Hoping better developer than recruiter

Wrong line of thinking. Most people are simply attracted to bright flashy things - fads. Don't look for deep thought and analysis in 18 yo HS football players - most are just going the bright and shiny route. In football terms that equates to winning teams - not promising or up and comers.

Tennessee has been dragged through the dirt by three idiot ADs and their foolish hires. That simply means Pruitt will have to earn recruits by play on the field rather than promises during the recruiting season. Pruitt as of now has no body of work as a HC for which a recruit might shun a Saban - simple as that. Winning begets winning because winning attracts the best talent - it's not rocket science.

You nega vols need to stay off volnation. CJP can coach defenses and he will be able to recruit given time. Oh and one more thing as we transition from 4-3 to 3-4 it will be rocky so go ahead and prepare yourselves and find ya another team to pull for or stay the hell off here we dont need ya aight!

Is it just me or do we have an extraordinarily large amount of uneducated fans that say things that really make us look...here’s the word I don’t like to use but with so much such these days it describes it best....STUPID???
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CJP is considered by most people who actually know something one of today’s best recruiters.... give the man at least time to purchase a house....
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If recruiting was his thing then we are in for some More dismal seasons on rocky flop

This is one of the most ridiculous post that I have read and I read a lot. The man has not even had time to breathe. He has done a remarkable job considering the time he has had. If you can't see that, then your post need to be ignored, and fan's time put to better use.
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idiot vol fans gonna flame away at a guy who has been here as an active coach in Knoxville for a month. These will be the same idiots who will say he is the best coach in history if he manages to go above .500 in the fall. SMH.
If recruiting was his thing then we are in for some More dismal seasons on rocky flop

Are you serious? The man salvaged a fairly decent class with little time to do it, yet you bemoan missing on guys who ended up staying in their home states.

All I can say is if your Bible sense is no better than your football sense, I gotta make sure I never visit.
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Actually let's hope he praises the kids who signed with UT instead of placating a bunch of whiny fans

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If recruiting was his thing then we are in for some More dismal seasons on rocky flop

Preacherman is simply another vol sheep that REALLY knows little about the sport. The expectations of a new Coach with weeks to put a recruiting class would have been for one of Preachers Sermons....for CBJ would have to WALK ON WATER! :hi:
If recruiting was his thing then we are in for some More dismal seasons on rocky flop

Being a preacher man you should ask forgiveness for this. Give Pruitt a full year on the recruiting trail with this staff. The fact he even got us in with some of these guys in such a small amount of time, says a lot.
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The OP gives other preachers, like myself a bad rap. I'm sure that many preachers don't know much about football, but I imagine they're not on message boards pretending they do, unlike the OP.
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I watched Norwood's video. He was overlooked and a good last minute signee. When he hits someone they go down hard.
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If recruiting was his thing then we are in for some More dismal seasons on rocky flop

Stop dude. Yes, this “late signing period”/today was a bit disappointing but the early signing period was very good, better than expected.

Give this guy a chance, I guarantee you next year’s class under Pruitt will be far better. And how about we let these guys coach a bit to see how it goes before all the doom and gloom. We’ve got a staff full of proven coaches who know develop players and get them to perform, unlike the last fraud and his merry band of MAC coaches (outside of CRG).
Wait..so you think a guy was going to come in and flip recruits to a 4-8 Tennessee team with a 5 win ceiling for 2018?..Really?

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And what exactly does Dan Mullen have anything to do with this?

Oh nothing, just pointing out the endless idiocy that was the coaching search. Perspectives sure change when you’re left with your 6th choice as a head coach and a recruiting class ranked 8th in the league.
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If recruiting was his thing then we are in for some More dismal seasons on rocky flop

So that's how recruiting ability is judged. Here's something to squash your well thought theory. Dabo's first year as a HC at Clemson his class was ranked 36th.Sabans first yr at LSU #21 and #12 at Ala,Pete Carroll's first year at USC #20,Richt's first year at Mia #21, Chip Kelly #31 first year at Oregon and as a HC, James Franklin #24 first year at Penn St. That's just a few. Would you consider most of them great recruiters? You see the pattern? Good thing those Coach's weren't given up on by their new fanbase after their first recruiting class at that school. You may wanna think and do some research before you post stuff you know nothing about.
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