Football Scoop reporting Helton is out

We didn't play a top 5 team, we played Vandy.

The mental gymnastics yall will jump through to blame a poorly coached team on talent is impressive.
No, we are being realistic about how bad the team is. Saban couldn't win with this team. No one can. They are that bad. Too many people had too high expectations or didn't understand how bad they are.

Saban also went 7-6 his first season at Bama and told his players that if you didn't want to be there and work than you won't be there.
Pruitt has the same mindset. More than once he's indirectly stated the team is trash.

It'll get better. Heck, it already has. More wins than last year and fewer injuries. So cheer up 👍👍
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...then so is JG (thank God). I think it would be a rash decision, but perhaps his thinking is get a new OC in place to grow a new QB in a new scheme. No way he brings in a new OC and puts the 5 yard passer back on the field.
You hush your mouth!! Pruitt is the savior of UT football!!! Oh, also you have to give coach X ample amount of time to clean up the mess Pruitt left us in!!!!! Just getting a couple years head start on what the coach worshippers will be excuse making for the next bargain bin savior we have!!:)

Has Pruitt left us yet? Other than that slight snafu, you had a beautiful rant.
Pruitt told Hyams (I know, Hyams) that the reports are untrue. Im inclined to believe this. Its been one year & even Brian Maurer, our QB commit, has come out in support of him. Firing Helton sends a bad signal to recruits.
It has been mentioned along with Kiffin. Apparently no one cares about past troubles with these guys as long as Tennessee wins

We had plenty of trouble when we were winning. Ever hear of the Fulmer Cup?

Saturdays were much more fun back then for most fans.
/searches forum for the hundreds of posts demanding Helton be replaced

/reads threads upset that Helton is being replaced

/scratches head
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You can’t get over a $1M a year and have the 111th ranked offense in the country. Just can’t

With our roster and starting QB you can. May as well pay $100k to not look bad with the level of talent we have if a change plans to be made. I wonder if the play at QB has anything to do with the play calling looking disjointed. I hope the LOM's don't get their way.
Kiffin, Briles, Petrino, Freeze? Why not Charles Manson, Ted nauseum?
I think when folks mention wanting to slaughter other teams they arent being literal.

But Charles and Ted are dead. That coupled with the fact they didnt play much football (or appear to have any interest) would probably make them a bad fit here. Obviously not as bad a fit as Mike Leach but their personalities and extra curricular activities could potentially cause issues.

Of course if they'd work cheap the admin might be interested.
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