Empty Neyland Movement (#uncluttervolnation)

You are correct. It is your choice. Do you think those who have season tickets, but elect to not show up to games are really doing anything? They have already given their money to the AD.

Yes, they are letting, hopefully Currie, unless he is too dumb to see it, know that they are not ok with what is going on. If everybody just keeps going to the games just like everything is hunky dory, then who knows if he will do anything. It's all about the money, and maybe he'll get the message that there won't be that many getting season tickets next year if this coach is still around.
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Anybody that boycotts the game by not going is a LOSER!! These are kids and 1 of the main reasons they come to Tennessee is Neyland Stadium and the fans. If you are one of those boycotting, please go cheer for vandy. Their stadium is empty every game!!
Anybody that boycotts the game by not going is a LOSER!! These are kids and 1 of the main reasons they come to Tennessee is Neyland Stadium and the fans. If you are one of those boycotting, please go cheer for vandy. Their stadium is empty every game!!

Maybe the AD should trot out something that isn't putrid.
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Anybody that boycotts the game by not going is a LOSER!! These are kids and 1 of the main reasons they come to Tennessee is Neyland Stadium and the fans. If you are one of those boycotting, please go cheer for vandy. Their stadium is empty every game!!

63 posts
Not 🐟 that you are on here attacking people on this.
Tell Currie I said wake up.
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FSU has been playing with a half empty stadium the last few games, but Jimbo fisher is going nowhere -- it just shows FSU fans are bandwagon louts

That's because he's recognized as a very good coach and has a NC under his belt at FSU....

Everyone knows that FSUs problems began with the loss of Francois to injury....CBJ would've even gotten a pass on last year if DOBBS was injured.....

FSU played BAMA tougher than anyone but Clemson in the first game of the season.....

CBJ is NO jimbo Fisher.....and I don't even like FSU nor Fisher....
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That's because he's recognized as a very good coach and has a NC under his belt at FSU....

Everyone knows that FSUs problems began with the loss of Francois to injury....CBJ would've even gotten a pass on last year if DOBBS was injured.....

FSU played BAMA tougher than anyone but Clemson in the first game of the season.....

CBJ is NO jimbo Fisher.....and I don't even like FSU nor Fisher....

Jones didnt get a pass on the other 20 injured players though and what 10 are out for the season this year too -- and No he woudnt have got a pass if Dobbs would have been injured -- there were plenty of dolts on here hating on Dobbs --- It still doesnt give me a reason as to why FSU fans arent going to games though
If he gets fired for cause like he should be, you're right.

I agree that he should be. But even if it is without cause, it’s not because of this movement. Butch knew he was on his way out after SCar, you could tell by the demeanor change. No longer seems nervous or angry.
I agree that he should be. But even if it is without cause, it’s not because of this movement. Butch knew he was on his way out after SCar, you could tell by the demeanor change. No longer seems nervous or angry.

We're just trying to send a message that Crap Football is not ok.
If Butch gets fired, it won’t be this movement that did it.

Why do you think this Movement is about getting a victory in something?
It's not about who "wins" or "looses"

With Butch Jones as head coach we all loose.

Currie has screwed this whole thing up. Butch had ZERO reason to coach past Bama. Everyone can agree on that.

So now Tennessee is a laughing stock. He either fixes it or he looses some of the loyal $$$ spending fan base.
Anybody that boycotts the game by not going is a LOSER!! These are kids and 1 of the main reasons they come to Tennessee is Neyland Stadium and the fans. If you are one of those boycotting, please go cheer for vandy. Their stadium is empty every game!!

When you were 17 or 18, did you still consider yourself a kid? If you had called me a kid at that age, I would have laughed in your face. So many act immature and make bad choices, because knuckleheads like you call them kids. Yeah, they still have some maturing in front of them, but calling them kids is effing stupid.
Why do you think this Movement is about getting a victory in something?
It's not about who "wins" or "looses"

With Butch Jones as head coach we all loose.

Currie has screwed this whole thing up. Butch had ZERO reason to coach past Bama. Everyone can agree on that.

So now Tennessee is a laughing stock. He either fixes it or he looses some of the loyal $$$ spending fan base.

No YOU are the laughing stock. And you are too damn ignorant to realize it.
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Butch Jones STOLE checkered Neyland from the fans. Let's give him the fans vote on him.

Us as fans have a vote. I hope, hope, hope this has been enough for Currie. But let's show no doubt.

There is a #emptyneyland going. Fans get behind this leave no doubt on what we will tolerate.
We all are screaming to fire Butch, fire Currie.

It's simple join empty Neyland movement if Butch remains head coach through tomorrow midday.

This will force the change that is needed. And the fans only vote.

Burn tickets on social media. Tag in Currie,Jones,and sports media outlets.

We all support the players. Let's help them remove the man (Butch Jones) that is hurting their development and causing them losses.

Players walk out and see an empty stadium and you think they know it's because of the coaches? What world do you live in?

Not going to the games and keeping your money out of the university does send a message but to the players (WHO are the reason we as fans pay to come watch these splendid young athletes compete and bring home the wins) it sends a completely different message. Sorry but there are other ways to get the fans point across than this emptyneyland movement, and I actually feel sorry for the person that thought this up.
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Players walk out and see an empty stadium and you think they know it's because of the coaches? What world do you live in?

Not going to the games and keeping your money out of the university does send a message but to the players (WHO are the reason we as fans pay to come watch these splendid young athletes compete and bring home the wins) it sends a completely different message. Sorry but there are other ways to get the fans point across than this emptyneyland movement, and I actually feel sorry for the person that thought this up.
Ppl are treating like a poorly managed diner with bad over priced food. Ppl are done. Nothing to do with the waiters
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Is it wrong that I read your last few posts like Jesse Jackson is narrating?

When you were 17 or 18, did you still consider yourself a kid? If you had called me a kid at that age, I would have laughed in your face. So many act immature and make bad choices, because knuckleheads like you call them kids. Yeah, they still have some maturing in front of them, but calling them kids is effing stupid.

When I was 17 or 18, I didn't consider myself a kid, primarily because I was too stupid to realize I was still in fact a kid.

Any mistakes or poor decisions I made during that time was of my own doing, not because some older "knucklehead" called me a kid.
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