Hyatt opts out of Orange bowl - headed to NFL

Certainly, I wish this young man all the best and success in the future.

That being said, something I taught my children is that if you start something, you see it through. You don't quit, because you are quitting on your teammates. I do not like that any player "opts out" of a game.

Furthermore, if you want to be *VOL FOR LIFE* , how can you be if you decide you are not going to be a Vol when it is not convenient.

Okay, start shooting arrows at me!

If you didn't teach your children about risk/reward, that's probably something you should have added. Would you counsel them to do something that could have a life-altering impact on their future, when they were close to realizing the dream of a lifetime?
Make the players employees of the schools and drop the fake “amateur” nonsense. It’s the only way to stop opt outs.

Hi, I'd like to introduce you to my friend the 13th Amendment. He can explain to you why, in fact, that even if players were made employees of their respective universities, it still would not stop the opt-out "nonsense" as you've described it in your most simpleton little way.

Also, making players employees of the University would then create a system of competitive salaries. Not only to sign recruits, but also to keep existing players. Hmmm....well that sounds like a great idea with no unintended consequences right, genius?

In the meantime, if any of you so-called "fans" (or whiney loudmouth b!tches as I like to call you) who sanctimoniously bash players for their choices would be willing to put up the $13-$20 million a first-round NFL draft pick would make as collateral against injury and loss of income, I'm certain Jaylin would reconsider. Until then, kindly keep silent. (or STFU WLB as I like to say)

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Can’t blame him honestly, wish Jalin the absolute best in the future no matter where he lands. I would hope the Titans pick him but we got much bigger issues that a receiver can’t solve lol.
All bowl games including playoffs have become meaningless.

I mean most bowl games have been pretty meaningless for a long time once they made one for every 6-6 team. It's not like anyone ever cared about the First Responder Bowl. Not to mention bowls themselves started out as exhibition games that didn't even count. They used vote on the National Champion before them.

And so far one player who has been hurt almost all season opted out of the playoff because he's still not 100%. You guys might want to back off the gloom and doom a bit.
When the playoffs expand, you are going to start seeing multiple players opt out. You guys going to be ok with it then? When it's a Vol?
I think more would play IF this were a playoff. However that isn't the case. Can not blame Hyatt for hiring an agent and getting ready. Next guy up.
Congratulations to Hyatt on a great career and season. Becoming the University’s first Biletnikoff Award winner. Hopefully after we win the Natty he will be remembered as one of the guys setting the foundation for the resurgence of our program.
Hi, I'd like to introduce you to my friend the 13th Amendment. He can explain to you why, in fact, that even if players were made employees of their respective universities, it still would not stop the opt-out "nonsense" as you've described it in your most simpleton little way.

In the meantime, if any of you so-called "fans" (or whiney loudmouth b!tches as I like to call you) who sanctimoniously bash players for their choices would be willing to put up the $13-$20 million a first-round NFL draft pick would make as collateral against injury and loss of income, I'm certain Jaylin would reconsider. Until then, kindly keep silent. (or STFU WLB as I like to say)


I can't even tell what you're arguing, the post you quoted didn't call the opting out "nonsense".
When the playoffs expand, you are going to start seeing multiple players opt out. You guys going to be ok with it then? When it's a Vol?

Yes, I'm fine with whatever anyone chooses to do with their life, as long as it's not criminal and not harmful. It's baffling to me that anyone isn't. I want UT to win every game it plays but I don't want people to potentially sacrifice a huge payday for a game if they aren't comfortable with it, even if them playing would make me happy.
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I think more would play IF this were a playoff. However that isn't the case. Can not blame Hyatt for hiring an agent and getting ready. Next guy up.

Exactly, I think it would have the opposite effect. What sounds better to you, playing in a game that has a shot at a title (even if it's highly unlikely), or playing in a one off game.

Like would you rather play in an NCAAT game or an NIT game?
Hi, I'd like to introduce you to my friend the 13th Amendment. He can explain to you why, in fact, that even if players were made employees of their respective universities, it still would not stop the opt-out "nonsense" as you've described it in your most simpleton little way.

In the meantime, if any of you so-called "fans" (or whiney loudmouth b!tches as I like to call you) who sanctimoniously bash players for their choices would be willing to put up the $13-$20 million a first-round NFL draft pick would make as collateral against injury and loss of income, I'm certain Jaylin would reconsider. Until then, kindly keep silent. (or STFU WLB as I like to say)

They would be contract employees like the coaches are. It wouldn’t be W-2 at-will employment. Schools could impose penalties for opting out just like they collect buyouts from coaches (or the school hiring them) when they leave for other jobs.

if you actually read and comprehended the post, I never said opting out was nonsense. I said the NCAA and schools pretending these players are amateurs is nonsense.
This is just business is a bunch of BS. It's simply an excuse to renege on a commitment. The fact that you and others keep using that as a justification says a lot about your character. It's just to easy to walk away these days. And yes people still do judge a person based on character.


Hyatt literally took a late NIL deal so he could spread it around to everyone on his team…….thanking the greatest to the least.

What is Hyatt reneging on? This semester will be over. This year will be over. He will have no need to re-up his scholarship or his school commitment.

“You” don’t like it…..I get that; however this doesn’t show anything about that young man… flaw whatsoever in his character or that he bailed on his team. He did more for this team than you or I ever will. The players know what’s up, they know what’s at stake…….and they understand as does Heupel.

If this was the playoff or something things may be different. However in reality this is just a meaningless bowl game. As much as “we” love it and don’t think it is…….it really is.

These guys work for years for this very moment. They give up a normal life. Those with literally nothing to gain cannot afford to lose everything, their goals, dreams, their future on a meaningless bowl game. Mississippi’s QB was 1st round bound until he was injured very early last year in their bowl……then he fell drastically in the draft costing him millions.

Don’t think these guys are something they aren’t simply because they aren’t going to the company Christmas party, and instead moved on to that Fortune 500 company………but they did finish their work week.
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Congrats! Go get paid young man! His story is a great testament to realizing what needs to be done and working to achieve your highest potential.
One of these days karma is gonna meet you head-on and I bet you won't be such a smug smart ass. As a matter of fact I would bet you would be the kindness most gentle guy ever.
You know here I was thinking I was the kindest guy ever anyways taking up for one of our players that has given more for the program than any of the buffoons in this thread trying to tear down his character.
As fans, we should be very happy that kids that choose to come to the University that we love, reach their full potential. Sure I wanted him to suit up one more time in the Orange Bowl, but I dont blame him one bit!! I would advise my son to do the same!! Go Vols, Go be great Jalin!!
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Hyatt literally took a late NIL deal so he could spread it around to everyone on his team…….thanking the greatest to the least.

What is Hyatt reneging on? This semester will be over. This year will be over. He will have no need to re-up his scholarship or his school commitment.

“You” don’t like it…..I get that; however this doesn’t show anything about that young man… flaw whatsoever in his character or that he bailed on his team. He did more for this team than you or I ever will. The players know what’s up, they know what’s at stake…….and they understand as does Heupel.

If this was the playoff or something things may be different. However in reality this is just a meaningless bowl game. As much as “we” love it and don’t think it is…….it really is.

These guys work for years for this very moment. They give up a normal life. Those with literally nothing to gain cannot afford to lose everything, their goals, dreams, their future on a meaningless bowl game. Mississippi’s QB was 1st round bound until he was injured very early last year in their bowl……then he fell drastically in the draft costing him millions.

Don’t think these guys are something they aren’t simply because they aren’t going to the company Christmas party, and instead moved on to that Fortune 500 company………but they did finish their work week.
Prepare yourself for a lesson about karma and possibly being called a “smug smartass”. 😂

Dude slings mud on Hyatts character then get pissy when someone slings some mud his way.
Everyone championing this "smart decision", you are, of course, more than welcome to swoon over the dagger that is slowly murdering college football, but I love the sport too much to do that.

Think of your all-time college football legends. Your Mannings and Tebows, think as recently as Jennings... hell was going to freeze over before those guys ever "opted out" of a game to focus on themselves. That's all that needs to be said.
Pretty sure Jennings opted out of several games right?
I think you can understand the decision, but also be upset that he is quitting on his team before the biggest post season game we've played in over 15 years.
He's not quitting on his team. He's been through every practice and game up until this point. I'm sure his team understands his decision. No different than putting in your two weeks notice and coasting through the last week at the old company.
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