that I would broadly agree with. The US supporting regime changes in the region destabilized it and accommodated a growth in Wahabism and other forms of radical Islam. He is right about what Russia is doing with Assad, but only to a point. Russia is exerting pressure on Turkey (a member of NATO) to act out rashly against the Kurds - this would go against Western policy. But I do agree that Assad remaining would be the lesser of two evils, Syria under his control had freedom for women, secular education and was not a breeding ground or terrorists like Iraq, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia have been.

On China he is correct that the US can exert trade pressure on China seeing as it is a massive consumer market for their export-based economy. I do think China is the key to the North Korean problem.

Sadly - while Trump has some 'correct' broad foreign policy ideas - I don't think he'd be able to implement his policies effectively. He is too brash and business-mode thinking isn't generally as effective in the foreign policy sphere.
That's my view on Cruz.

I feel the exact opposite about Kasich - I disagree with quite a few of his policies, but I think the country would be in capable hands (comparatively speaking) under his watch.

same here.
That's my view on Cruz.

I feel the exact opposite about Kasich - I disagree with quite a few of his policies, but I think the country would be in capable hands (comparatively speaking) under his watch.
I'm as Liberal as come but I feel that way about Cruz and Kasich. I really like Kasich and would not mind at all if he got elected. I would go as far as to say that I would probably vote for him in a head to head with Hillary
I'm as Liberal as come but I feel that way about Cruz and Kasich. I really like Kasich and would not mind at all if he got elected. I would go as far as to say that I would probably vote for him in a head to head with Hillary

I'd take Kasich over Hillary too, probably.
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I thought I was a libertarian, hah.


Rubio it is...


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I'll do this again but I had Bernie some where in the 80'%, Hillary in 2nd (puke) and Rand and Kasich after them when I done it a couple of months ago. But I'll retake it again to get the official one, I'm sure HRC has changed all her views again so it will probably change where she ranks on mine.
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I'll do this again and had Bernie some where in the 80'% Hillary in 2nd (puke) and Rand and Kasich after them. But I'll retake it again to get the official one, I'm sure HRC has changed all her views again so it will probably change where she ranks on mine.

Bernie, Hillary, and Rand Paul?

That's bizarre
I tried to go through and pick the most big government answer for each question.

Clinton: 76%
Sanders: 71%
Stein: 68%
Rubio: 68%
Bloomberg: 65%
Trump: 62%

Johnson came in at a solid 3%, so I figure I did an alright job.
I tried to go through and pick the most big government answer for each question.

Clinton: 76%
Sanders: 71%
Stein: 68%
Rubio: 68%
Bloomberg: 65%
Trump: 62%

Johnson came in at a solid 3%, so I figure I did an alright job.

A little bored? Haha.

I was actually curious what the results would be if I answered the opposite of how I feel to every question

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