I am a “Pull for your conference” SEC homer, but I’m cheering for Miami today

My comment came
Who cares? That's short minded. If UF is 4-0 they're probably good which means they're harder to beat. I'd rather them be a terrible team. At the end of the day we are in a power 5 conferences so it doesn't matter if all the teams are bad . Think Clemson cares the ACC sucks while they go onto win National Championships? Nope.

My comment came from “it didn’t matter unless it effects Tennessee” I’m just saying: it does. In not even sure how that can be disputed. Sure if you want easy games......heck let all the sec teams lose.

Again I don’t care who people root for or not. Im just saying they all have an affect on Tennessee.
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Miami's QB was doing a Guarantano impression with about 32 sacks and holding the ball too long, blamed on the Oline. Florida didn't look all that good but they got the win.
Unless we are good enough to actually beat Florida, it doesn’t matter so much. Let’s say they lose to Miami. We lose. It doesn’t matter. We just lost to a team that lost to another team. They win we lose, well we just lost to a winning team. We win and they lose, it doesn’t say as much. They win and wwin, we beat a winning team. So, in this instance, Florida’s winning doesn’t hurt Tennessee at all. Florida’s winning only helps Tennessee.

The SEC being better and better is always good for Tennessee. It creates revenue that helps our school, regardless if we win. Winning creates even more revenue and who wants to lose? Noone. Still, being in the SEC gives you a constant chance to recruit against the big boys, because good players want to start and they want in the SEC.

Pruitt has been able to do that. Understandably struggling a little this year but it isn’t over. We have a great staff and if we show improvement this year, he will end with another decent class. 2020, more good coaching and much much more depth on both lines takes us very far. Jeremy Pruitt will make us relevant next year. That is much more difficult to do as a bottom of the pack program in the ACC for example

So, Florida winning this game was beneficial.
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Unless we are good enough to actually beat Florida, it doesn’t matter so much. Let’s say they lose to Miami. We lose. It doesn’t matter. They lose to Miami and we lose. Well we just lost to a team that lost to another team. They win we lose, well we just lost to a winning team. We win and they lose, it doesn’t say as much. We win and we win, we beat a winning team. So, in this instance, Florida’s winning doesn’t hurt Tennessee at all. Florida’s winning only helps Tennessee.

The SEC being better and better is always good for Tennessee. It creates revenue that helps our school, regardless if we win. Winning creates even more revenue and who wants to lose? Noone. Still, being in the SEC gives you a constant chance to recruit against the big boys, because good players want to start and they want in the SEC.

Pruitt has been able to do that. Understandably struggling a little this year but it isn’t over. We have a great staff and if we show improvement this year, he will end with another decent class. 2020, more good coaching and much much more depth on both lines takes us very far. Jeremy Pruitt will make us relevant next year. That is much more difficult to do as a bottom of the pack program in the ACC for example

So, Florida winning this game was beneficial.

😂 we win we win we lose we win we lose they win
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That’s pre 2000 way of thinking. Nothing good comes of our rivals being good anymore.
That's exactly right. Our rivals doing well has done nothing but cost us southern bound recruits and make our record look even more pathetic.

Meanwhile, Clemson been happy as hell to ride thru a trash conference on the way multiple playoff runs.
Unless we are good enough to actually beat Florida, it doesn’t matter so much. Let’s say they lose to Miami. We lose. It doesn’t matter. They lose to Miami and we lose. Well we just lost to a team that lost to another team. They win we lose, well we just lost to a winning team. We win and they lose, it doesn’t say as much. We win and we win, we beat a winning team. So, in this instance, Florida’s winning doesn’t hurt Tennessee at all. Florida’s winning only helps Tennessee.

The SEC being better and better is always good for Tennessee. It creates revenue that helps our school, regardless if we win. Winning creates even more revenue and who wants to lose? Noone. Still, being in the SEC gives you a constant chance to recruit against the big boys, because good players want to start and they want in the SEC.

Pruitt has been able to do that. Understandably struggling a little this year but it isn’t over. We have a great staff and if we show improvement this year, he will end with another decent class. 2020, more good coaching and much much more depth on both lines takes us very far. Jeremy Pruitt will make us relevant next year. That is much more difficult to do as a bottom of the pack program in the ACC for example

So, Florida winning this game was beneficial.

If UF winning is good for us, then why does it hurt so much?

You make some good points. My response is that Clemson has no problem recruiting despite the ACC's overall performance. In other words, the SEC is a better conference than the ACC, but Clemson still pulls in good recruits. Clemson's success in recruiting is due to winning. Coach them up, get them to play right, and the recruits will come. The biggest motivation for recruits when selecting a University, I believe, is whether the program puts players in the NFL.

Seriously, I understand the opposing points. I, however, won't cheer for most SEC teams. Also, I don't like the whole "But what if a Florida win improves our playoff chances" argument. The key for Tennessee- just win.
I guess I would have to swim back to Tennessee!
If we were legit contenders for a playoff spot I'd agree. But right now we need to look more appealing than Florida to recruits so we can build a program that can compete for the playoffs. If that means they go 6-6 and we go 8-4 so be it.

That's pretty much the only rational reason for wanting a Tennessee opponent to lose. Otherwise, when you consider strength of schedule, it's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Playing a tough schedule like most fans profess to want doesn't happen by playing losers.
If UF winning is good for us, then why does it hurt so much?

You make some good points. My response is that Clemson has no problem recruiting despite the ACC's overall performance. In other words, the SEC is a better conference than the ACC, but Clemson still pulls in good recruits. Clemson's success in recruiting is due to winning. Coach them up, get them to play right, and the recruits will come. The biggest motivation for recruits when selecting a University, I believe, is whether the program puts players in the NFL.

Seriously, I understand the opposing points. I, however, won't cheer for most SEC teams. Also, I don't like the whole "But what if a Florida win improves our playoff chances" argument. The key for Tennessee- just win.

LOL... I dunno their wins don’t hurt me, but that bomb from Franks last minute two years ago ruined me for life 🤣 OK maybe it didn’t have that lasting of an impact.

With your regard to Clemson, I was saying the bottom of the pack has a harder time recruiting in the ACC vs the bottom of the pack in the SEC. For instance, Pruitt recruited a top 11 class after TN went 4-7. Yet with Clemson being the only really good team in the ACC, they had something like 8 treats with recruiting classes ranked 40 or worse. The entire SEC recruited in the top 50 and only two of those teams were outside the top 30.

SEC needs to win our out of conference games and it will hurt us if they don’t continue to dominate.
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Miami screwed the pooch in that game. Had a 20-14 lead only to lose 24-20. So as for Florida I’m not too worried yet unless they destroy a top 5 team before us then I’ll get worried but then again it’s f—king FLORIDA....

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