Is The 1/6 Commission Coming?

Everybody already seen those as crammed down our throat. These provide balance and negate quasi 9-11.
the corrupt j6 committe made sure people saw the violent videos over and over but hid the peaceful protestor videos to push a false narrative.

And how many of those in the violent videos were actually undercover agents and antifa people thereby pushing an even bigger false narrative?

I've completely lost all faith in our govt. and it's institutions. Nothing but frauds and shysters. Best thing that could happen is for it to get torn down to the studs and start over.
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And some don’t think the anti Trumpers would commit election fraud. Anything goes after what we witnessed the past 7 years. The question is why? Although the media has set the narrative that he is the most horrible human being aspect, it doesn’t hold water as they themselves are liars and fraudulent.

The way I look at it..if they hate him, all the more reason to vote for him. This DC club needs an enema.
And some don’t think the anti Trumpers would commit election fraud. Anything goes after what we witnessed the past 7 years. The question is why? Although the media has set the narrative that he is the most horrible human being aspect, it doesn’t hold water as they themselves are liars and fraudulent.

The way I look at it..if they hate him, all the more reason to vote for him. This DC club needs an enema.
Mentioning the last seven years is a result of Trump crying fraud all the time, at least for the reactionaries in this country. Even before the 2016 election. Trump will write a book about how he was able to brainwash a large faction of this country
Mentioning the last seven years is a result of Trump crying fraud all the time, at least for the reactionaries in this country. Even before the 2016 election. Trump will write a book about how he was able to brainwash a large faction of this country
How is Trump worse than any politician?
Brainwashed in what way?
Mentioning the last seven years is a result of Trump crying fraud all the time, at least for the reactionaries in this country. Even before the 2016 election. Trump will write a book about how he was able to brainwash a large faction of this country
There are case right now in courts in GA and AZ with the exact stuff Trump said...Dominion machine vulnerabilities, signature issues, fraudulent ballots, chain if custody issues...just cuz he is an ahole doesnt make him wrong.
There are case right now in courts in GA and AZ with the exact stuff Trump said...Dominion machine vulnerabilities, signature issues, fraudulent ballots, chain if custody issues...just cuz he is an ahole doesnt make him wrong.
We'll see if it is ever brought before a court if law. Thanks for providing the simplest example of the Trump effect

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