IRS admits to targeting Conservative groups

Why bother? It's been laid out for him before. He never actually refutes any of the facts. He knows they're facts. He simply doesn't care when liberals benefit and conservatives are disadvantaged.

This is the new liberal political tactic in a nutshell when caught red-handed. You could call it OBAMAnation. First deny, then cry politics/racism, then stonewall the investigation redacting any information that could show guilt, take the 5th and after many months talk about how boring this whole incident is getting. Nothing to see here, lets move on. The press would be all over this IRS scandal if they were not in favor of eliminating anyone (Teaparty groups) who might want to stop the suicidal spending of this administration.

Dude, this is how you end up on lists, don't ask questions...

Two words, plausible deniability.

I'm already on a list(s). I got audited by the fed and state while this was going on. I was targeted imo.
Get ready for the class action lawsuit...

IRS rebuked for tea party targeting, ordered to release secret list - Washington Times

Federal judge forces IRS to release names of groups it illegally targeted for political beliefs contrary to Fearless Leader's dogma:

A federal appeals court spanked the IRS Tuesday, saying it has taken laws designed to protect taxpayers from the government and turned them on their head, using them to try to protect the tax agency from the very tea party groups it targeted.

The judges ordered the IRS to quickly turn over the full list of groups it targeted so that a class-action lawsuit, filed by the NorCal Tea Party Patriots, can proceed. The judges also accused the Justice Department lawyers, who are representing the IRS in the case, of acting in bad faith — compounding the initial targeting — by fighting the disclosure.

So the Federal Government attempted to use a regulation, designed to protect taxpayers, to protect itself from the disclosure of its illegal activities.

And the kicker for the O-bots on this forum who have claimed targeting did not exist:

Tuesday’s ruling is the second victory this year for NorCal Patriots.

In January U.S. District Judge Susan J. Dlott certified their case as a class-action lawsuit, signaling that she agreed with NorCal Patriots that the IRS did systematically target hundreds of groups for special scrutiny.

Direct taxation in the United States is evolving just as the Founding Fathers predicted it would.
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Misuse of the word "targeting" does not make it so.

That is two Federal courts now that disagree with your Pollyanna interpretation on these events.


But don't look shocked, goaltender! You should've known your strawmen would come crashing down all around you.

If you've done nothing wrong, then why attempt the use of a regulation protecting taxpayers to prevent disclosure?

If this is all perfectly innocent, then why deny release of the list of groups you "investigated" merely out of concern that laws were being violated?
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About time:

Federal appeals court slams IRS in Tea Party case, demands documents | Fox News

In a blistering rebuke of the IRS, a Cincinnati-based federal appeals court has ordered the tax-collecting agency to quit stalling and produce the names of organizations it targeted based on their political leanings.

The unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit gave the IRS two weeks to turn over the documents sought as part of a class-action lawsuit brought by the NorCal Tea Party Patriots.

“The lawyers in the Department of Justice have a long and storied tradition of defending the nation’s interests and enforcing its laws … The conduct of the IRS’s attorneys in the district court falls outside that tradition,” the opinion said.

In the 17-page opinion, Kethledge laid out a list of requests NorCal made to the IRS that were either ignored entirely or stuck in a legal runaround. In one, the IRS demanded NorCal provide 3,000 pages of what the inspector general called unnecessary information. In turn, the IRS then claimed it would be "unduly burdensome" for it to provide such information as the names of IRS employees who worked on the case.
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But LG promised this was a hullabaloo, smoke and mirrors, and shrieking. How can that be, GV?
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