How would a loss this Saturday affect the program?

The overall program is at a major point in our history! Lose Saturday, after a decade of despair, and we are OFFICIALLY stuck in the lower tier of the SEC and will be viewed and act as such for years to come! Never thought I would think this but folks it is what it is! Our program has one foot in the coffin and, Vanderbilt of all teams, can finish us off!
Pardon me, I don't buy any of that B.S.
This is the kind of thinking that has put us in the current state of a once proud Tennessee program Neyland started. The Haslams greed catered to the rich and tossed the average fan aside. Higher ticket prices, box seats for the rich, charging students for tickets are just a few reasons this program just about has hit rock bottom. Let US NOT FORGET THE CHEAP STUPID, ON THE CHEAP, coaching hires over the last decade by the money people.

... think about all those people with money next time you sit on those cramed seats in Neyland with your knees in the person in front of you while you are wishing the person to the left and right of you would lose about 20 pounds. All those people with the money and the overpaid administration say thank you for your support!

This is dumb.

I don't disagree that Haslam's f***** us but they want people to come support the team and spend money. Fans don't do that if they don't win (which we are seeing with attendance) so it would be bad business on their part. They are just terrible at choosing coaches such as Dooley, Butch, and Schiano. But the fact is that it would be idiotic to fire Pruitt after his first season with a terrible roster. Stability is key. Idc if Saban becomes our coach next season, he would have the same issues.
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About what most expected record-wise for the Vols. To me, the key is demonstrating to the recruits how many holes the Vols have to fill. Freshman will start and play a bunch which can only help in Pruitt's efforts to build this program. This weekend does not affect recruiting for this year.
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I don't believe it will help us moving forward. We have many holes to fill with recruiting. And Pruitt can point to our two freshmen DB's who have really played well as proof that if you come in as a freshmen, you will absolutely get a chance to play, and start. Don't underestimate the power of Pruitt's recruiting or coaching. You think we're frustrated? How about Pruitt? We all knew this year was gonna suck. But we've had some bright spots this year even with the terrible shape the program was left in after the past couple of years. It's the first year for AD Fulmer and CJP. Let's not all drive off a cliff just yet.
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Big picture probably not all that much.

If they get run off the field for the second weekend in a row it will be of some concern. Not a good look when trying to finish up a cornerstone class.
Really? Neyland, Majors and Fulmer all lost to Vandy. Your argument is rendered moot. Next.
No it's not. Everbody went nuts when Butch lost to Vandy his first year. This is not going to be any different whether you want to say next because someone disagrees with you or not. You do not fkin lose to Vandy!
Big picture probably not all that much.

If they get run off the field for the second weekend in a row it will be of some concern. Not a good look when trying to finish up a cornerstone class.
The class isn't that good currently but we are in on alot of some good recruits which are sitting back watching what we do. This game is huge in that regard.
No it's not. Everbody went nuts when Butch lost to Vandy his first year. This is not going to be any different whether you want to say next because someone disagrees with you or not. You do not fkin lose to Vandy!

Like I said Neyland lost to them twice. Majors and Fulmer lost to them once. Does anyone really think about those losses now? Nope. If we lose Saturday it will suck but it won't cause any significant damage to the program.

Fans will bitch and moan. But big deal. We will be fine.
If you look at attendance, this is a lot worse than people want to acknowledge. You can bitch about negavols on a forum but the empty seats don’t lie. Fan apathy is the worst I’ve seen it in my lifetime.
Pruitt is not an engaging personality so it would be better if he and his staff had done a guru like coaching job. Losing by the same score at home that you did on the road last year, by Derek Freaking Dooley tells me all I need to know. This thing is in the shitter.

I know there are talent deficiencies but I’d think you’d have an Oline able to properly line up and not continue getting procedure penalties. Or, still be clueless about who to block. It’s one thing to get physically beat. It’s another to just not block, which has happened on many occasions.

A loss to Vandy will hurt recruiting. It will hurt fan interest. It will hurt donations. The stadium renovations were put on hold. It’s money. It ain’t coming in like it was or should. A loss will erase any momentum you picked up from beating UK. A win will set people at ease, and give us a bowl to focus on.
A loss to Vandy this weekend will turn a lot of fans off on Pruitt, any momentum that he had earned with the Auburn and Kentucky games will be essentially erased. Yes, there were brief flashes of improvement this season but not enough to convince me that Pruitt and staff are the guys to turn this program around. And it does not matter if he signs a top 10 class if they do not develop them, body and mind! Next years team is not going to be much better, there will be freshmen that will probably start on the offensive and defensive lines, that does not bode well for Guarantano and his noggin! Lets be honest, Tennessee fans are damn tired of the Vols having their asses beat every year and apathy has set into the fanbase. There is a whole generation of young Vol fans who have never seen Tennessee win at a high level, hell even win at an average level. This Vandy game is the biggest game of the year for Pruitt as a coach, not so much for the players, they have already lost to Vandy 4 out of the past 6 years so they are used to it. But Pruitt needs this win and needs to get to a bowl.
Does this surprise you? Ever since Pruitt was hired, there have been those who havent really given him a chance. There will be a portion that never give him a chance. Thats one of the biggest issues with TN fans these days. Many just dont understand the importance of stability. They think you can hire and fire your way to success.

If there is anyone still thinking that after the last 10 yrs, Lord help them. That said, Pruitt needs to show more as a head coach than what he has so far. I’m discouraged that he couldn’t get much motivation out of the team early in the season (probably says a lot about the players also), he doesn’t seem to have a feel for the game (going for 2 down 10 pts early 3rd qtr is strange, regular onside kicks with no success) and he crapped his pants in last 2 possessions vs SC which is the only real game late coaching decisions really mattered. I’d give him a C thus far. The job is a lot more than just recruiting.
A loss to Vandy this weekend will turn a lot of fans off on Pruitt, any momentum that he had earned with the Auburn and Kentucky games will be essentially erased. Yes, there were brief flashes of improvement this season but not enough to convince me that Pruitt and staff are the guys to turn this program around. And it does not matter if he signs a top 10 class if they do not develop them, body and mind! Next years team is not going to be much better, there will be freshmen that will probably start on the offensive and defensive lines, that does not bode well for Guarantano and his noggin! Lets be honest, Tennessee fans are damn tired of the Vols having their asses beat every year and apathy has set into the fanbase. There is a whole generation of young Vol fans who have never seen Tennessee win at a high level, hell even win at an average level. This Vandy game is the biggest game of the year for Pruitt as a coach, not so much for the players, they have already lost to Vandy 4 out of the past 6 years so they are used to it. But Pruitt needs this win and needs to get to a bowl.

Yet another example of our dumb fan base. SMH.
If there is anyone still thinking that after the last 10 yrs, Lord help them. That said, Pruitt needs to show more as a head coach than what he has so far. I’m discouraged that he couldn’t get much motivation out of the team early in the season (probably says a lot about the players also), he doesn’t seem to have a feel for the game (going for 2 down 10 pts early 3rd qtr is strange, regular onside kicks with no success) and he crapped his pants in last 2 possessions vs SC which is the only real game late coaching decisions really mattered. I’d give him a C thus far. The job is a lot more than just recruiting.

First time head coach will make rookie mistakes. Jesus it seems some of you expected a whole lot more. Whatever.
IMO it would pretty much be a kick in the Big Orange cods. Nothing like ending the season with your man beans kicked up in to your throat. I'm not sure you can ever get used to that.
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The overall program is at a major point in our history! Lose Saturday, after a decade of despair, and we are OFFICIALLY stuck in the lower tier of the SEC and will be viewed and act as such for years to come! Never thought I would think this but folks it is what it is! Our program has one foot in the coffin and, Vanderbilt of all teams, can finish us off!
Wow! A bit dramatic for my taste. One win or loss is not going to do anything to this program. A win won't mean we are back and a loss won't mean we are dead for years to come. A win we go bowling and a loss we probably don't. The extra practice and exposure would be great. But, if we don't reach that it is not the end of the world. Sheesh! Sometimes this place is insane.
It would just confirm that the Tennessee has sunk to its lowest level in history over the past two years. The climb has begun but it is still in the depths regardless of the outcome on Saturday.

I like our chances going forward with this staff over the last one.
I think it will cause us fans terrible turmoil. We are already in for another 6 or 7 win season if a miracle happens next season. A loss to Vanderbilt will make Pruitt look bad.

No it will not. If after two more years and He does not beat them. Then it will.
well, sure it will hurt, but to say it will be devastating is overhyping the loss...we have two top 25 wins and one was Kentucky...also, nice recruiting so far, and we haven't lost the Vandy game yet...;)

GO VOLS...BEAT VANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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