Favorite Drink of Choice at Tailgate Parties

Woodford Punch

-Iced Tea
-Limeade concentrate
-Orange juice concentrate
-Woodford Reserve (any bourbon'll do fine)

This is our tailgate and steeplechase staple. It starts out a little sweet, but over ice on a nice warm day, and it's perfect.
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JD!!!!!! To drink at games, I usually put airplane bottles in my bra. Classy, I know.
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My 3 favorites, depending on the time of day, before or after cooking burgers, hot dogs, etc.

1. Bud Lite (all day)
2. Jack & coke (after cooking)
3. Tequila shots (about an hour before leaving for the game, to get in the "right" mood!)

Beam and Coke...In a large glass...(cuts down on the refills)
Jack n Coke...at least till I run out of coke! Never run out of Jack! True drink of a Tennesseean...too bad I can't have it where I am now! :(
My 3 favorites, depending on the time of day, before or after cooking burgers, hot dogs, etc.

1. Bud Lite (all day)
2. Jack & coke (after cooking)
3. Tequila shots (about an hour before leaving for the game, to get in the "right" mood!)

Grey Goose Vodka with either cranberry, O.J. or tonic with lime and bottle of Nuvo for the ladies!!!!
bud light or bud light lime when i wake up then move to jack and coke or just straight jack pregame then shotgun a few beers right before game time
Wild Turkey 101
Captain Black

from the time you wake up till ur passed out after UT's victory

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