I did the quiz today and had Cruz and Trump at 80% and 96% Constitutional Party. Kind of ashamed of the Trump number considering that I hope MS13 gets that asshat...
I got Gary Johnson at 82% and I'm more of a democrat... All things I disagreed with him with are things I can live with... If only 3rd party candidates actually stood a chance. But I also agreed slightly more with some of the unspeakables on this website... whoops.
What did you just say about me, you little punk? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that to me over the Internet? Think again. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe you off the face of the continent. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re dead, kiddo.


Wow I couldn't get my grandfathers to tell me war stories about ww2 and Vietnam and here you are bragging about kills and how much of badAzz you are.
Things sure have changed, I researched both my grandfathers active duty records, one was a combat engineer for the US Army prepping demolitions behind dday invasions and the records I found declared "result of missions completed to graphic for public viewing"(in a nut shell)

Tet-offensive Jan 30th- March 28th
Battle of Hue'
My GF - gunny Sargent USMC
In one of 3 Marine battalions fought on his stomach dodging mortar and cannon fire for almost a month not knowing if THEIR artillery was hitting citizens or Vietcong sure brought hell upon him and he carried that until he was called home to the Lord 4 years ago.

Neither of them Ever spoke, or threatened anyone over an opinion, I'm almost certain the only harm they did after the war was putting down an injured dog or taking a belt to my dads rebellious a**.

If you are true with your words then shame on you , go find God and apologize to for disgracing your fellow soldiers.
I am no soldier never was probably never will be but I can't sit here and read this quietly if you are true with your words.
If so and you simply are demonstrating your right to hide behind a keyboard and say whatever you want then piss off little rat!

Evidently I'm a constitutionalist / libertarian
Wow I couldn't get my grandfathers to tell me war stories about ww2 and Vietnam and here you are bragging about kills and how much of badAzz you are.
Things sure have changed, I researched both my grandfathers active duty records, one was a combat engineer for the US Army prepping demolitions behind dday invasions and the records I found declared "result of missions completed to graphic for public viewing"(in a nut shell)

Tet-offensive Jan 30th- March 28th
Battle of Hue'
My GF - gunny Sargent USMC
In one of 3 Marine battalions fought on his stomach dodging mortar and cannon fire for almost a month not knowing if THEIR artillery was hitting citizens or Vietcong sure brought hell upon him and he carried that until he was called home to the Lord 4 years ago.

Neither of them Ever spoke, or threatened anyone over an opinion, I'm almost certain the only harm they did after the war was putting down an injured dog or taking a belt to my dads rebellious a**.

If you are true with your words then shame on you , go find God and apologize to for disgracing your fellow soldiers.
I am no soldier never was probably never will be but I can't sit here and read this quietly if you are true with your words.
If so and you simply are demonstrating your right to hide behind a keyboard and say whatever you want then piss off little rat!

Evidently I'm a constitutionalist / libertarian

You should chill out, bro. Just because you weren't trained in the secret arts of gorilla warfare doesn't give you the right to stand on your soapbox.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. Listen very closely, friend: you don't want to see my other side. I have a wolf inside me with a muzzle on, but the muzzle is about to come off. You come after me, I come after you. I don't have time for freaking games. I am a nice guy, but when you make a nice guy angry; the world shakes. Don't do it again. You will regret this the next FULL MOON. You mess with me, you mess with the pack, bud. Get ready for the storm.
You should chill out, bro. Just because you weren't trained in the secret arts of gorilla warfare doesn't give you the right to stand on your soapbox.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. Listen very closely, friend: you don't want to see my other side. I have a wolf inside me with a muzzle on, but the muzzle is about to come off. You come after me, I come after you. I don't have time for freaking games. I am a nice guy, but when you make a nice guy angry; the world shakes. Don't do it again. You will regret this the next FULL MOON. You mess with me, you mess with the pack, bud. Get ready for the storm.

Well I thought for sure serious. Anyways, I just saw the traveling Vietnam memorial and found my dads cousins name and I have been emotional since I made the shading, realizing what our guys go through.

Should I load my silver bullets?
"And they who for their country die
Shall fill an honored grave,
For glory lights the soldiers tomb.
And beauty weeps the Brave"
-Joeseph Drake
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Well I thought for sure serious. Anyways, I just saw the traveling Vietnam memorial and found my dads cousins name and I have been emotional since I made the shading, realizing what our guys go through.

Should I load my silver bullets?

Don't take me seriously, LOL. I was just adding to the chorus of internet tough guys in here with a classic example.

Much respect to your grandfathers, and all of our vets. Two of my uncles were in Vietnam as well, but I know that even from their stories I can't even fathom how harrowing it must have been. And being subject to all the vile hatred upon their return... truly a dark and turbulent time in our country's history.
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Don't take me seriously, LOL. I was just adding to the chorus of internet tough guys in here with a classic example.

Much respect to your grandfathers, and all of our vets. Two of my uncles were in Vietnam as well, but I know that even from their stories I can't even fathom how harrowing it must have been. And being subject to all the vile hatred upon their return... truly a dark and turbulent time in our country's history.

There has been so much hate against our veterans and current military, even in public I'm tired of it.
Homeless posing as vets, veterans getting disrespected and asked stupid questions in lines at the grocery store, I had to beg a security guard to escort some hippies mocking a serviceman at Kroger, asking him if he liked killing kids and they are a lost cause, the soldier just stood there looking forward trying to check out , I didn't want to cause a scene and start anything, although I was boiling inside.
I was motioning to them to shut up and they just mocked him saluting and stomping saying "yes sir!"

Joking or not it's got to end, if our servicemen lose respect for citizens then who are they going to fight for? How will they take their jobs serious when a serious order is given?
I had my son go high five some cops when I picked him up from school, an admin saw a small child walking through the parking lot, turns out the child was lost from neighboring apartments and the cops got him home safely.
My son 2 1/2 knew they were cops and was waving happily , I told him to go give them a high five and it made their nights.

Public servicemen and veterans need attention and respect to perform their duties appropriately and safely. If we as a community stand up form them maybe all the hate can subside.
There has been so much hate against our veterans and current military, even in public I'm tired of it.
Homeless posing as vets, veterans getting disrespected and asked stupid questions in lines at the grocery store, I had to beg a security guard to escort some hippies mocking a serviceman at Kroger, asking him if he liked killing kids and they are a lost cause, the soldier just stood there looking forward trying to check out , I didn't want to cause a scene and start anything, although I was boiling inside.
I was motioning to them to shut up and they just mocked him saluting and stomping saying "yes sir!"

Joking or not it's got to end, if our servicemen lose respect for citizens then who are they going to fight for? How will they take their jobs serious when a serious order is given?
I had my son go high five some cops when I picked him up from school, an admin saw a small child walking through the parking lot, turns out the child was lost from neighboring apartments and the cops got him home safely.
My son 2 1/2 knew they were cops and was waving happily , I told him to go give them a high five and it made their nights.

Public servicemen and veterans need attention and respect to perform their duties appropriately and safely. If we as a community stand up form them maybe all the hate can subside.

I have never seen, in person, any military serviceman being disrespected. In fact, it is usually the opposite. They are being praised and bought drinks and/or dinner.

Cops on the other hand, need to police their own. Are there good cops? Of course, but there are just too many that couldn't pass the personality test to work at a Sonic. They simply do not have the correct temperament for the job. They are also trained to think of using force to diffuse situations instead of using other means at their disposal. Good cops need to weed out the bad and the training needs to deemphasize militaristic solutions.
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I have never seen, in person, any military serviceman being disrespected. In fact, it is usually the opposite. They are being praised and bought drinks and/or dinner.

Cops on the other hand, need to police their own. Are there good cops? Of course, but there are just too many that couldn't pass the personality test to work at a Sonic. They simply do not have the correct temperament for the job. They are also trained to think of using force to diffuse situations instead of using other means at their disposal. Good cops need to weed out the bad and the training needs to deemphasize militaristic solutions.

I also have never seen a veteran disrespected in public. Although I am not disagreeing that it happens, my father and brother are both proud veterans and they never run into these issues either as far as I know.

Cops, on the other hand, are becoming way too militarized in their approach to simpler solutions to certain problems in my local community. I am sure this is happening around the country as well.
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