
Right now coach Heupel is forced to take a knife into a gun fight at 50 paces in the SEC. This team will continue to grow and hopefully after Bama week we'll at least be armed with a .380. Still a long way from having the big guns to win every single week.
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He'll probably have a career similar to Gus. The hurry up offense isn't that hard to slow. SEC coordinators will have him figured out soon enough. Having said that, I'd take a Gus type run right now and be thrilled. Beats the hell outta 3 win seasons.
The last 3 seasons the Florida was embarrassing. Their DC could knock the hell outta JG whenever he wanted to. The coaching mismatch was embarrassing.

While the score was a convincing win for Florida, Tennessee had opportunities to make it interesting if they’d executed the plays. Coaching was NOT the problem last night or this season. Once these guys relax, they’ll make some of these plays.
Y’all won fair and square but we beat ourselves terribly bad today. We don’t drop that pass on 4th down then it would’ve gotten interesting. If he can recruit well then we should be dangerous in a few years
yep that dropped 4th down pass by Payton was a TD. There was no one over to the left and he a couple of blockers. Also the wide open over throw by Hooker to the left hurt as we went out on downs and they scored next series. Missed field goals, penalties again and turnovers killing us!
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I'll say the same thing I've said since the early 00s "Coach ____ needs to raise the level of recruiting or he's going to have to out-coach a lot of people"

Right now we're ranked around 10th-11th-ish in the SEC.

I don't think we're going toe to toe with UGA/UF with players that were battling Louisville for

Yes I know signing day isn't here yet but December is fast approaching. A low ranked class just puts us another year behind.

Arkansas is
Most recruits don't get redshirted. We turned it around in 2 years after Dooley. While BJ turned out to be a dud on game day, we were competitive against the best teams in the country by 2015

2015 was his 3rd year. I don't deny what you say. I've said it before, gott give Butch credit for recruiting like a mad man. He also lucked out, Dobbs was a 3* going to Arizona State I believe. Give Dobbs the right coaching in the right offense he could have been a Heisman contender. He's perfect for modern college game. Finding a 3* like that in your very first class is just pure luck. Doesn't look like Heupel found a diamond in the rough like that. Butch also benefitted from a lot of legacies. I don't think we have that available right now.

We tried the recruiter route. We got the talent but the coach couldn't make it happen on the field. I don't know if Heupel has that level of recruiter in him. If not, gonna take him more time.
2015 was his 3rd year. I don't deny what you say. I've said it before, gott give Butch credit for recruiting like a mad man. He also lucked out, Dobbs was a 3* going to Arizona State I believe. Give Dobbs the right coaching in the right offense he could have been a Heisman contender. He's perfect for modern college game. Finding a 3* like that in your very first class is just pure luck. Doesn't look like Heupel found a diamond in the rough like that. Butch also benefitted from a lot of legacies. I don't think we have that available right now.

We tried the recruiter route. We got the talent but the coach couldn't make it happen on the field. I don't know if Heupel has that level of recruiter in him. If not, gonna take him more time.
Dobbs wasn't Heisman material.
There were honestly a couple of bonehead things that the staff did tonight. But, most staffs do something questionable each game.

The game plan was solid and he drew some things up and put the players in a position to execute and win.

The game wasn't lost because of coaching.

I can hardly wait until we’re in a position to kick FL’s (your) ass. So I can point out Mullen’s “bonehead things”. Just sayin
He'll probably have a career similar to Gus. The hurry up offense isn't that hard to slow. SEC coordinators will have him figured out soon enough. Having said that, I'd take a Gus type run right now and be thrilled. Beats the hell outta 3 win seasons.

Heupel’s play calling is what sets him apart. Better personnel will make him (us) truly dangerous. It’s not the Offense it’s the sequencing that matters. Will just take some time
If y'all can stomach listening to a Gator, albeit an extremely reasonable and knowledgeable one, and have 48 minutes to spare, you would do yourself a favor to watch this video, it really illustrates what I said.
Is a really good play caller, guess I subconsciously wasn't giving him his due, but he called a hell of game...The kids fought their asses off for him too, a break here or there and who knows...I really think y'all should be patient with this one, he's got a lot of promise.
I’m glad he’s our coach and don’t know of anyone else I’d rather have. The **** show he walked into and is currently in, who else would of come here and done any better? Albeit, the QB situation is a bit puzzling. Once it gets straightened out, and I believe it will, we’ll finish the season with hope for an exciting future. It will take time to get our depleted roster built up but with the portal I believe he will do it sooner rather than later. Recruiting will pick up with staff stability and winning the games we’re supposed to. CJH isn’t the type of person to roll over when adversity hits, I believe he enjoys a challenge and will bow up to overcome it…..
GBO! 🍊🍊🍊

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