Don't understand Daniel Hood starting...

How is it any different than those who question whether the choice to go with Worley is the right one? Couch IS the better player. His ranking coming here bares that out...and his production since has done nothing to prove that to be wrong.

Even in the limited amount of playing time, in the AP game...he got a sack and had as many tackles as Hood did...with fewer snaps. I'm sure Coach Strip has his reasons, but Couch has 30+ lbs on Hood and his stats don't lie.

What difference does it make who's out there on the first play? CBJ rotates those guys constantly! The depth chart is pretty meaningless in his system. They ALL are getting plenty of reps.
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Research? Are you kidding? I just gave you "research"...stats don't lie. It would be different if Hood had some past production to base it on, but he's been here 4 yrs and has a small fraction of the tackles Couch had.

Bottom line we don't know, the coaches do. I was mainly trying to show an example of this situation that worked. It would not surprise me though if hood is moving better and simply outplayed couch to an extent. I remember when hood signed they said he had a great motor and that will go a long way on the line. Either way he got the nod over couch for a reason, and they will rotate a lot.
next to Big Mac. At 277lbs, he is woefully undersized as a DT. I could see it if Hood had used all 4yrs to get all rocked up and over 300lb by this point....but he hasn't.

Mo Couch is much bigger and the better athlete. Has been since he got on campus.

Hood starting at DT reminds me of the woeful DT depth we had in 2011, where Wilcox HAD to play DE's because we struck out at DT recruiting for a few years, there. I'd play Saulsberry before Hood...even if he (Hood) made a few plays in the AP game.

When we get to Oregon, if Hood is still starting at DT, instead of Couch, it's going to show. I don't think there is a single NFL scout looking at Hood. But Couch is another matter. Just shaking my head at Coach Strip's decision.

Sure he's the coach and all. I get that. But from a fan's perspective, I cannot figure out, for the life of me, why you would start an undersized guy, who has been behind Couch in the depth chart until this fall. Strip said he hasn't seen Couch until fall camp. So? Big freakin deal. He's started here before and fall camp is plenty enough time to make an assessment. It has been for lots of freshman. Why not a Senior?
I understand that you are coach and all... Oh wait. You're not at practice and you have no clue. This isn't the Fooley era, we have a coach that knows what he is doing and more importantly he cares. So, if Coach Jones thinks Hood should play, then it's fine by me.
Volornut...Hood was the defensive player of the game imo. Your argument is ignorant.
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Maybe they wanted to play a lot of players and they did just that. We have some big games coming up very soon. We will need as many players with playing time for the Oregon game. We can discuss what we feel need to be done lol we are the fans!!!!!! We know everything. :loco:
He has never outplayed Couch. Even as a backup with fewer snaps, Couch recorded a sack and had as many tackles as Hood.

If you watched any of the game, then you'd notice that Couch looked better in the game than Hood did...the tipped pass notwithstanding. And if you had watched any games the past few seasons, you'd see that Couch made a LOT more tackles than Hood. Hood had 7 tackles in 12 games last year. Couch had 38.

Summerhill averaged more yards per carry than Lane. He must be better
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Does it really matter at DL, you always play two deep. Couch will play the same as Hood. Maybe they want Couch in when Big Dan is out. In other words, they feel Hood is a better match with Dan most of the time. Make sense?
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Does it really matter at DL, you always play two deep. Couch will play the same as Hood. Maybe they want Couch in when Big Dan is out. In other words, they feel Hood is a better match with Dan most of the time. Make sense?

Or maybe Hood practiced harder and they're trying to motivate Couch.

Could be 100 reasons. I think this staff has got it under control :)
next to Big Mac. At 277lbs, he is woefully undersized as a DT. I could see it if Hood had used all 4yrs to get all rocked up and over 300lb by this point....but he hasn't.

Mo Couch is much bigger and the better athlete. Has been since he got on campus.

Hood starting at DT reminds me of the woeful DT depth we had in 2011, where Wilcox HAD to play DE's because we struck out at DT recruiting for a few years, there. I'd play Saulsberry before Hood...even if he (Hood) made a few plays in the AP game.

When we get to Oregon, if Hood is still starting at DT, instead of Couch, it's going to show. I don't think there is a single NFL scout looking at Hood. But Couch is another matter. Just shaking my head at Coach Strip's decision.

Sure he's the coach and all. I get that. But from a fan's perspective, I cannot figure out, for the life of me, why you would start an undersized guy, who has been behind Couch in the depth chart until this fall. Strip said he hasn't seen Couch until fall camp. So? Big freakin deal. He's started here before and fall camp is plenty enough time to make an assessment. It has been for lots of freshman. Why not a Senior?

Yeah, he play horrible Saturday night,not!!!!! Idiots on parade,this board never gets dull when anyone is allowed to start threads!! OP = DMF'R
Numb-nuts, I said in the very first post that I KNOW the call is the coaches to make, but that doesn't mean we all have to get in line and agree with every single roster move they may make. Our perspective as a fan can differ from theirs.

Idiots like you seem to think no one is allowed to have a differing opinion, as long as the coaches are still employed here. You bashed anyone here, for the past 3yrs for questioning some of the decisions Dooley made. Now that he's no longer coaching here, it's open season on him and everyone's free to bash every decision he made.

Plenty of folks here don't think Worley is the best QB of the bunch...some think Lane should be the starter. In case you haven't noticed....that's what these interweb forums are for, genius. For people to voice their opinion or concerns about the team.

VolorNuttin, thusfar, you're the only one throwing out insulting terminology with the exception of my throwing the Rainmain (oops, that was your misspelling), I mean Rainman back at you. In the beginning of this thread, it was a bunch of people exchanging opinions that differed from yours but you hyped it up by using insulting terminology. I'm not being holier than thou because I guarantee if you looked back far enough on some posts I've made, I'm just as guilty of the same. I'd like to think that I can be called on it and acknowledge it's true when it is true and at least try to act civil (for a while though I know I'd lapse sooner or later) and have the dignity to admit I'm wrong when I am.

Now back to Hood. Jones has reasons for starting him as has been stated. He did pretty good. As for if he'll do as well when we hit the heavyweights in CFB, that remains to be seen. But at least give the coaching staff the benefit of doubt and not denigrate our players. As for that QB and Cincinnati, Jones put the first guy in because he had shown better stuff. As time went on, the other QB demonstrated better suitability. That's no different than the GREAT Vince Lombardi starting Lamar McHan over eventual two time Super Bowl MVP Bart Starr, then switching later in the 1959 season changing his mind and pulled McHan in favor of Starr. That stuff happens. A player starts out fine, degrades for any number of reasons: injury, laziness, age, attitude, or ineffectiveness. So it's no great wonder or surprise that Jones switched QBs at Cincinnati. Sometimes a switch works miracles, sometimes a switch ends up being worse than the pulled player.

Hood for whatever reason Jones had, started, did fine, may be the best bet as a starter henceforth. Or he could be good enough so that when Couch is put in, Couch's abilities enter the game fresh, rough, and ready when he's most needed. You have your preference, but Jones calls the shots. No need to raise holy hell and name call people on the board just because some folks see things different than you.
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I believe it has a lot more to do with rotation more than anything. Start Hood and with the rotation you always have a fresh 300+ next to him. Either way they both need to play big for us. Go Vols
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next to Big Mac. At 277lbs, he is woefully undersized as a DT. I could see it if Hood had used all 4yrs to get all rocked up and over 300lb by this point....but he hasn't.

Mo Couch is much bigger and the better athlete. Has been since he got on campus.

Hood starting at DT reminds me of the woeful DT depth we had in 2011, where Wilcox HAD to play DE's because we struck out at DT recruiting for a few years, there. I'd play Saulsberry before Hood...even if he (Hood) made a few plays in the AP game.

When we get to Oregon, if Hood is still starting at DT, instead of Couch, it's going to show. I don't think there is a single NFL scout looking at Hood. But Couch is another matter. Just shaking my head at Coach Strip's decision.

Sure he's the coach and all. I get that. But from a fan's perspective, I cannot figure out, for the life of me, why you would start an undersized guy, who has been behind Couch in the depth chart until this fall. Strip said he hasn't seen Couch until fall camp. So? Big freakin deal. He's started here before and fall camp is plenty enough time to make an assessment. It has been for lots of freshman. Why not a Senior?

they are not pleased with Couch's consistency. Hood has been better all around
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On the pre-season depth chart, Couch was listed behind McCullers. That tells me that McCullers and Couch are both playing nose tackle/3 tech. This actually makes a ton of sense, because in the long run when the first team has to play 70 or 80 snaps, we wont have a huge drop off at that position because McCullers can't play all 70 snaps, but he can play 40. That leaves Couch to play 40, with the D line always having either McCullers or Couch on the field at all times rather than not. On big drives I'm sure they can come in together. Hood has proved that he can play, and O'brien has been really coming on.

All it takes is some research and logical thinking.
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Thread Summary: (1) OP can second guess coaches who's continued employment depends upon results on the field because this is a message board and as a member he can express any opinion he wishes.

(2) Anyone who disagrees with OP has no feeling in his testicles.

Did I miss anything?
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Thread Summary: (1) OP can second guess coaches who's continued employment depends upon results on the field because this is a message board and as a member he can express any opinion he wishes.

(2) Anyone who disagrees with OP has no feeling in his testicles.

Did I miss anything?

Lol. Great summary.
next to Big Mac. At 277lbs, he is woefully undersized as a DT. I could see it if Hood had used all 4yrs to get all rocked up and over 300lb by this point....but he hasn't.

Mo Couch is much bigger and the better athlete. Has been since he got on campus.

Hood starting at DT reminds me of the woeful DT depth we had in 2011, where Wilcox HAD to play DE's because we struck out at DT recruiting for a few years, there. I'd play Saulsberry before Hood...even if he (Hood) made a few plays in the AP game.

When we get to Oregon, if Hood is still starting at DT, instead of Couch, it's going to show. I don't think there is a single NFL scout looking at Hood. But Couch is another matter. Just shaking my head at Coach Strip's decision.

Sure he's the coach and all. I get that. But from a fan's perspective, I cannot figure out, for the life of me, why you would start an undersized guy, who has been behind Couch in the depth chart until this fall. Strip said he hasn't seen Couch until fall camp. So? Big freakin deal. He's started here before and fall camp is plenty enough time to make an assessment. It has been for lots of freshman. Why not a Senior?
Ridiculous post. Stick to your sofa or recliner. If you are still in school, hopefully you don't try to teach the class.
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Good grief. So, you're saying that those who think Peterman is the better QB...or Lane is the better RB than Neal....somehow must have a "man crush" in order to form that opinion? :loco: Pffft.

I watched the game twice, and again, I just want to see true DT's starting, rather than way undersized OL moved to DL just for depth.

You ever stop to think our coaches have Hood in the game with McCullers so when Couch comes in he is fresh. Seems like this would give the better option to keep better players on the field with subs. I mean if you have Dan and Mo on the field together who's anchoring the line when they run off? Just some food for thought
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Not hard to understand, OP. If you are serious anyway.

Malik Jackson at the same size and quickness came out of nowhere as a career back-up at USCw and played the same technique in the 4-3. He is in the NFL. Couch missed spring practice for the most part and is stronger, but not as quick, which is what the position needs. It is also about match-ups. When they get to the stronger teams they may in deed start Couch if the match-up is better. That's what they mean by being in the rotation. Even when one doesn't start they still get the first teamer amount of snaps in the rotation until a better match up comes along when they can start.

If you watched the D and the position at Cincy with this staff you would know this and not have to insult the football intelligence of many on here.
Rainmain...I already said I realize they are the coaches and it's their call. But that doesn't mean we can't opine from a fan's perspective. That's what these damn boards are for.

Plain and simple. Coaches see practice, conditioning, and work. Coaches know who should play and who shouldn't from week to week. Couch was injured a few weeks ago. Hood has worked hard, and was close to 300 lbs. The strength and conditioning program has worked on him as he has dropped over 20 lbs. (his words) listen to locker room radio after the game!
Most important, so listen up. Coaches know more than we do! :clapping:


Come on, man. Are you seriously going to tell me you aren't concerned somewhat by having a guy who was a 2* recruit, moved from OL to DL for depth purposes...and has a whopping total of 17 tackles in 3yrs...starting at DT? Maybe the staff is trying to send a message to Couch. Who knows, but all I am saying is that it is one spot on the team that should have us concerned.

So basically you are calling BJ and Strip boneheads for saying Hood should start over Couch.

On the pre-season depth chart, Couch was listed behind McCullers. That tells me that McCullers and Couch are both playing nose tackle/3 tech. This actually makes a ton of sense, because in the long run when the first team has to play 70 or 80 snaps, we wont have a huge drop off at that position because McCullers can't play all 70 snaps, but he can play 40. That leaves Couch to play 40, with the D line always having either McCullers or Couch on the field at all times rather than not. On big drives I'm sure they can come in together. Hood has proved that he can play, and O'brien has been really coming on.

All it takes is some research and logical thinking.

Get out with your sensical logic and stuff. Not allowed here.

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