How likely is it that UT is doing some Ole Miss?

Everyone cheats. Even the Sun Belt schools. It is no big deal as long as you don't get caught and the NCAA has no subpoena power so you have to be really stupid to get caught.
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Flags went up everywhere when Freeze signed that big class 3 years back. New coach in a down trodden program signs a top 5 class. Something didn't add up - right?

Everyone would agree UT was down trodden after the Kiffen / Doolittle fiasco. CBJ in his 1st full year on the job signs a top 5 class. How dirty did UT have to get in order to make that class happen? UT has a much much better history / tradition vs Ole Miss so maybe not too dirty? Or are all the power 5 programs constantly breaking the rules throwing out cash like candy at a Christmas parade?

Highly. Everyone is.


I don't like losers. Hence the reason I'm no longer a Titans fan. Loved em during the Eddie George/Steve McNair days. Still liked em with Chris Johnson/Vince Young. Could care less about them the last 5 years.

Haven't been on VN in a while. Dobbs 4 Heisman has been getting ripped on a lot since I got back. Wondered why. Saw this post. Understand.
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Nope. Its mainly cause I'm black and I've said racism is still a problem. Folks lose their mind if race is ever brought up.

My problem has always been with your arrogance. Until today. Now I know you are the absolute worst type of fan. The type that bails on a team if they aren't winning. Fair weather, front runner. The worst.
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Nope. Its mainly cause I'm black and I've said racism is still a problem. Folks lose their mind if race is ever brought up.

Wrong, it's because you're an arrogant a**clown that is condescending and dismissive of others thoughts and opinions if they don't align with yours. Race had absolutely nothing to do with it.
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Flags went up everywhere when Freeze signed that big class 3 years back. New coach in a down trodden program signs a top 5 class. Something didn't add up - right?

Everyone would agree UT was down trodden after the Kiffen / Doolittle fiasco. CBJ in his 1st full year on the job signs a top 5 class. How dirty did UT have to get in order to make that class happen? UT has a much much better history / tradition vs Ole Miss so maybe not too dirty? Or are all the power 5 programs constantly breaking the rules throwing out cash like candy at a Christmas parade?

Yeah it's not like social media doesn't get you caught even on draft day. I guess someone will post a text conversation with simulated proof of hiding sexual assault and players getting paid. Almost like this thread is asking for manufactured trouble or some newspaper to look for something fact or fiction. Bravo bravo
Nope. Its mainly cause I'm black and I've said racism is still a problem. Folks lose their mind if race is ever brought up.

Dude, I'm losing respect for you by the minute. You can still get it back, and I'm sure that goes for the majority of the folks on here. But saying sh*t like that is not helping your cause.

This is VolNation! We are all here because we all love the University of Tennessee and its sports teams. The majority of our athletes are black (except for the swim team :) ) If you honestly think that the fans of so many black athletes are against you because you're black.... come on!

Need more proof? look at VFL34's account. Travis Stevens is black and he is one of the most loved posters on this site. Besides, I doubt that many even know what race you are. I didn't until you posted that asinine comment.

C'mon man.. it's the content of your character. Don't make it about the color of your skin
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A good friend of mine, who is close to the program and Butch, said during the Drew Richmond recruiting process that Ole Miss was paying Drew and came close to swaying him back to them towards the end because of the substantial money they were offering. Butch was quoted as saying something like " I don't play that sh*t and if that is what he is after, they can have him". Luckily Drew saw the light and chose us even though he was offered money from Ole Miss. I was also happy to hear Butch's stance and I believe he is running a pretty clean program.

Yeah, I know "cool story bro", but I was not surprised to hear this about Ole Miss after all the other rumblings I've heard about them paying players.
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I don't like losers. Hence the reason I'm no longer a Titans fan. Loved em during the Eddie George/Steve McNair days. Still liked em with Chris Johnson/Vince Young. Could care less about them the last 5 years.

Then how have you stayed a UT fan the last few years? 2008-2014 was bad. Oh wait. Your join date is January 2015? As in the month we blasted Iowa and it seemed like the program was on the rise? I seriously doubt you even were a "fan" 2008-2014. You cant stand by a team in the bad years, then you don't deserve to the good years. :good!:
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Then how have you stayed a UT fan the last few years? 2008-2014 was bad. Oh wait. Your join date is January 2015? As in the month we blasted Iowa and it seemed like the program was on the rise? I seriously doubt you even were a "fan" 2008-2014. You cant stand by a team in the bad years, then you don't deserve to the good years. :good!:

I think he was on the Brent Shaefer Fan Club Forum prior to that. :rock:
He's the definition of a bandwagon fan, and imho those are the worst types of fans! We don't need fans like him!
Delete this thread it's bad enough when other teams fans say you do but when your on does its awful.we had alot of family ties in this class and a much better history and a national championship in not so distant past.I think Butch runs as clean a ship as any in country
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I don't like losers. Hence the reason I'm no longer a Titans fan. Loved em during the Eddie George/Steve McNair days. Still liked em with Chris Johnson/Vince Young. Could care less about them the last 5 years.

Your a bandwagon fan if the titans won 10 or 11 and went to playoffs you would become a fan again.I have lost respect for pro sports not just my favorite teams because they have not won in years.I am a fan of the team's I was a fan of in the 70,s.and they all suck now football Miami basketball Philadelphia and baseball Pittsburg and Houston and in hockey were my team has won most recently New York Rangers and Nashville Predators.but I can do without pro sports as long as Vol football plays games.
A good friend of mine, who is close to the program and Butch, said during the Drew Richmond recruiting process that Ole Miss was paying Drew and came close to swaying him back to them towards the end because of the substantial money they were offering. Butch was quoted as saying something like " I don't play that sh*t and if that is what he is after, they can have him". Luckily Drew saw the light and chose us even though he was offered money from Ole Miss. I was also happy to hear Butch's stance and I believe he is running a pretty clean program.

Yeah, I know "cool story bro", but I was not surprised to hear this about Ole Miss after all the other rumblings I've heard about them paying players.

I believe you. Butch comes of as more honest than guys like Freeze and Urban Meyer (now that's a sleaze ball).
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Then how have you stayed a UT fan the last few years? 2008-2014 was bad. Oh wait. Your join date is January 2015? As in the month we blasted Iowa and it seemed like the program was on the rise? I seriously doubt you even were a "fan" 2008-2014. You cant stand by a team in the bad years, then you don't deserve to the good years. :good!:

I took a wait and see approach. Liked what Lane was doing till he left. Questioned the Dooley move from the start after I heard what his record was a LaTech. Thought Butch Jones was a tragedy till he signed the 2014 class. Started following that class. Was impressed by Hurd in the Oklahoma game. Then I jumped firmly back on the bandwagon after the South Carolina game. That's when I knew we had a championship quarterback.

So I've always been a fan. Just more distant than I an right now that we're on the cusp of greatness.
Dude, I'm losing respect for you by the minute. You can still get it back, and I'm sure that goes for the majority of the folks on here. But saying sh*t like that is not helping your cause.

This is VolNation! We are all here because we all love the University of Tennessee and its sports teams. The majority of our athletes are black (except for the swim team :) ) If you honestly think that the fans of so many black athletes are against you because you're black.... come on!

Need more proof? look at VFL34's account. Travis Stevens is black and he is one of the most loved posters on this site. Besides, I doubt that many even know what race you are. I didn't until you posted that asinine comment.

C'mon man.. it's the content of your character. Don't make it about the color of your skin

No I had no ideal you were black one on volnation can tell what color a poster is by their post,and does it really matter to you the only color that matters to me Is Big Orange.
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This thread by op has crap written all over it. Nothing and I mean nothing good can come from this discussion. Won't be but should be deleted.
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