How much longer will the NCAA take ?

You do understand, the NCAA is governed by Presidents of universities. Your new governing body will be governed by those same presidents.

Dont expect very dramatic changes once NCAA breaks up. Might even be much harder and disorganized.
wouldnt be surprised by that last word
You do understand, the NCAA is governed by Presidents of universities. Your new governing body will be governed by those same presidents.

Dont expect very dramatic changes once NCAA breaks up. Might even be much harder and disorganized.

Yes, I understand that. I never said it would be easy, but it needs to be done. I believe that we can do better.
there was a federal investigation going on. they were not going to do anything while that was in process.
Not sure how long the federal investigation actually lasted. There were other individuals in that investigation who were charged, tried, convicted, and sent to prison at least two or three years ago. Was Will Wade still being investigated 'til recently? I don't know the specifics, but it still seems like the NCAA took a long time to act on the issue.
One would think Kansas BB Investigation would be in front of us.
It is time that the NCAA got out of the Investigation Buisness.
NCAA does not know how to handle Self imposed punishments is probably the hold up.
Not sure how long the federal investigation actually lasted. There were other individuals in that investigation who were charged, tried, convicted, and sent to prison at least two or three years ago. Was Will Wade still being investigated 'til recently? I don't know the specifics, but it still seems like the NCAA took a long time to act on the issue.

They likely never started until feds finished
Honesty I couldn't care less. We cleaned up our mistakes and penalized ourselves. Anything other than the NCAA giving us a pat on the back for our efforts would head straight to court. From UTs perspective, it's over and done with....or it should be. We need to move the hell on and focus on restoring the program.

Good points, and a good discussion in here.

I'm standing by for the Sanctimonious Vol Fan Contingent to arrive and remind us how bad it was to pay players, how NIL has nothing to do with this, how we deserve stiff punishment, and how we are all simply incapable of understanding the process due to not being as intelligent as they are and our orange-tinted-glasses homerism.

You know who they are. And they will be here shortly.
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Honesty I couldn't care less. We cleaned up our mistakes and penalized ourselves. Anything other than the NCAA giving us a pat on the back for our efforts would head straight to court. From UTs perspective, it's over and done with....or it should be. We need to move the hell on and focus on restoring the program.

I agree. But the NCAA could decide at any point to act.
I think we all agree that the NCAA is a bunch of totally useless, money and time wasting idiots and that it should either be disbanded or totally rebuilt with different people put in charge and NOT dingbat university presidents that have their own agendas.

1 thing you can safely bet on is that all coaches of other schools ARE doing their very best to use this investigation against us and it IS having some negative results in recruiting especially with the top 4* and 5* recruits.

Those kids want to play in the best bowl games to get the best gifts and in the playoffs for a chance at a National Championship.

Tennessee needs to push this hard to get it done and over with ASAP.

We've punished ourselves more than enough and this ignorant monkey needs to get off of our backs NOW!

I believe our recruiting would be even better if all those other coaches didn't have this extra ammo to keep shooting at us.

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The entire NCAA should be replaced. It's old and not efficient. I think the major conferences should get together and form a new governing body.
Would be the same as the old then, no?

Still run by the university presidents, ADs, commissioners, etc. Universities ARE the NCAA...of course. Their desires will remain the same.

If we want a REAL league, we need a fairly independent body, such as a professional league would have, that can look out for the good of the game. Commissioners are currently wrecking everything. No pro league would allow all this utter nonsense.
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You do understand, the NCAA is governed by Presidents of universities. Your new governing body will be governed by those same presidents.

Dont expect very dramatic changes once NCAA breaks up. Might even be much harder and disorganized.
It's wild...the misconceptions people have of what the NCAA actually is 😆

It seems the average fan thinks it is a private for-profit corporation with shareholders 😅
Would be the same as the old then, no?

Still run by the university presidents, ADs, commissioners, etc. Universities ARE the NCAA...of course. Their desires will remain the same.

If we want a REAL league, we need a fairly independent body, such as a professional league would have, that can look out for the good of the game. Commissioners are currently wrecking everything. No pro league would allow all this utter nonsense.

I concur.
If this was in a court of law,waiting this long would be considered cruel and inhuman punishment.
Waiting under The Sword of Damocles has been worse than many other schools that had similar
violations and got off with a quick slap on the wrist.
We immediately turned over all of the records. We immediately self imposed penalties.
We immediately dismissed all personnel that was involved.
Somebody ( the Governor ? ) needs to put some heat on the NCAA

Tennessee Governor is an Auburn guy.
the NCAA is always slow. Doesn't matter what you do to help them, when they decide is on their timetable. No one can ever predict when or what the decision will be.

They haven't even given UT a Letter of Allegations yet which will happen long before a decision comes down.
Is there any particular reason why they are so slow with investigations like this? Surely they have all the pertinent facts at this point and there is nothing really left to investigate. I don’t see what good it does waiting years and years to announce any kind of punishment.
Is there any particular reason why they are so slow with investigations like this? Surely they have all the pertinent facts at this point and there is nothing really left to investigate. I don’t see what good it does waiting years and years to announce any kind of punishment.

it's mostly resources. They don't have enough people resources in compliance investigations to handle the workload. That's why I really questioned all along that the NCAA had someone sitting with UT as they held investigative meetings. It appears that may not have been as extensive as we were led to believe.

When they receive an internal investigation their review of that investigation most times will lead to an additional investigative process by the NCAA. They would not take any schools investigation at face value and just apply penalties.

They might want to know, how did the school arrive at the pertinent facts? Were things said in interviews that did not end up in the report? Were their any people that should have been interviewed in the investigation which did not happen? Examples of some questions they might have based on an internal investigation.

I never felt this was going to be a quick process no matter what Tennessee did or handed over to them. Historically, that has not been the case and not sure why it would be different now. If anything comes down in the next couple years as far as a final verdict, I will be surprised.
The NCAA can only blame itself for it’s problems. But do they really want to be more proficient and transparent in rulings. Or consistent for that matter. Most fans just want that, a well run fair system for everyone. But the NCAA has did nothing over the last 20 years to make fans have much confidence in anything they do. That has to change at some point. At some point the NCAA has to say we can do better for the good of the game. GBO!!!!
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The NCAA can only blame itself for it’s problems. But do they really want to be more proficient and transparent in rulings. Or consistent for that matter. Most fans just want that, a well run fair system for everyone. But the NCAA has did nothing over the last 20 years to make fans have much confidence in anything they do. That has to change at some point. At some point the NCAA has to say we can do better for the good of the game. GBO!!!!
IMO, the NCAA won't be in charge of P5 football much longer.
Well for all you ostriches that refused to see the ongoing damages to
our program and just stuck your heads in the ground , it’s still out
there and every school in the country will continue to use it against
until it is finally resolved.
If this was in a court of law,waiting this long would be considered cruel and inhuman punishment.
Waiting under The Sword of Damocles has been worse than many other schools that had similar
violations and got off with a quick slap on the wrist.
We immediately turned over all of the records. We immediately self imposed penalties.
We immediately dismissed all personnel that was involved.
Somebody ( the Governor ? ) needs to put some heat on the NCAA

Isn’t the Sword of Damocles supposed to ever-present? It’s the cost of being the boss.

Feels like we’re doing something right for a change.

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